Android Question Write to Excel file and print it


Licensed User
Hi everybody,
I'm quite new at B4A...I have some skills with VB, but I found B4A more difficult.
I have to create an app which basically has to do two tasks:

1- Open an existing Excel file, previously created
2- Write some cells
3- Print the file, for example with a printer connected with CloudPrint.

Could someone help me with the code?
I tried reading all related tutorials about using Excel library and CloudPrint, but I have some difficulties


Licensed User
It is the one I have already read; the code written in the post is ok...but the example it's not so easy.
Why there is a "table" class? Is it necessary?
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Licensed User
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Licensed User
Thank you DonManfred, I have searched me too for a solution and that thread seems the most suitable for my case. Sorry if I make lot of questions, but I am really newbie with the forum and B4A. And sorry for my poor english
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Sorry if I make lot of questions, but I am really newbie with the forum and B4A.

No problem. Just create a new thread for any new question.

And sorry for my poor english
It is better than the english of some others here ;-) At least i was able to understand ;-)
English is not my native language too.
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