Still struggling to write to a file on the tablet, although i switched to USB debugging now.
No SD card involved in the app.
May I paint the broader picture, because I have 2 "connected" problems, and as i have finished part of the code already,
i would like to avoid embarking on the wrong path.
Simplified to the extreme: the user has a tablet, sitting in the jungle all day long. The tablet is showing buttons and perhaps a drop down combo.
The buttons have pictures of animals (lion, tiger, zebra...) and each time he sees one , he pushes that button, and selects (sleeping, eating, just sitting) from the drop down list. Also a timer is active an marks the number of secs since the activity_create.
Problem 1: how do i keep the list in memory, it can become long. For the moment i have declared an array(1000, ...) as string,
but maybe a "list" takes up less resources, and i could save every observation as a string: "56 secs, Lion, sleeping"
Or the SQL option, but that seems to be overkill, look at problem 2.
Problem 2: at the end of the day, this "list" has to be written to an xml file, that needs to be uploaded and processed somewhere else.
What would be the best route ?