Hi All,
From reading the threads on the forum this is a long standing issue.
The following code should show today's date but before 10:00AM I get yesterdays date. My time zone is +10, but I thought "DateTime.SetTimeZone(0)" sorted this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Regards Roger
From reading the threads on the forum this is a long standing issue.
The following code should show today's date but before 10:00AM I get yesterdays date. My time zone is +10, but I thought "DateTime.SetTimeZone(0)" sorted this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Regards Roger
Sub Date_click
Dim now As Long
now = DateTime.now
Msgbox("The date is: " & DateTime.Date(now) & CRLF & _
"The time is: " & DateTime.time(now), "")
End Sub
Dim now As Long
now = DateTime.now
Msgbox("The date is: " & DateTime.Date(now) & CRLF & _
"The time is: " & DateTime.time(now), "")
End Sub