Do anyone can help me to solve this strange problem?
The prolem is present only when the service is loading at boot.
I have a service doing something like this:
Dim Ok as boolean
Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)
Sub CheckSettings
Sub Controller
The problem is that the services A or B are launched, I can see them in the applications list but they doesn't works, even IsPaused returns True, in the activity I must call CallSub(Starter,"Controller") twice an then they works, the last solution, that I don't like indeed, is the following:
Sub Controller
In this case everything goes fine.
I tried also to put all in a service different instead of Starter but it's all the same, the service Starter is loading at boot in foreground, the other two not.
Many thanks in advance.
The prolem is present only when the service is loading at boot.
I have a service doing something like this:
Dim Ok as boolean
Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)
End SubController
Sub CheckSettings
If 1 = 1 then Ok = true
End SubSub Controller
If Ok then
End SubStartService(A)
End IfThe problem is that the services A or B are launched, I can see them in the applications list but they doesn't works, even IsPaused returns True, in the activity I must call CallSub(Starter,"Controller") twice an then they works, the last solution, that I don't like indeed, is the following:
Sub Controller
If Ok then
End SubStopService(A)
End IfStartService(B)
In this case everything goes fine.
I tried also to put all in a service different instead of Starter but it's all the same, the service Starter is loading at boot in foreground, the other two not.
Many thanks in advance.