Android Question xCustomListView and TouchEvents


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Hi there!

I am using xCustomListView ( for building an app with the idea to be ported to iOS in a future.

In a xCustomListView i load some panels that if they are touched they change their color.
The problem appears when i touch a panel and at the same time i scroll the xCustomListView: in this case the touched panel doesn't revert back to it's original (unpressed) colour.

For avoiding this i modified the xCustomListView class by adding:

Dim S As Reflector
S.Target = sv 

and also:
Private Sub sv_Touch (o As Object, ACTION As Int, x As Float, y As Float, motion As Object) As Boolean

    If ACTION = 1 Then 'ACTION_UP -
        If xui.SubExists(CallBack, EventName & "_TouchUP", 0) Then
            CallSubDelayed(CallBack, EventName & "_TouchUP")
        End If
    End If
    Return False
End Sub

On android works perfectly but i suppose this is not going to work on iOS (I dont' have an iOS yet to test).

My question is: are there more efficient and more cross platform oriented solutions for handling this problem?