Created a B4J Version of the atHome B4A App.
Items in the xCLV are created using sub below (example for weather tabpage).
All labels manually changed to a B4XView.
The property TextSize of a Label (B4XView) is increased.
If NOT assigning the Color property, the TextSize does not change.
Is this a bug or is there another way of setting the TextSize for a B4XView.
NO Change
Change OK
Items in the xCLV are created using sub below (example for weather tabpage).
All labels manually changed to a B4XView.
The property TextSize of a Label (B4XView) is increased.
If NOT assigning the Color property, the TextSize does not change.
Is this a bug or is there another way of setting the TextSize for a B4XView.
LabelWeatherItemName.TextSize = 24
LabelWeatherItemName.TextSize = 24
LabelWeatherItemName.Color = xui.Color_White
' Create a WeatherItem for the xCustomListView
' [Label Name][Label Data]
' The item is created from the list containing the weather idx
' The labels are manually changed to a B4XView Object
Private Sub CreateWeatherItem(iv As WeatherItemValue) As B4XView
' Create a panel holding the labels
Dim p As B4XView = xui.createpanel("")
' Load the layout with the two labels
p.Color = xui.Color_White
'Set properties of the labels
LabelWeatherItemName.Height = Constants.CLVITEMHEIGHTWEATHER
LabelWeatherItemData.Height = Constants.CLVITEMHEIGHTWEATHER
LabelWeatherItemName.TextSize = 24
LabelWeatherItemName.Color = xui.Color_White
LabelWeatherItemData.TextSize = 24
LabelWeatherItemData.Color = xui.Color_White
' Assign the labels to the type
iv.Idx = ""
iv.Name = LabelWeatherItemName
iv.Data = LabelWeatherItemData
' Return the panel
Return p
End Sub