Hi all,
I'm using xCuxtomListView to create a list view and I'm using the ReachEnd event to update the list with possible new items.
But if Listview height is less than screen height the Reachview Event dosen't start.
This is the case where I have only one item or two.
How can i use ReachEnd event in this case? Or witch event can I use?
i looked into source code of customlistview i had from xcustomlistview.zip here https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...listview-cross-platform-customlistview.84501/
emm, the scrollview have only the ScrollChanged event.. and did not raised if the list is smaller than the screen.
the other events seems only happen for each existing item, so not in the blank area.
so at least you can add empty items that will raise your ReachEnd
or add one item at the end with text "update list" and you get a ItemClick event and there you can do whatever you like.
ReachEnd is raised when the user scrolls to the end. You should start with filling the list with enough items to make it scrollable. How do you decide how many items to add?
when I use ReachEnd I need to add new items after last item without recreate all the list. So I can't fill the list with blank items enough to make it scrollable, otherwise i'll put new item after all blank items used previously to fill list.
I think I need to use a button to refresh.....