Erel said in the tutorial video that xCustomListView is fast enough if there are not so much items (< 1000) to show.
I've now switched from a "normal" ListView (which has shown about 300 records from a SQLite database in less than 1-2 seconds) to a xCustomListView ...
However, the xCustomListView needs about 34 seconds to show the same items (that's too long for the app)!
It concerns the representation of the following information from the SQLite:
6 text fields and 2 links to pictures (they are in an internal folder).
Here is the code:
I have packed a small example app as a zip-file for testing, but unfortunately I can not upload it because it's too large (743 kB). If someone wants to test it, I am happy to send the file via e-mail.
(Or can somebody tell me how to split the zip-file?)
Can someone tell me why xCustomListView needs such a long time to show only 300 items ...?
I've now switched from a "normal" ListView (which has shown about 300 records from a SQLite database in less than 1-2 seconds) to a xCustomListView ...
However, the xCustomListView needs about 34 seconds to show the same items (that's too long for the app)!
It concerns the representation of the following information from the SQLite:
6 text fields and 2 links to pictures (they are in an internal folder).
Here is the code:
#Region Project Attributes
#ApplicationLabel: B4A Example
#VersionCode: 1
'SupportedOrientations possible values: unspecified, landscape or portrait.
#SupportedOrientations: unspecified
#CanInstallToExternalStorage: False
#End Region
#Region Activity Attributes
#FullScreen: False
#IncludeTitle: True
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
Dim Cursor As Cursor
End Sub
Sub Globals
Private xCustomListView As CustomListView
Private Panel_003a_Label_Ueberschrift As Label '-- eine Initialisierung ist zwar unnötig, aber bei der Ausführung der App wird ein ERROR generiert --
Private Panel_003a_Label_001 As Label
Private Panel_003a_ImageView_014 As ImageView
Private Panel_003a_Label_002 As Label
Private Panel_003a_ImageView_009 As ImageView
Private Panel_003a_Label_014 As Label
Private Panel_003a_Label_Hinweis As Label
Private Panel_003a_Label_004 As Label
Private Panel_003a_Label_IDNR As Label
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Log("Kopiere die Datenbank in File.DirRootExternal")
File.Copy(File.DirAssets, "SQLite_MUSTER.sl3", _
File.DirRootExternal, "SQLite_MUSTER.sl3")
Log("Datenbank in File.DirRootExternal kopiert!")
If FirstTime Then
SQL1.Initialize(File.DirRootExternal, "SQLite_MUSTER.sl3", True)
End If
If SQL1.IsInitialized = False Then
SQL1.Initialize(File.DirRootExternal, "SQLite_MUSTER.sl3", True)
End If
SQL1.Initialize(File.DirRootExternal, "SQLite_MUSTER.sl3", True)
'-- Überschrift einfügen und View initialisieren --
Panel_003a_Label_001.Initialize("CreateListItem") '-- eine Initialisierung ist zwar unnötig, aber bei der Ausführung der App wird ein ERROR generiert --
Cursor = SQL1.ExecQuery ("SELECT * FROM MUSTER_Tabelle")
For i = 0 To Cursor.RowCount - 1
Cursor.Position = i
'-- Zähler für die Auswahlliste generieren --
Dim Counter As String
Counter = i +1
'-- die xCustomListView aufbauen --
xCustomListView.Add(CreateListItem(Panel_003a_Label_Ueberschrift.Text, Activity.Width, 315dip), ""&Cursor.GetString("IDNR")&"")
'-- wenn keine Internet-Adresse vorhanden ist -- Feld007 --
If Cursor.GetString("Feld007") = "- keine Internet-Adresse -" Then
Panel_003a_Label_Ueberschrift.Text = " "&Counter&". Datensatz ist OHNE Internet-Zugang"
Panel_003a_Label_Ueberschrift.Color = Colors.Red
Else If Cursor.GetString("Feld007") = "" Then
Panel_003a_Label_Ueberschrift.Text = " "&Counter&". Datensatz ist OHNE Internet-Zugang"
Panel_003a_Label_Ueberschrift.Color = Colors.Red
Panel_003a_Label_Ueberschrift.Text = " "&Counter&". Datensatz ist MIT Internet-Zugang"
Panel_003a_Label_Ueberschrift.Color = Colors.Blue
End If
'-- Daten_in_die_xCustomListView_einfuegen --
Log(""&Counter&". Datensatz gelistet")
End Try
End Sub
Sub xCustomListView_ItemClick (Index As Int, Value As Object)
Activity.Title = Value
End Sub
Sub Daten_in_die_xCustomListView_einfuegen
'-- Daten in die Textelder zuweisen --
Panel_003a_Label_001.Text = ""&Cursor.GetString("Feld001")&""
Panel_003a_Label_002.Text = "Benutzer:"&CRLF&""&Cursor.GetString("Feld002")&""
Panel_003a_Label_004.Text = "Kategorie:"&CRLF&""&Cursor.GetString("Feld004")&""
Panel_003a_Label_IDNR.Text = "ID: "&Cursor.GetString("IDNR")&""
'-- Eigenes Bild zuweisen -- Feld014 --
Log("Eigenes Bild zuweisen - Feld014: "&Cursor.GetString("Feld014")&"")
If File.Exists(File.DirAssets, ""&Cursor.GetString("Feld014")&"") Then
Panel_003a_Label_014.Text = "Ein Bild ist vorhanden"
Panel_003a_ImageView_014.Bitmap = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, ""&Cursor.GetString("Feld014"))
Panel_003a_Label_014.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT
Panel_003a_Label_014.Text = "Es ist KEIN Bild vorhanden!"
End If
'-- Kategorie-Icon zuweisen -- Feld009 --
Log("Kategorie-Icon zuweisen - Feld009: "&Cursor.GetString("Feld014")&"")
If File.Exists(File.DirAssets, ""&Cursor.GetString("Feld009")&"") Then
Log("If FILE EXISTST ==> "&File.Exists(File.DirAssets, ""&Cursor.GetString("Feld009")&"")&"")
Panel_003a_Label_014.Text = "Ein Bild ist vorhanden"
Panel_003a_ImageView_009.Bitmap = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, ""&Cursor.GetString("Feld009"))
Panel_003a_Label_014.Typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT
Panel_003a_Label_004.Text = "Es ist KEIN Kategorie-Bild vorhanden!"
Log("Inhalt von Feld009: "&Cursor.GetString("Feld009")&"")
Log("Es ist KEIN Kategorie-Bild vorhanden!")
End If
End Sub
Sub CreateListItem(Text As String, Width As Int, Height As Int) As Panel
Dim p As Panel
p.SetLayout(0, 0, Width, Height)
Panel_003a_Label_001.Text = Text
Return p
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
I have packed a small example app as a zip-file for testing, but unfortunately I can not upload it because it's too large (743 kB). If someone wants to test it, I am happy to send the file via e-mail.
(Or can somebody tell me how to split the zip-file?)
Can someone tell me why xCustomListView needs such a long time to show only 300 items ...?