B4J Question XCustomlistview resize column

Chris Lee

Licensed User
Hi, I'm enjoying the Xcustomlistview, but I'm wondering how can I set the width of a column in code at a later time after the column has been created?


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Get the Pane and set its size.

Dim p As Pane
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Chris Lee

Licensed User
The list itself is fine it expands using anchors to fill the space available, I have created a list with two columns. I want the second column to retain its width as set by the user. The first column should expand to fill the remaining space. The second column will basically end up at the far right. I know how to calculate this, I just don't know how to adjust the width of the columns in code.

I might be going about it the wrong way, maybe anchors in the columns? but I'm not sure how to get to the columns objects either. I'm creating the list in code rather than using the designer.
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