Android Question XCustomListView Scroll to bottom does not


Licensed User
Longtime User
If you Scroll to the bottom of a XCustomListView then you end up being one up from the bottom,

I wrote this post out much better but Earl deleted it as it was on a post with the same issues 5 months old.

but this is basically the code.

CLVPoolTC.ScrollToItem(CLVPoolTC.size-1 )

the last item ends up off the screen at the bottom and not visible, the second to last one is at the bottom


Licensed User
Longtime User
It should work .. unless the xCLV is on a badly sized panel maybe.

Can you upload your project .. or a small sample highlighting the problem. File > Export as Zip
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Licensed User
Longtime User
thanks for your reply,
it does not seem to be the case as if i make the panel 5px smaller it still does the same thing, if you keep adding and scrolling to the bottom using the code i posted above it seems to go to the second one up every time, you dont actually notice it as it lines up the one above perfectly untill you try and scroll up and then see one more.

its 2:30am so ill have to try and cut out and making a working sample tomorrow.
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