Android Code Snippet Using xCustomListView

This is a part of my Code Snippets collection, needed in many projects. There are many cases, where xCustomListView is the best way to show a list of data.

The data I like to load into a list of a self defined type as first step from a file, a database or a server/cloud. Only from there as second step data will be shown in the CustomListView. Here the user can see, edit, delete or add data and in the end, the new data will be saved to file/database or uploaded to server/cloud. See also Using SQLite.

Filling a list from SQLite database:
Sub Class_Globals
    Type PersonType(ID As Int, Name As String, age as Short)
End Sub

'This example returns a persons list from database with an age filter
Private Sub GetPersons() As List
    Dim rs As ResultSet
    rs = SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Person WHERE [age] BETWEEN 18 AND 35")
    Dim li As List : li.Initialize
    Do While rs.NextRow
        li.Add(CreatePersonType(rs.GetInt("ID"), rs.GetString("Name"), rs.GetInt("age")))
    Return li
End Sub

'you can create this Sub moving the mouse cursor over Type definition
Private Sub CreatePersonType(ID As Int, Name As String, age as Short)
    Dim t As PersonType : t.Initialize
    t.ID = ID
    t.Name = Name
    t.age = age
    return t
End Sub

Showing this list in CustomListView:
Private Sub ShowPersons()
    dim li as List = GetPersons()
    dim iWidth as int = clvPersons.AsView.Width, iHeight as int = 60dip 'look in the created layout for .Top and .Height values of the views, to calculate the Item-Height that is needed!
    For Each t As PersonType In li
       clvPersons.Add(CreatePersonItem(t, iWidth, iHeight), t)
End Sub

Private Sub CreatePersonItem(t as PersonType, width As Int, height As Int) As B4XView
    Dim p As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("")
    p.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, width, height)
    p.LoadLayout("viewItmPerson") 'Create a layout "viewItmPerson" in designer with Labels "lblItmName" and "lblItmAge"
    lblItmName.Text =
    lblItmAge.Text = t.age
    Return p
End Sub

Private Sub clvPersons_ItemClick (Index As Int, Value As Object)
     dim t as PersonType = Value
     'do something with the user choice ...
End Sub

If there are hundreds or thousands of items, Lazy Loading is a better way. We create empty items and only the area on the display is loaded.
Showing list with Lazy Loading:
Sub BuildListItems(li As List)
    Dim iWidth As Int = clvPersons.AsView.Width, iHeight As Int = 60dip
    For Each t As PersonType In li

     Dim Pnl As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel(Null) 'Create a new B4X View
     Pnl.Color = xui.Color_White 'Set the background color to white
     Pnl.SetLayoutAnimated(0dip, 0dip, 0dip, iWidth, iHeight) 'Set the list position and dimensions
     clvPersons.Add(Pnl, t)

End Sub

Sub clvPersons_VisibleRangeChanged (FirstIndex As Int, LastIndex As Int) 'LL, Lazy Loading
    If FirstIndex > 0 And FirstIndex = LastIndex Then Return
    Dim ExtraSize As Int = 25 'Add 25 items at a time, this can be changed to suite your requirements
    For i = Max(0, FirstIndex - ExtraSize) To Min(LastIndex + ExtraSize, clvItems.Size - 1) 'Loop for adding/removing your items layout to or from the list
        Dim Pnl As B4XView = clvPersons.GetPanel(i) 'Declare a new B4XView
        If i > FirstIndex - ExtraSize And i < LastIndex + ExtraSize Then 'Add a new item to the list
            If Pnl.NumberOfViews = 0 Then 'Add items to the list
                Dim t As PersonType  = clvPersons.GetValue(i) 'Get your custom Type
            End If
        Else 'Remove items from the list
            If Pnl.NumberOfViews > 0 Then
                Pnl.RemoveAllViews 'Remove none visible item from the main xCLV layout
            End If
        End If
End Sub
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Lucas Siqueira

Active Member
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Longtime User
You did a great job!

Here is an example of loading a clv, with data coming from an api with json data.



Licensed User
Longtime User
You did a great job!

Here is an example of loading a clv, with data coming from an api with json data.

View attachment 158145

Brazilian Rial is going up!!