Android Question Xposed Framework API for B4a

Andrei E

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello beginners and advanced B4a's users
Can anybody tell about wrapping a 3rd-party java libraryes?

P.S. I'm trying to convert Xposed Framework into the B4a but without any luck
Here's the xda thread about xposed (
My tools: Eclipse Kepler KSR1 build 20130919-0819, Eclipse ADT 22.0.1-685705 and [Tool] SLC 1.0

Andrei E

Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks Erel
I'm already watch this video and tuto, but no luck
I'm also try to console compilation but no luck too
javac.exe -d "bin/classes" -bootclasspath "../android-sdk/platforms/android-8/android.jar" -Xmaxerrs 1 -nowarn -Xlint:none -J-Xmx512m  -target 1.5 -source 1.5 -version -encoding UTF-8 -sourcepath src -cp "../Program Files (x86)/Anywhere Software/Basic4android/Libraries/B4AShared.jar";"../Program Files (x86)/Anywhere Software/Basic4android/Libraries/Core.jar" "src/com/info/mzimmermann/libxposed/"
cd bin/classes
jar cvf "../../jar/LXTools.jar" "com/info/mzimmermann/libxposed/LXTools.class"
javadoc.exe -doclet BADoclet -docletpath "doclet/"  -bootclasspath "../android-sdk/platforms/android-8/android.jar" -classpath "../Program Files (x86)/Anywhere Software/Basic4android/Libraries/B4AShared.jar";"../Program Files (x86)/Anywhere Software/Basic4android/Libraries/Core.jar" -sourcepath src -b4atarget "xml/LXTools.xml" -b4aignore ""

Is there any chanse to compile it for B4a usage or not?
Thanks for your time
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