From the B2Box manual chapter 8.2 joint definition: "However, these initialization functions should usually only be used for prototyping. Production code should define the geometry directly. This will
make joint behavior more robust."
I will have a look into the included project and to set the parameters not via the initialization, if possible.
It is not a wrapper issue. The wrapper doesn't affect the simulation. Small details matter here. If you create the exact same settings then it will behave exactly the same.
i am at work and have not b4j so i cannot try it but why dont u try to create the boxes programmatically like i do in my project.
try to put the same settings and look for the result.
i have tried your last example (post #27) and i dont see any issue. the chain physics simulation looks fine. although i only changed gravity to -20 on the y axisbut even with -10 its fine. what are u trying to get?? do you have an example of what u want to get?
The b4x Version is fine for me. As said it is just testing around to see what I am able to do. Still beginning in the learning process.
And I saw that the result was not as expexted for a rigid chain looks like a rubber band and joints can easily rupped. Same in the 'Joint example' when tooo much donuts are on the bridge the joints will not hold the pieces in place.
I saw a very strange ragdoll behavior of my tests when the doll is hoding the hands and feets to something. If you aply a small force to the body and the arms and legs gets dismantled I thought what I did wrong with the revjoint?
I was then taking the chain since the small problem (3 joints only) of an arm will be may be more visible in a chain with much more links than 3 in a row.
As I wrote, both jbox2d and XUI2D are based on the exact same code. The only difference is in the exposed API. The physical simulation will be exactly the same if you make the exact same settings. There aren't any adjustments in the wrapper.
The chain 'angle interval' in your project is set to 5. Set it to 1 for smoother movement.