B4A Library YouTube library


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Erel, do you think it would be possible to wrap the YouTubePlayerView? I've tried but the activity in which you want to use the view needs to extend the YouTubeBaseActivity.


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I get an error:
Compiling generated Java code. 0.47
Convert byte code - optimized dex. Error
A referenced library is missing: youtubeandroidplayerapi

Vincenzo Fabiano

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When i try to play some Video, Youtube app crash! Why? With other video i have no problem.. Sorry for my bad english.

Video Problem = ?v=SOeOPlsXh3s

Test Phone = Galaxy s4 and Sony Miro.

EDIT: App no more crashes but YouTube report: "Si è verificato un errore con la rete (500)"
Last edited:

Vincenzo Fabiano

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Sorry Erel, problem is solved! Google change our services (api key), and YouTube Api were disabled! (Service now is called Google Cloude)

Ratna Fang

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hi erel,
is it possible to retrieve image thumbnail, title, and video ID from a given youtube playlist ID?

i'm searching the way to make a listview based on a PlaylistID

Ratna Fang

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Longtime User
thanks alot, erel
i'll learn more from your example, imagedownloader or flickrviewer

Shahid Saeed

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I am in a similar situation, I am using a splash screen, and app is setup for Full Screen portrait mode, when you play a video it opens in landscape full screen and when quit video the APP restarts and this time stays at splash screen.

I have tried to handle through pause sub, resume sub but no luck; Here is the code for your reference:

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    If FirstTime Then   
    isFirst = True   
    End If
    SplashTimer.Initialize("SplashTimer", 4000)
    SplashTimer.Enabled = True
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume   
    If isFirst = False Then   
        Dim pnl As Panel = BayanList.GetPanel(posBayan-1)
        If pnllist.Size > 0 Then
        For i = 0 To pnllist.Size-1
            Dim p As Panel = pnllist.Get(i)
            p.Color = Colors.Transparent
        End If
        pnl.Color = pnlBG       
    End If   
End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
    If UserClosed = True Then
    End If
    posBayan = posBayan
    isFirst = False    
End Sub

Sub SplashTimer_Tick   
    SplashTimer.Enabled = False
End Sub

Shahid Saeed

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can i view youtube in fullscreen??
Yes, you can view YouTube in full screen mode.

Full Screen view
Sub PlayVideo_Click
 YouTube.StartVideo("AIzaSyxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", _"0xdZXOM_Otc", 0, True, True)
End Sub

Lightbox Portrait view
Sub PlayVideo_Click
 YouTube.StartVideo("AIzaSyxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", _"0xdZXOM_Otc", 0, False, True)
End Sub
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