Android Question Zebra RFD8500 - Bluetooth - ZETI


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After encountering the near impossibility to setup a SPP Bluetooth communication from an IOS device to this scanner I moved to Android using B4A.

With help from the Bluetooth example from Erel I was able to setup a connect to and communicate with the scanner.

In case somebody needs to do a similar job I would like to post my progress and possible questions.

No prefix for the AsyncStreams
AStream.Initialize(Main.serial1.InputStream, Main.serial1.OutputStream, "AStream")

The serial port needs to use a different UUID than the default one
serial1.Connect2(connectedDevice.Mac, "2AD8A392-0E49-E52C-A6D2-60834C012263")

Sending a connect request to the device
Dim s As String = "cn " & CRLF

Since the scanner doesn't use prefixes I hope it will be obvious when a response has been sent from the scanner and it is done pushing data...
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