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How do you test the Zorder value for 2 panels for tracking purposes? I am hoping I don't have to set the visible property when I send to back just have a trackable property.


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There is no Zorder property in Android.
You can call View.SendToBack or View.BringToFront to change the Zorder.

I don't want to change the order as I have already done that using sendtoback and bringtofront in several place. At a certain place in the code I need to know the current status of the zorder without creating a state machine. I guess I will have to monitor the state myself but I was hoping a simple property would have solved that for me.
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I ended up using the panel.tag property whenever I use SendToBack or BringToFront and assigned it a 0 or 1 so I can check the status in code which panel is at the front.
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Hi all,
I add a close question to this subject: "is it possible to define the Z-order at design level?"
I' adding images to a panel and in Design the layer is given by the order of inseritng and I don't know how to control them.

What is the behavior if an image is in a Panel and not in the Activity? the sendtoback and brigtofront work in the panel or in the activity?


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You can change the zorder in the designer by choosing Tools - Bring to front.

What is the behavior if an image is in a Panel and not in the Activity? the sendtoback and brigtofront work in the panel or in the activity?
SendToBack and BringToFront work in the scope of the view's parent. Panel in this case.
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thanks Erel,
I do not remember this menu but I'll check.

another question (i think related) is the following:
If in a panel I've only an imageview and I want that the touch event should pass trough the IW to the panel, what I've to do? (I want to move the image moving the panel)


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in Expression Blend, the tree of the 'Views' is in ZOrder. This way you can see what is on what (top most). In the Designer, it the combo of the 'Views' appears to be in alpha order. Is there a way to see this in ZOrder? Or adding a radio to change back and forth?
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