Have all the librarys and it Just dosent seem to work? So is it B4J the problem or the ZX 48K download the problem?
Reading the code dosent seem to highlight or show any syntax errors.
So im getting the X2Bodywrapper error shown in my Screen capture!?
Would of been a nice way to ease in to B4J with the Speccy Emulator to play with.
Ill keep an Eye on the thread just incase someone spots the error in X2. Or knows why it dosent work.
If anyone knows how to sort the error or maybe actually like to try the Download of the ZX Spectrum Emulator In the Showcase for B4J. And try and see if they get the same error starting from scratch. Id much appreciate the help.
I dont know why im getting the error, and i don't think im doing anything wrong.
When i came accross the Emulator show casing B4J, I just had to try it. Love the look and feel of B4J for a programming enviroment. The Emulator would of kept my interest in trying to learn B4J.
Im by no means new to programming by the way! Just B4J and it's Java like Syntax.
Kindest Regards Lee