Hi, I'm working with zxScannerLiveView on test app not in landscape mode.
I setted this parameters to center the activity,
Activity.AddView(zxslv,0%x, 15%y, 100%x, 55%y)
but the viewfinder (camview_scanner_frame.9.png) is not centered on every smartphone (See the image).
I want to set the activity 100% in width(x) and 50%(y) in height.
Ho I can set this image centered ?
Thank you.
I setted this parameters to center the activity,
Activity.AddView(zxslv,0%x, 15%y, 100%x, 55%y)
but the viewfinder (camview_scanner_frame.9.png) is not centered on every smartphone (See the image).
I want to set the activity 100% in width(x) and 50%(y) in height.
Ho I can set this image centered ?
Thank you.