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Necesito pasar código B4a a B4i. Dispongo de los códigos en B4a. Por favor, indicar precio y tiempo de ejecución
Hi Emexes
I am so curious if you have had the time to test Erel's little snippet.
Is it something in my setup or did I find a real problem ?
Estimado te compre elavate Ui hace dos dias y aun sin link de descraga
Estimado, ya se solucionó al parecer no había ingresado a su cuenta cuando realizó la compra por favor descargue cuando guste el link está en su perfil de usuario
Ricardo Gonzalez Gaete
Ricardo Gonzalez Gaete
Gracias por la ayuda, Fernando tengo un error me reclama por bclipboard donde la obtnego

I updated the OpenAI library so that it returns output instead of saving files.

It works as a module in the attached code. I have not made it back into a library because I wanted it checked and did not want to step on toes.

It is in the attached code. Please check it and publish it as the updated OpenAI library if that suits you.

My # is 307.630.7682 if you want to chat.

Thank you,



    6.7 KB · Views: 168
Hi Aeric, Good Afternoon, I just watched your microblog example, this is my little question. Are you thinking in selling it as a final product.
Thanks in advance for your insight.

Best Regards
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No plan for the moment.
Yes! For celebrating my 10 years on B4X forum, I decided to offer project shao for $10.
Offer will be last for 10 days.
If anyone have missed the last offer, I have decided to extend the offer for 1 more time.

In conjunction of 11-11 (11 November), I will offer the price for $11 for order made on 11 November 2024 (-1 and +1 day).

Meaning only 3 days offer following GMT+8 timezone.

Don't miss it again.
Hello, remove this lines from the code to use only the FCM topic.

Thanks a lot Frost Codes. I tried as you said and it worked. If I get stuck again, I'll come back for your help ?
Josejad... Buen día. Necesito un ejemplo rápido para conectar mi aplicación, con base de datos local de MSSQL server .
Hi, I'm developing a MQTT ioT solution similar to your. How you keep MQTT active when app is in background?
Hi Declan - in your recent post about Google Maps not working, you publicly posted your GoogleMaps API. You might want to edit that :).

I also am having the same Google Maps issue - lets hope it is resolved soon.

Best regards,
Sorry for creating a lot of "new" threads from my "old" projects.
Those projects have been growing so big that I think it is more helpful to separate some of the dependencies.
I think it is more easy to read and search in the future.

Not executing the db query and activity was sent back to the main activity​

Sir I am also facing the problem for many days, if you know any solution please let me know
main Page
Sub Process_Globals
Private const rdcLink As String = ""
Dim req As DBRequestManager
End Sub
... se ti può servire nel file allegato trovi circa 4200 postazioni autovelox tra fisse e mobili... oltre alle coordinate sono segnalati anche i limiti di velocità...


  • autovelox.txt
    99.3 KB · Views: 213
... quelle descritte sopra sono informazioni necessarie per determinare parte dell'errore relativo alla precisione e pertanto devo accontentarmi di quello che ho anche se collaboratori e amici che utilizzano il mio sistema (aggiungo: nato per tutt'altra cosa) sono soddisfatti più del sottoscritto...
... probabilmente avevo delle attese troppo alte sulla precisione della posizione che sono state mitigate dalle troppe variabili in gioco e, a dire il vero, ancora oggi non ho trovato un navigatore che mi soddisfi, tanto vale utilizzare le API di Google Maps & C .ma, appunto, dipende dall'App che deve essere realizzata...
Ok grazie