Extra added is a location function It uses the Wifi Signal and GSM Triangulation to get the latitude and longitude of the device without an active GPS. This is an 'Activity Object', it cannot be declared under Sub Process_Globals.
Returns the current connected ABWifiInfo after using the ABLoadWifi() function.
See ABLoadWifi() for an example.
ABGetFoundLocation As ABFoundLocation
returns the current ABFoundLocation by using the ABGetLocation() function.
see ABGetLocation() for an example.
ABGetLocation (eventName AsString) AsBoolean
Gets the current location of the device by using the Wifi signal and GSM Triangulation
Sub Globals Dim myWifi As ABWifi Dim Button1 AsButton End Sub
Sub Button1_Click Dim r AsBoolean r = myWifi.ABGetLocation("myWifi") If r = False Then Msgbox (myWifi.ABWifiLastError(), "") EndIf End Sub
Sub myWifi_FoundLocation () Dim ResLocation As ABFoundLocation resLocation = myWifi.ABGetFoundLocation() Msgbox ("" & ResLocation.Latitude & " - " & ResLocation.Longitude, "") End Sub
ABGetWifiNetwork (index As Integer) As ABWifiInfo
Returns an ABWifiInfo object that are found by using the ABLoadWifi() function.
See ABLoadWifi() for an example.
ABLoadWifi AsBoolean
Loads the Wifi information.
Sub Globals Dim myWifi As ABWifi Dim Button1 AsButton End Sub
Sub Button1_Click Dim r AsBoolean Dim a AsInt r = myWifi.ABLoadWifi() If r = True Then Msgbox (myWifi.ABGetCurrentWifiInfo().SSID, "") For a = 0To myWifi.ABNumberOfAvailableWifiNetworks - 1 Msgbox (myWifi.ABGetWifiNetwork(a).SSID & "" & myWifi.ABGetWifiNetwork(a).Level, "") Next Else Msgbox(myWifi.ABWifiLastError,"") EndIf End Sub