Returns a Direct Message. This contains the sender (QuickScreenName) and the text. QuickScreenName has been added so you do not have to use the getScreenName of the User object to get the screen name.
Returns a Status object. This is a tweet that contains the sender (QuickScreenName) and the text. QuickScreenName has been added so you do not have to use the getScreenName of the User object to get the screen name.
Makes a connection with Twitter. If Token and TokenSecret are empty then an URL is generated which can be used in a browser. The user can then give the app permission to access Twitter with a PIN. You best then save the Token en TokenSecret on the device so the user does not have to enter the PIN every time.
ConsumerKey(String): the ConsumerKey generated by Twitter when registering your app ConsumerSecret(String): the ConsumerSecret generated by Twitter when registering your app Token (String): the Token generated by Twitter when the user entered the PIN TokenSecret (String): the TokenSecret generated by Twitter when te user entered the PIN
Example: Dim Ret AsBoolean Dim List1 AsList Dim sdRoot AsString Dim Token AsString Dim TokenSecret AsString sdRoot = File.DirRootExternal & "/"
If File.Exists(sdRoot, "ABTwitter.txt") = False Then Ret = myABTwitter.ABConnect("PKADfNWSCNc1TTTpcsDcM", "Y0gYdZFdX78HmOObH1fLRkX6rbySxdxm8iRqpv14Ac", "", "") If myABTwitter.ABURL <> ""Then Dim p As PhoneIntents StartActivity(p.OpenBrowser(myABTwitter.ABURL)) EndIf Else List1 = File.ReadList(sdRoot, "ABTwitter.txt") Token = list1.get(0) TokenSecret = List1.Get(1) Ret = myABTwitter.ABConnect("PKADfNWSCNc1TTTpcsDcM", "Y0gYdZFdX78HmOObH1fLRkX6rbySxdxm8iRqpv14Ac", Token, TokenSecret) DoSomething EndIf
DirectMessageId (int): the ID of the direct message
Example: dim Ret asboolean Ret = ABDestroyDirectMessage(dmId)
ABDestroyStatus (StatusId AsLong) AsBoolean
Destroys a tweet from the timeline
StatusID (long): the ID of the status
Example: dim Ret asboolean Ret = ABDestroyStatus(StatusId)
ABEnterPIN (PIN AsString)
After the user enters his login and password of his twitter account in the webbrowser a PIN is returned. The user has to enter this PIN in your app. After entering the pin you can retrieve ABToken and ABtokenSecret and save it for future use.
PIN (String):the PIN returned by Twitter in the webbrowser
Example: myABTwitter.ABEnterPIN(editText1.Text) Ret = myABTwitter.ABConnect("DfNWSCNc1TaTpcsDcMPKA", "Y0gYdZFdX78HmoybH1fLRkX6rbySxdxm8iRqpv14Ac", myABTwitter.ABToken , myABTwitter.ABTokenSecret)
Dim sdRoot AsString Dim List1 AsList sdRoot = File.DirRootExternal & "/"
If File.Exists(sdRoot, "ABTwitter.txt") = False Then If File.ExternalWritable = False Then Msgbox("Cannot write on storage card.", "") EndIf List1.Initialize List1.Add(myABTwitter.ABToken) List1.Add(myABTwitter.ABTokenSecret) File.WriteList(sdRoot, "ABTwitter.txt", List1) EndIf
Gets the description. If you only want to retrieve the description, set OnlyThis = true to speed up the slow Twitter Retrieval functions
getImageUrl (OnlyThis AsBoolean) AsString
Gets the url to the user image. If you only want to retrieve the url to the user image, set OnlyThis = true to speed up the slow Twitter Retrieval functions
getLocation (OnlyThis AsBoolean) AsString
Gets the location. If you only want to retrieve the location, set OnlyThis = true to speed up the slow Twitter Retrieval functions
getName (OnlyThis AsBoolean) AsString
Gets the user name. If you only want to retrieve the name, set OnlyThis = true to speed up the slow Twitter Retrieval functions
getScreenName (OnlyThis AsBoolean) AsString
Gets the screen name. If you only want to retrieve the screen name, set OnlyThis = true to speed up the slow Twitter Retrieval functions