Translates a whole activity. The Tag information of the controls is used. The tag corresponds to the name in the strings.xml file Supported: label, button, checkbox, edittext, radiobutton, togglebutton, spinner ATTN: ToggleButtons have to states. ON and OFF. If you use "togglebuttontext" as key in the Tag-Property, you must have 2 Strings in the strings.xml file: togglebuttontextON and togglebuttontextOFF!
GetAndroidBitmap (KeyAsString) AsBitmapWrapper
Gets a drawable from the Android System resources returned as bitmap, returnes Null if drawable not found Here is a list of the possible drawables: System drawables You can also look in your SDK-folder: \platforms\android-\data\res\ use the name without the .png extension
GetAndroidDrawable (KeyAsString) AsObject
Gets a drawable from the Android System resources, returnes Null if drawable not found Here is a list of the possible drawables: System drawables You can also look in your SDK-folder: \platforms\android-\data\res\ use the name without the .png extension
Gets the phone Date Settings' returns "MM/dd/yyyy" on error
Gets the phone currency Symbol. If it's not found, $ is returned
Gets the phone language and returns the 2-Letter Code (en for english, de for German..) If language cannnot be determined, 'en' is returned Returned string is lowercase You can find a list here: List
GetResourceBitmap (KeyAsString) AsBitmapWrapper
Loads the drawable from the ressources directory (res/drawable) and returnes it as a bitmap. Use res/drawable-de etc for localisation Returns Null if not found
GetResourceDrawable (KeyAsString) AsObject
Loads the drawable from the ressources directory (res/drawable). Use res/drawable-de etc for localisation Returns Null if not found
GetResourceString (KeyAsString) AsString
Gets the translation for a specific key If no localized String is found, the appropiate String from "values/strings.xml" is is used. If the Key doesn't exists, it returns "No translation found!"
GetResourceStringArray (KeyAsString) AsString()
Gets an StringArray If no localized StringArray is found, the appropiate StringArray from "values/strings.xml" is is used. If the Key doesn't exists, it returns "No translation found!"
Gets localized Plurals. You have to pass the Count. For example: count = 1: Returns day count =>2: Returns days.. Quantity Strings. See => Quantity Strings for more information
Gets the translation for a specific key with the use od Parameters. string.xml: Hi {1} {2}! B4A: GetResourceStringWithParams("Hello",Array As String("World",":)") => Returnes: Hi World :)! If no localized String is found, the appropiate String from "values/strings.xml" is is used. If the Key doesn't exists, it returns "No translation found!"
Tests whether the object has been initialized.