onScrollStateChanged (NewState As int) onScrolled (Dx As int,Dy As int) onScrolledToEnd onScrolledToStart onChildDetachedFromWindow (Item As Object) onChildAttachedToWindow (Item As Object) GetItemOffsets (OutRect As Rect,Item As Object,Position As Int) onUpdateViews (Item As Object,Position As Int)
set : Set a new adapter to provide child views on demand. get : Retrieves the previously set adapter or null if no adapter is set.
Adapter2Ascom.aghajari.rv.AdapterData [read only]
Manage adapter and notifi adapter Example : RecyclerView.Adapter2.NotifiDataSetChanged
BaselineAsInt [read only]
Return the offset of the RecyclerView's text baseline from the its top boundary.
CanScrollHorizontallyAsBoolean [read only]
CanScrollVerticallyAsBoolean [read only]
CenterItemPositionAsInt [read only]
CenterItemViewAsandroid.view.View [read only]
Returns whether this RecyclerView will clip its children to its padding, and resize (but not clip) any EdgeEffect to the padded region, if padding is present.
ColorAsInt [write only]
ComputeScrollExtent (HorizontalAsBoolean) AsInt
Compute the extent of the scrollbar's thumb within the range.
ComputeScrollOffset (HorizontalAsBoolean) AsInt
Compute the offset of the scrollbar's thumb within the range.
ComputeScrollRange (HorizontalAsBoolean) AsInt
Compute the range that the scrollbar represents.
Initialize Default Adapter With RecyclerView EventName
For layout manager having vertical orientation to draw horizontal divider Example : RecyclerView.DividerHorizontal.Color(Colors.LightGray).Margin(4dip).Size(1dip).Build
For layout manager having horizontal orientation to draw vertical divider Example : RecyclerView.DividerVertical.Color(Colors.LightGray).Margin(4dip).Size(1dip).Build
Fling (velocityXAsInt, velocityYAsInt) AsBoolean
Begin a standard fling with an initial velocity along each axis in pixels per second.
velocityX: Initial horizontal velocity in pixels per second velocityY: Initial vertical velocity in pixels per second
RecyclerView can perform several optimizations if it can know in advance that changes in adapter content cannot change the size of the RecyclerView itself. If your use of RecyclerView falls into this category, set this to true.
HasNestedScrollingParentAsBoolean [read only]
HasPendingAdapterUpdatesAsBoolean [read only]
Returns whether there are pending adapter updates which are not yet applied to the layout.
Initialize RecyclerView Don't Forgot to set RecyclerView Layout And RecyclerView Adapter !
Layout : Linear Layout Example : DimRecyclerViewAsAmir_RecyclerView RecyclerView.Initializer("Amir").ListView.ReverseLayout(True).Build Grid Layout Example : DimRecyclerViewAsAmir_RecyclerView RecyclerView.Initializer("Amir").GridView(3).Build
Adapters : Show With Default Adapter : RecyclerView.DefaultAdapter SubAmir_onCreateViewHolder (ParentAsPanel,ViewTypeAsInt)
EndSub SubAmir_onBindViewHolder (ParentAsPanel,PositionAsint)
EndSub SubAmir_GetItemCountAsint Return0 EndSub Use Custom Adapter : RecyclerView.Adapter=CustomAdapter
gets the current ItemAnimator for this RecyclerView. or Sets the RecyclerView ItemAnimator that will handle animations involving changes to the items in this RecyclerView.
Gravity : SnapHelper Gravity : START-LEFT | END-RIGHT | BOTTOM | TOP EnableSnapLastItem : Enable snapping of the last item that's snappable. Note you can't see the last item completely if this is enabled. Event : RecyclerEventName_onSnap (PositionAsInt)
Gravity : PagerSnapHelper Gravity : START-LEFT | END-RIGHT | BOTTOM | TOP EnableSnapLastItem : Enable snapping of the last item that's snappable. Note you can't see the last item completely if this is enabled. Event : RecyclerEventName_onSnap (PositionAsInt)
ParentAsObject [read only]
Set whether the RecyclerView should try to keep the same Item focused after a layout calculation or not.
Indicates scrolling along the horizontal axis.
Indicates scrolling along the vertical axis.
The RecyclerView is currently being dragged by outside input such as user touch input.
The RecyclerView is not currently scrolling.
The RecyclerView is currently animating to a final position while not under outside control.
ScrollBy (XAsInt, YAsInt)
ScrollingTouchSlopAsInt [write only]
Configure the scrolling touch slop for a specific use case. Set up the RecyclerView's scrolling motion threshold based on common usages. Valid arguments are TOUCH_SLOP_DEFAULT and TOUCH_SLOP_PAGING.
Adapter: The new adapter to set, or null to set no adapter. RemoveAndRecycleExistingViews: If set to true, RecyclerView will recycle all existing Views. If adapters have stable ids and/or you want to animate the disappearing views, you may prefer to set this to false.
Switch RecyclerView Layout Example : RecyclerView.Initializer("Amir").GridView(3).Vertical.Build ...
Constant for use with ScrollingTouchSlop. Indicates that the RecyclerView should use the standard touch slop for smooth, continuous scrolling.
Constant for use with ScrollingTouchSlop. Indicates that the RecyclerView should use the standard touch slop for scrolling widgets that snap to a page or other coarse-grained barrier.
onScrollStateChanged (NewState As int) onScrolled (Dx As int,Dy As int) onPageChanging (CurrentPage As Int,NewPage As Int) onPageChanged (PreviousPage As Int,NewPage As Int) GetItemOffsets (OutRect As Rect,Item As Object,Position As Int)
set : Set a new adapter to provide child views on demand. get : Retrieves the previously set adapter or null if no adapter is set.
Adapter2Ascom.aghajari.rv.AdapterData [read only]
Manage adapter and notifi adapter Example : RecyclerView.Adapter2.NotifiDataSetChanged
BaselineAsInt [read only]
Return the offset of the RecyclerView's text baseline from the its top boundary.
Returns whether this RecyclerView will clip its children to its padding, and resize (but not clip) any EdgeEffect to the padded region, if padding is present.
ColorAsInt [write only]
ComputeScrollExtent (HorizontalAsBoolean) AsInt
Compute the extent of the scrollbar's thumb within the range.
ComputeScrollOffset (HorizontalAsBoolean) AsInt
Compute the offset of the scrollbar's thumb within the range.
ComputeScrollRange (HorizontalAsBoolean) AsInt
Compute the range that the scrollbar represents.
CurrentPageAsInt [read only]
CurrentPageViewAsPanelWrapper [read only]
Initialize Default Adapter With RecyclerView EventName
Set a RecyclerView OnFlingListener for this RecyclerView. Events : EventName_onFling (velocityXAsint, velocityYAsint) AsBoolean Example : RecyclerView.Initializer("Amir").ListView.Build ...
SubAmir_onFling (velocityXAsint, velocityYAsint) AsBoolean Log("velocityX:" &velocityX&" | velocityY:"&velocityY)
ReturnRecyclerView.Fling(velocityX,velocityY) 'Standard Fling EndSub
FlingVelocityMaxAsInt [read only]
get the maximum fling velocity used by this RecyclerView.
FlingVelocityMinAsInt [read only]
get the minimum velocity to start a fling.
GoToNext (SmoothAsBoolean)
GoToPosition (PositionAsInt)
GoToPrevious (SmoothAsBoolean)
RecyclerView can perform several optimizations if it can know in advance that changes in adapter content cannot change the size of the RecyclerView itself. If your use of RecyclerView falls into this category, set this to true.
HasNestedScrollingParentAsBoolean [read only]
HasPendingAdapterUpdatesAsBoolean [read only]
Returns whether there are pending adapter updates which are not yet applied to the layout.
gets the current ItemAnimator for this RecyclerView. or Sets the RecyclerView ItemAnimator that will handle animations involving changes to the items in this RecyclerView.
Offset the bounds of all child views by dx pixels.
OffsetChildrenVertical (dyAsInt)
Offset the bounds of all child views by dy pixels.
Padding() AsInt
ParentAsObject [read only]
Set whether the RecyclerView should try to keep the same Item focused after a layout calculation or not.
Indicates scrolling along the horizontal axis.
Indicates scrolling along the vertical axis.
The RecyclerView is currently being dragged by outside input such as user touch input.
The RecyclerView is not currently scrolling.
The RecyclerView is currently animating to a final position while not under outside control.
ScrollBy (XAsInt, YAsInt)
ScrollingTouchSlopAsInt [write only]
Configure the scrolling touch slop for a specific use case. Set up the RecyclerView's scrolling motion threshold based on common usages. Valid arguments are TOUCH_SLOP_DEFAULT and TOUCH_SLOP_PAGING.
ScrollStateAsInt [read only]
Return the current scrolling state of the RecyclerView.
Adapter: The new adapter to set, or null to set no adapter. RemoveAndRecycleExistingViews: If set to true, RecyclerView will recycle all existing Views. If adapters have stable ids and/or you want to animate the disappearing views, you may prefer to set this to false.
Constant for use with ScrollingTouchSlop. Indicates that the RecyclerView should use the standard touch slop for smooth, continuous scrolling.
Constant for use with ScrollingTouchSlop. Indicates that the RecyclerView should use the standard touch slop for scrolling widgets that snap to a page or other coarse-grained barrier.
GetItemCount As Int onBindViewHolder (Parent As Panel,Position As int) onCreateViewHolder (Parent As Panel,ViewType As int) GetItemViewType (Position As int) As Int GetItemId (Position As Int) As Long GetLoopPosition (Parent As Panel,LoopPosition As Int,Position As Int) onViewRecycled (Parent As Panel,Position As Int) onItemClick (Parent As Panel,Position As int) onItemLongClick (Parent As Panel,Position As int) onItemTouch (Parent As Panel,Position As int,Action As int,X As Float,Y As Float) onLoadAnimation (Parent As Panel,Position As int)
SupportsPredictiveItemAnimations As Boolean CanScrollHorizontally As Boolean CanScrollVertically As Boolean ScrollVerticallyBy (Dy As int,Recycler As Object,State As Object) As Int ScrollHorizontallyBy (Dx As Int,Recycler As Object,State As Object) As Int onLayoutChildren (Recycler As Object,State As Object)
Return the stable ID for the item at position. If HasStableIds would return false this method should return -1. The default implementation of this method returns -1.
Position : Adapter position to query Return the stable ID of the item at position
getItemViewType (positionAsInt) AsInt
Return the view type of the item at position for the purposes of view recycling.
HasObserversAsBoolean [read only]
Returns true if this adapter publishes a unique long value that can act as a key for the item at a given position in the data set. If that item is relocated in the data set, the ID returned for that item should be the same.
Return true if this adapter's items have stable IDs
Returns true if SmoothScroller has been started but has not received the first animation callback yet. return True if this SmoothScroller is waiting to start