Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
InstallApk (pstatusAsBoolean) AsString
Installs an already downloaded apk. Pstatus = result from a call to CheckInstallationRequirements in calling activity
Tests whether the object has been initialized.
NewVerApkAsString [write only]
Complete path to the new apk for your app, available for download from the webserver
NewVerTxtAsString [write only]
Complete path to the info text file having a first line of text formatted as ver=x.yz where x.yz corresponds to the newest app's version available on the webserver Optionally that first line of text could be followed by ChangeLog and FileSize sections
Gets back the package name set for this app. Used internally.
Reads current version number from running copy of apk (see Attribute #VersionName). Valid if StatusCode = OK_CURVER
Reads version number as published in the text info file on the webserver Valid if StatusCode = OK_WEBVER
Optional sub - superimposes a simple splash screen on the calling Activity. To remove the splash screen, call StopSplashScreen from Activity (generally in the callback function. See "Initialize") CallingAct - Activity object whose layout will be superimposed with BM in a panel BM - Bitmap object to be shown while apk checking is in progress
Sets Username and Password to use when downloading from a protected website folder
setNewVerApk (NVAAsString) AsString
Complete path to the new apk for your app, available for download from the webserver
setNewVerTxt (NVTAsString) AsString
Complete path to the info text file having a first line of text formatted as ver=x.yz where x.yz corresponds to the newest app's version available on the webserver Optionally that first line of text could be followed by ChangeLog and FileSize sections
setPackageName (PNAsString) AsString
Sets package name for this app. It should equal the value in menu "Project.Build configurations.Package" Example: com.test.myapp
setVerbose (VerboseAsBoolean) AsString
Sets verbose mode on/off
StatusAsInt [read only]
Returns current internal status. Negatives denote ERRORS/WARNINGS.
Stops and removes the superimposed splash screen if it's showing
UpdateApk (pstatusAsBoolean)
Check website for a newer apk version and (if any exists) try to download it, then ask user to install it. Note: we don't know if the user will then accept to install it..
VerboseAsBoolean [write only]
Sets verbose mode on/off
WebChangeLogAsString [read only]
Returns optional change log data (as a string) as read from the info text file on the webserver Valid only after successfully calling ReadWebVN
WebFileSizeAsString [read only]
Returns optional apk's file size (as a string) as read from the info text file on the webserver Valid only after successfully calling ReadWebVN
WebVNAsString [read only]
Returns the version number value (as a string) as read from the info text file on the webserver. Valid only after successfully calling ReadWebVN
Initializes the Job. Name - The job's name. Note that the name doesn't need to be unique. TargetModule - The activity or service that will handle the JobDone event.
Tests whether the object has been initialized.
PatchBytes (LinkAsString, Data() AsByte) AsString
Sends a PATCH request with the given data as the request payload.
PatchString (LinkAsString, TextAsString) AsString
Sends a PATCH request with the given string as the request payload.
PostBytes (LinkAsString, Data() AsByte) AsString
Sends a POST request with the given string as the post data
Sends a multipart POST request. NameValues - A map with the keys and values. Pass Null if not needed. Files - List of MultipartFileData items. Pass Null if not needed.
PostString (LinkAsString, TextAsString) AsString
Sends a POST request with the given data as the post data.
PutBytes (LinkAsString, Data() AsByte) AsString
Sends a PUT request with the given string as the post data
PutString (LinkAsString, TextAsString) AsString
Sends a PUT request with the given data as the post data.
Should be called to free resources held by this job.