Compresses the given file into a gzip archive (with a thread running in the background). inDir & inFileName = location of the file to compress outDir = destination folder of the gzip archive eventName = prefix of the "GzipDone" event. When the job ends, an event is triggered. You can get it with: Sub eventName_GzipDone(CompletedWithoutError As Boolean)
Compresses the given folder and its subfolders into a tar.gz archive (with a thread running in the background). inDir = folder to compress outDir & outArchiveName = location of the tar.gz archive (don't add an extension to the outFileName) eventName = prefix of the "TarGzDone" event. When the job ends, an event is triggered. You can get it with: Sub eventName_TarGzDone(CompletedWithoutError As Boolean, NbOfFiles As Int)
Uncompresses the given gzip archive (with a thread running in the background). inDir & inArchiveName = location of the gzip archive outDir = destination folder eventName = prefix of the "UnGzipDone" event. When the job ends, an event is triggered. You can get it with: Sub eventName_UnGzipDone(CompletedWithoutError As Boolean)
Uncompresses the given tar.gz archive (with a thread running in the background). inDir & inArchiveName = location of the tar.gz archive outDir = destination folder eventName = prefix of the "UnTarGzDone" event. When the job ends, an event is triggered. You can get it with: Sub eventName_UnTarGzDone(CompletedWithoutError As Boolean, NbOfFiles As Int)
Uncompresses the given zip archive (with a thread running in the background). inDir & inArchiveName = location of the zip archive outDir = destination folder eventName = prefix of the "UnZipProgression" and "UnZipDone" events. An event is triggered for each file unzipped, and when the job ends. You can get these events with: Sub eventName_UnZipProgression(Count As Int, FileName As String) Sub eventName_UnZipDone(CompletedWithoutError As Boolean, NbOfFiles As Int)
Extracts the given files from a zip archive (with a thread running in the background). inDir & inArchiveName = location of the zip archive outDir = destination folder outFileNames = names of the files to extract (with their relative path) eventName = prefix of the "UnZipProgression" and "UnZipDone" events. An event is triggered for each file unzipped, and when the job ends. You can get these events with: Sub eventName_UnZipProgression(Count As Int, FileName As String) Sub eventName_UnZipDone(CompletedWithoutError As Boolean, NbOfFiles As Int)
Compresses the given files into a zip archive (with a thread running in the background). inDir & inFileNames = location of the files to zip outDir & outArchiveName = location of the zip archive eventName = prefix of the "ZipProgression" and "ZipDone" events. An event is triggered for each processed file, and when the job ends. You can get these events with: Sub eventName_ZipProgression(Count As Int, FileName As String) Sub eventName_ZipDone(CompletedWithoutError As Boolean, NbOfFiles As Int)
Compresses the given folder and its subfolders into a zip archive (with a thread running in the background). inDir = folder to zip outDir & outArchiveName = location of the zip archive eventName = prefix of the "ZipProgression" and "ZipDone" events. An event is triggered for each processed file, and when the job ends. You can get these events with: Sub eventName_ZipProgression(Count As Int, FileName As String) Sub eventName_ZipDone(CompletedWithoutError As Boolean, NbOfFiles As Int)
Gets/sets the buffer size. By default: 2048 bytes.
Lists the entries of the given zip archive. Returns a map with all the entries found. Map structure: key=filename, value=long array (0=uncompressed size, 1=compressed size, 2=CRC) inDir & inArchiveName = location of the zip archive
Packs the given files into a tar archive. Returns the number of files in the tar archive. inDir & inFileNames = location of the files to tar outDir & outArchiveName = location of the tar archive
Packs the given folder and its subfolders into a tar archive. Returns the number of files in the tar archive. inDir = folder to tar outDir & outArchiveName = location of the tar archive
Compresses the given folder and its subfolders into a tar.gz archive. Returns the number of files in the tar.gz archive. inDir = folder to compress outDir & outArchiveName = location of the tar.gz archive (don't add an extension to the archive name)
Unpacks the given tar archive. Returns the number of files copied into the destination folder. inDir & inArchiveName = location of the tar archive outDir = destination folder
Uncompresses the given tar.gz archive. Returns the number of files copied into the destination folder. inDir & inArchiveName = location of the tar.gz archive outDir = destination folder
Uncompresses the given zip archive. Returns the number of files copied into the destination folder. inDir & inArchiveName = location of the zip archive outDir = destination folder eventName = prefix of the "UnZipProgression" event. An event is triggered for each file unzipped. You can get these events with: Sub eventName_UnZipProgression(Count As Int, FileName As String)
Extracts the given files from a zip archive. Returns the number of files copied into the destination folder. inDir & inArchiveName = location of the zip archive outDir = destination folder outFileNames = names of the files to extract (with their relative path) eventName = prefix of the "UnZipProgression" event. An event is triggered for each file unzipped. You can get these events with: Sub eventName_UnZipProgression(Count As Int, FileName As String)
Compresses the given files into a zip archive. Returns the number of files in the zip archive. inDir & inFileNames = location of the files to zip outDir & outArchiveName = location of the zip archive eventName = prefix of the "ZipProgression" event. An event is triggered for each processed file. You can get these events with: Sub eventName_ZipProgression(Count As Int, FileName As String)
Compresses the given folder and its subfolders into a zip archive. Returns the number of files in the zip archive. inDir = folder to zip outDir & outArchiveName = location of the zip archive eventName = prefix of the "ZipProgression" event. An event is triggered for each processed file. You can get these events with: Sub eventName_ZipProgression(Count As Int, FileName As String)Top