AudioRecordApp lets you use the default audio recorder application to record audio. After initializing the object you should call Record to start recording. The RecordComplete event will be raised when record completes. Example: SubProcess_Globals DimaudioRecorderAsAudioRecordApp DimvideoRecorderAsVideoRecordApp EndSub
MediaPlayerStream is similar to MediaPlayer. Unlike MediaPlayer which plays local files MediaPlayerStream plays audio streams which are available online. Another difference between the objects is that in this case the Load method is asynchronous. Only when the file is ready, the StreamReady event will be fired and you can start playing. According to the native documentation the online resource must support progressive download. Example: SubProcess_Globals DimmpAsMediaPlayerStream EndSub
SoundPool holds a collection of short sounds which can be played with low latency. Each sound has two Id values which you should work with. The first is the LoadId which is returned when loading the sound with Load. The second is the PlayId which is returned when you call Play. When working with SoundPool it is useful to watch the unfiltered LogCat for messages (for example when the sound is too long).
VideoRecordApp lets you use the default video recorder application to record video. After initializing the object you should call Record to start recording. The RecordComplete event will be raised when record completes.
VideoView is a view that allows you to play video media inside your application. The VideoView optionally shows a media controller when the user touches the view. The Completed event is raised when playback is completed. Simple example of using VideoView: SubGlobals DimvvAsVideoView EndSub SubActivity_Create(FirstTimeAsBoolean)
Activity.AddView(vv, 10dip, 10dip, 250dip, 250dip)
vv.LoadVideo(File.DirRootExternal, "somefile.mp4")
vv.Play EndSub Subvv_Complete Log("Playing completed")
EndSub This is an 'Activity Object', it cannot be declared under Sub Process_Globals.