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List of types:






  Class_Globals As String

  Debug As String

  Get (Section As String, Key As String, NotFoundReturnValue As String) As String

  GetBoolean (Section As String, Key As String) As Boolean

  GetDouble (Section As String, Key As String, NotFoundReturnValue As Double) As Double

  GetFloat (Section As String, Key As String, NotFoundReturnValue As Float) As Float

  GetIndex (Section As String, Key As String, Index As Int, NotFoundReturnValue As String) As String

  GetIndexBoolean (Section As String, Key As String, Index As Int) As Boolean

  GetIndexDouble (Section As String, Key As String, Index As Int, NotFoundReturnValue As Double) As Double

  GetIndexFloat (Section As String, Key As String, Index As Int, NotFoundReturnValue As Float) As Float

  GetIndexInt (Section As String, Key As String, Index As Int, NotFoundReturnValue As Int) As Int

  GetInt (Section As String, Key As String, NotFoundReturnValue As Int) As Int

  GetList (Section As String, Key As String) As List

  Initialize (Dir As String, Filename As String) As String

  IsIn (Section As String, Key As String, Value As String) As Int

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  Load (Dir As String, Filename As String) As String

Members description:

Class_Globals As String
Debug As String
Logs the entire internal data structure
Get (Section As String, Key As String, NotFoundReturnValue As String) As String
Returns a string value from Ini file at specified Section and Key
If value not found, returns NotFoundReturnValue
GetBoolean (Section As String, Key As String) As Boolean
Returns a boolean value from Ini file at specified Section and Key
Returns False to any value other than "True" string (case unsensitive)
If value not found, returns False
GetDouble (Section As String, Key As String, NotFoundReturnValue As Double) As Double
Returns a double value from Ini file at specified Section and Key
If value not found, returns NotFoundReturnValue
GetFloat (Section As String, Key As String, NotFoundReturnValue As Float) As Float
Returns a float value from Ini file at specified Section and Key
If value not found, returns NotFoundReturnValue
GetIndex (Section As String, Key As String, Index As Int, NotFoundReturnValue As String) As String
Returns a string value indexed by Index from Ini file at specified Section and Key
Value of Key in Ini file must be a standard list in format KeyName = { 1, 2, 3 }
List can be a mixed list like KeyName = { , 1, two, 3.0, false }
Index is zero based and must be in 0 > Index > List.Size - 1 range. Index out of range returns NotFoundReturnValue
If value not found, returns NotFoundReturnValue
GetIndexBoolean (Section As String, Key As String, Index As Int) As Boolean
Returns a boolean value indexed by Index from Ini file at specified Section and Key
Value of Key in Ini file must be a standard list in format KeyName = { 1, 2, 3 }
List can be a mixed list like KeyName = { , 1, two, 3.0, false }
Index is zero based and must be in 0 > Index > List.Size - 1 range. Index out of range returns False
If value not found, returns False
GetIndexDouble (Section As String, Key As String, Index As Int, NotFoundReturnValue As Double) As Double
Returns a double value indexed by Index from Ini file at specified Section and Key
Value of Key in Ini file must be a standard list in format KeyName = { 1, 2, 3 }
List can be a mixed list like KeyName = { , 1, two, 3.0, false }
Index is zero based and must be in 0 > Index > List.Size - 1 range. Index out of range returns NotFoundReturnValue
If value not found, returns NotFoundReturnValue
GetIndexFloat (Section As String, Key As String, Index As Int, NotFoundReturnValue As Float) As Float
Returns a float value indexed by Index from Ini file at specified Section and Key
Value of Key in Ini file must be a standard list in format KeyName = { 1, 2, 3 }
List can be a mixed list like KeyName = { , 1, two, 3.0, false }
Index is zero based and must be in 0 > Index > List.Size - 1 range. Index out of range returns NotFoundReturnValue
If value not found, returns NotFoundReturnValue
GetIndexInt (Section As String, Key As String, Index As Int, NotFoundReturnValue As Int) As Int
Returns a int value indexed by Index from Ini file at specified Section and Key
Value of Key in Ini file must be a standard list in format KeyName = { 1, 2, 3 }
List can be a mixed list like KeyName = { , 1, two, 3.0, false }
Index is zero based and must be in 0 > Index > List.Size - 1 range. Index out of range returns NotFoundReturnValue
If value not found, returns NotFoundReturnValue
GetInt (Section As String, Key As String, NotFoundReturnValue As Int) As Int
Returns a int value from Ini file at specified Section and Key
If value not found, returns NotFoundReturnValue
GetList (Section As String, Key As String) As List
Returns a List object from Ini file at specified Section and Key
Value of Key in Ini file must be a standard list in format KeyName = { 1, 2, 3 }
If value not found, returns Null
Initialize (Dir As String, Filename As String) As String
Initializes the object and loads the specified Ini file
IsIn (Section As String, Key As String, Value As String) As Int
Checks if Value is contained in list object from Ini file at specified Section and Key
Returns the index of value in list if found, else returns -1
IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized.
Load (Dir As String, Filename As String) As String
Loads the Ini file. It can be the same as specified in Initialize or another