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List of types:



This is an 'Activity Object', it cannot be declared under Sub Process_Globals.


ItemClick(Position As Int, Item As String)


  AddItem (Item As String) As String

  BackgroundColor As Int

  BoarderWidth As Int [write only]

  BoardetWidth As Int [read only]

  BringToFront As String

  Class_Globals As String

  Clear As String

  DesignerCreateView (Base As PanelWrapper, Lbl As LabelWrapper, Props As Map) As String

  Enabled As Boolean

  getBackgroundColor As Int

  getBoardetWidth As Int

  getEnabled As Boolean

  getHeight As Int

  GetItem (Index As Int) As String

  getItemColor As Int

  getLeft As Int

  getMaxNumberOfSelections As Int

  getMultiSelect As Boolean

  getNumberVisibleItems As Int

  getSelectedIndex As Int

  getSelectedItem As String

  getSelectedItemColor As Int

  getSelectedTextColor As Int

  getSize As Int

  getTextColor As Int

  getTextSize As Float

  getTop As Int

  getVisible As Boolean

  getWidth As Int

  Height As Int

  IndexOf (Item As String) As Int

  Initialize (CallbackModule As Object, EventName As String) As String

  InsertAt (Index As Int, Item As String) As String

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  ItemColor As Int

  lblItem_Click As String

  Left As Int

  MaxNumberOfSelections As Int

  MultiSelect As Boolean

  MultiSelectList As List

  NumberVisibleItems As Int

  RemoveAt (Index As Int) As String

  RemoveView As String

  SelectedIndex As Int

  SelectedItem As String [read only]

  SelectedItemColor As Int

  SelectedTextColor As Int

  SendToBack As String

  setBackgroundColor (BackgroundColor As Int) As String

  setBoarderWidth (BoarderWidth As Int) As String

  setEnabled (Enabled As Boolean) As String

  setHeight (Height As Int) As String

  SetItem (Index As Int, Item As String) As String

  setItemColor (ItemColor As Int) As String

  setLeft (Left As Int) As String

  setMaxNumberOfSelections (MaxNumberOfSelections As Int) As String

  setMultiSelect (MultiSelect As Boolean) As String

  setNumberVisibleItems (NumberVisibleItems As Int) As String

  setSelectedIndex (Index As Int) As String

  setSelectedItemColor (SelectedItemColor As Int) As String

  setSelectedTextColor (SelectedTextColor As Int) As String

  setTextColor (TextColor As Int) As String

  setTextSize (TextSize As Float) As String

  setTop (Top As Int) As String

  setVisible (Visible As Boolean) As String

  setWidth (Width As Int) As String

  Show (Parent As PanelWrapper, Left As Int, Top As Int, Width As Int, Height As Int) As String

  Size As Int [read only]

  TextColor As Int

  TextSize As Float

  Top As Int

  Visible As Boolean

  Width As Int

Members description:

AddItem (Item As String) As String
Adds an item at the end of the ComboBox
BackgroundColor As Int
Gets or sets the backfround color.
BoarderWidth As Int [write only]
Gets or sets the view's height.
BoardetWidth As Int [read only]
BringToFront As String
Bings the ComboBox in front.
Class_Globals As String
Clear As String
Removes all the items from the ComboBox
DesignerCreateView (Base As PanelWrapper, Lbl As LabelWrapper, Props As Map) As String
This routine is used by the Designer if you add the ComboBox in the Designer
Enabled As Boolean
Gets or sets the Enabled property.
getBackgroundColor As Int
getBoardetWidth As Int
getEnabled As Boolean
getHeight As Int
GetItem (Index As Int) As String
Gets the item in the specified index. The item is not removed from the ComboBox.
getItemColor As Int
getLeft As Int
getMaxNumberOfSelections As Int
getMultiSelect As Boolean
getNumberVisibleItems As Int
getSelectedIndex As Int
getSelectedItem As String
Returns the value of the selected item, empty string if no selection.
getSelectedItemColor As Int
getSelectedTextColor As Int
getSize As Int
Returns the size of the ComboBox
getTextColor As Int
getTextSize As Float
getTop As Int
getVisible As Boolean
getWidth As Int
Height As Int
Gets or sets the view's height.
IndexOf (Item As String) As Int
Returns the index of the specified item, or -1 if it was not found.
Initialize (CallbackModule As Object, EventName As String) As String
Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
CallbackModule = calling module mostly Me
Parent = parent view Activity
InsertAt (Index As Int, Item As String) As String
Inserts the specified Item In the specified index.
As a result all items with index larger then the specified index are shifted.
IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized.
ItemColor As Int
Gets or sets the item color.
lblItem_Click As String
Left As Int
Gets or sets the view's left position.
MaxNumberOfSelections As Int
Gest or sets the max number of selectable items.
MultiSelect As Boolean
Gets or sets the multi select option.
MultiSelectList As List
NumberVisibleItems As Int
Gets or sets the text number of visible items.
RemoveAt (Index As Int) As String
Removes the item at the specified index.
RemoveView As String
Removes the ComboBox from the parent view.
SelectedIndex As Int
Gets or sets the index of the selected item. Returns -1 if no item is selected.
SelectedItem As String [read only]
Returns the value of the selected item, empty string if no selection.
SelectedItemColor As Int
Gets or sets the selected item color.
SelectedTextColor As Int
Gets or sets the selected text color.
SendToBack As String
Sends the ComboBox to the back.
setBackgroundColor (BackgroundColor As Int) As String
Gets or sets the backfround color.
setBoarderWidth (BoarderWidth As Int) As String
Gets or sets the view's height.
setEnabled (Enabled As Boolean) As String
Gets or sets the Enabled property.
setHeight (Height As Int) As String
Gets or sets the view's height.
SetItem (Index As Int, Item As String) As String
Replaces the current item in the specified index with the new item.
setItemColor (ItemColor As Int) As String
Gets or sets the item color.
setLeft (Left As Int) As String
Gets or sets the view's left position.
setMaxNumberOfSelections (MaxNumberOfSelections As Int) As String
Gest or sets the max number of selectable items.
setMultiSelect (MultiSelect As Boolean) As String
Gets or sets the multi select option.
setNumberVisibleItems (NumberVisibleItems As Int) As String
Gets or sets the text number of visible items.
setSelectedIndex (Index As Int) As String
Gets or sets the index of the selected item. Returns -1 if no item is selected.
setSelectedItemColor (SelectedItemColor As Int) As String
Gets or sets the selected item color.
setSelectedTextColor (SelectedTextColor As Int) As String
Gets or sets the selected text color.
setTextColor (TextColor As Int) As String
Gets or sets the text color.
setTextSize (TextSize As Float) As String
Gets or sets the text size.
setTop (Top As Int) As String
Gets or sets the view's top position.
setVisible (Visible As Boolean) As String
Gets or sets the Visible property.
setWidth (Width As Int) As String
Gets or sets the view's width.
Show (Parent As PanelWrapper, Left As Int, Top As Int, Width As Int, Height As Int) As String
This routine is needed if you want to add the ComboBox view in the code.
Parent = parent view, can be a Panel or the Activity
Left, Top, Width and Height properties of the ComboBox
ComboBox1.Initialize(Me, "ComboBox1")
ComboBox1.Show(Activity, 20dip, 20dip, 150dip, 48dip)
Size As Int [read only]
Returns the size of the ComboBox
TextColor As Int
Gets or sets the text color.
TextSize As Float
Gets or sets the text size.
Top As Int
Gets or sets the view's top position.
Visible As Boolean
Gets or sets the Visible property.
Width As Int
Gets or sets the view's width.


This is an 'Activity Object', it cannot be declared under Sub Process_Globals.


ItemClick(Position As Int, Item As String)


  AddItem (Item As String) As String

  BackgroundColor As Int

  BoarderWidth As Int

  BringToFront As String

  Class_Globals As String

  Clear As String

  DesignerCreateView (Base As PanelWrapper, Lbl As LabelWrapper, Props As Map) As String

  Enabled As Boolean

  getBackgroundColor As Int

  getBoarderWidth As Int

  getEnabled As Boolean

  getHeight As Int

  GetItem (Index As Int) As String

  getItemColor As Int

  getItemHeight As Int

  getLeft As Int

  getMaxNumberOfSelections As Int

  getMultiSelect As Boolean

  getSelectedIndex As Int

  getSelectedItem As String

  getSelectedItemColor As Int

  getSelectedTextColor As Int

  getSize As Int

  getTextColor As Int

  getTextSize As Float

  getTop As Int

  getVisible As Boolean

  getWidth As Int

  Height As Int

  IndexOf (Item As String) As Int

  Initialize (CallbackModule As Object, EventName As String) As String

  InsertAt (Index As Int, Item As String) As String

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  ItemColor As Int

  ItemHeight As Int

  lblItem_Click As String

  Left As Int

  MaxNumberOfSelections As Int

  MultiSelect As Boolean

  MultiSelectList As List

  MultiSelectListClear As String

  RemoveAt (Index As Int) As String

  RemoveView As String

  SelectedIndex As Int

  SelectedItem As String [read only]

  SelectedItemColor As Int

  SelectedTextColor As Int

  SendToBack As String

  setBackgroundColor (BackgroundColor As Int) As String

  setBoarderWidth (BoarderWidth As Int) As String

  setEnabled (Enabled As Boolean) As String

  setHeight (Height As Int) As String

  SetItem (Index As Int, Item As String) As String

  setItemColor (ItemColor As Int) As String

  setItemHeight (ItemHeight As Int) As String

  setLeft (Left As Int) As String

  setMaxNumberOfSelections (MaxNumberOfSelections As Int) As String

  setMultiSelect (MultiSelect As Boolean) As String

  SetMultiSelection (SelectedIndexes() As Int) As String

  setSelectedIndex (Index As Int) As String

  setSelectedItemColor (SelectedItemColor As Int) As String

  setSelectedTextColor (SelectedTextColor As Int) As String

  setTextColor (TextColor As Int) As String

  setTextSize (TextSize As Float) As String

  setTop (Top As Int) As String

  setVisible (Visible As Boolean) As String

  setWidth (Width As Int) As String

  Show (Parent As PanelWrapper, Left As Int, Top As Int, Width As Int, Height As Int) As String

  Size As Int [read only]

  TextColor As Int

  TextSize As Float

  Top As Int

  Visible As Boolean

  Width As Int

Members description:

AddItem (Item As String) As String
Adds an item at the end of the ComboBox
BackgroundColor As Int
Gets or sets the backfround color.
BoarderWidth As Int
Gets or sets the view's height.
BringToFront As String
Bings the ComboBox in front.
Class_Globals As String
Clear As String
Removes all the items from the ComboBox
DesignerCreateView (Base As PanelWrapper, Lbl As LabelWrapper, Props As Map) As String
This routine is used by the Designer if you add the ComboBox in the Designer
Enabled As Boolean
Gets or sets the Enabled property.
getBackgroundColor As Int
getBoarderWidth As Int
getEnabled As Boolean
getHeight As Int
GetItem (Index As Int) As String
Gets the item in the specified index. The item is not removed from the ComboBox.
getItemColor As Int
getItemHeight As Int
getLeft As Int
getMaxNumberOfSelections As Int
getMultiSelect As Boolean
getSelectedIndex As Int
getSelectedItem As String
Returns the value of the selected item, empty string if no selection.
getSelectedItemColor As Int
getSelectedTextColor As Int
getSize As Int
Returns the size of the ComboBox
getTextColor As Int
getTextSize As Float
getTop As Int
getVisible As Boolean
getWidth As Int
Height As Int
Gets or sets the view's height.
IndexOf (Item As String) As Int
Returns the index of the specified item, or -1 if it was not found.
Initialize (CallbackModule As Object, EventName As String) As String
Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
CallbackModule = calling module mostly Me
Parent = parent view Activity
InsertAt (Index As Int, Item As String) As String
Inserts the specified Item In the specified index.
As a result all items with index larger then the specified index are shifted.
IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized.
ItemColor As Int
Gets or sets the item color.
ItemHeight As Int
Gets or sets the view's height.
lblItem_Click As String
Left As Int
Gets or sets the view's left position.
MaxNumberOfSelections As Int
Gest or sets the max number of selectable items.
MultiSelect As Boolean
Gets or sets the multi select option.
MultiSelectList As List
MultiSelectListClear As String
RemoveAt (Index As Int) As String
Removes the item at the specified index.
RemoveView As String
Removes the ComboBox from the parent view.
SelectedIndex As Int
Gets or sets the index of the selected item. Returns -1 if no item is selected.
Set Index to -1 to unselect
SelectedItem As String [read only]
Returns the value of the selected item, empty string if no selection.
SelectedItemColor As Int
Gets or sets the selected item color.
SelectedTextColor As Int
Gets or sets the selected text color.
SendToBack As String
Sends the ComboBox to the back.
setBackgroundColor (BackgroundColor As Int) As String
Gets or sets the backfround color.
setBoarderWidth (BoarderWidth As Int) As String
Gets or sets the view's height.
setEnabled (Enabled As Boolean) As String
Gets or sets the Enabled property.
setHeight (Height As Int) As String
Gets or sets the view's height.
SetItem (Index As Int, Item As String) As String
Replaces the current item in the specified index with the new item.
setItemColor (ItemColor As Int) As String
Gets or sets the item color.
setItemHeight (ItemHeight As Int) As String
Gets or sets the view's height.
setLeft (Left As Int) As String
Gets or sets the view's left position.
setMaxNumberOfSelections (MaxNumberOfSelections As Int) As String
Gest or sets the max number of selectable items.
setMultiSelect (MultiSelect As Boolean) As String
Gets or sets the multi select option.
SetMultiSelection (SelectedIndexes() As Int) As String
Replaces a previous multiselection by a new one
setSelectedIndex (Index As Int) As String
Gets or sets the index of the selected item. Returns -1 if no item is selected.
Set Index to -1 to unselect
setSelectedItemColor (SelectedItemColor As Int) As String
Gets or sets the selected item color.
setSelectedTextColor (SelectedTextColor As Int) As String
Gets or sets the selected text color.
setTextColor (TextColor As Int) As String
Gets or sets the text color.
setTextSize (TextSize As Float) As String
Gets or sets the text size.
setTop (Top As Int) As String
Gets or sets the view's top position.
setVisible (Visible As Boolean) As String
Gets or sets the Visible property.
setWidth (Width As Int) As String
Gets or sets the view's width.
Show (Parent As PanelWrapper, Left As Int, Top As Int, Width As Int, Height As Int) As String
This routine is needed if you want to add the ComboBox view in the code.
Parent = parent view, can be a Panel or the Activity
Left, Top, Width and Height properties of the ComboBox
ComboBox1.Initialize(Me, "ComboBox1")
ComboBox1.Show(Activity, 20dip, 20dip, 150dip, 48dip)
Size As Int [read only]
Returns the size of the ComboBox
TextColor As Int
Gets or sets the text color.
TextSize As Float
Gets or sets the text size.
Top As Int
Gets or sets the view's top position.
Visible As Boolean
Gets or sets the Visible property.
Width As Int
Gets or sets the view's width.