ContentResolver allows you to interact with other content providers.
QueryCompleted (Success As Boolean, Crsr As Cursor) InsertCompleted (Success As Boolean, Uri As Uri) UpdateCompleted (Success As Boolean, RowsAffected As Int) DeleteCompleted (Success As Boolean, RowsAffected As Int) ObserverChange (Uri As Uri)
Deletes rows based on the given criteria. Uri - Content Uri. Where - The selection criteria. Can include question marks. SelectionArgs - An array of strings that replace the question marks in the Where clause.
Initialize (EventNameAsString)
Initializes the object and sets the subs that will handle the asynchronous operations.
Queries the content provider. Uri - Content Uri. Project - An array of strings. The columns to return. Selection - The criteria. SelectionArgs - An array of strings that replace question marks in the selection string. SortOrder - The sorting column (or empty string if sorting is not required).
Registers a content observer. The ObserverChange event will be raised whenever there is a change related to the given Uri. Uri - The Uri to watch for changes. NotifyForDescendents - Whether to listen to changes related to descendant Uris. Example: SubProcess_Globals PrivatecrAsContentResolver EndSub
Updates rows with the given values. Uri - Content Uri. Values - Values to update. Where - Selection criteria. SelectionArgs - An array of strings that replaces questions marks in the Where clause.