Not all the functionality of EJML is exposed to Basic4android This library exposes SimpleMatrix which is an interface that provides an easy to use object oriented way of doing linear algebra. SimpleMatrix
Simplified ways to use popular matrix decompositions are provided. These decompositions should meet most people needs. SVD : Computes the singular value decomposition of 'this' matrix. EIG : Computes the eigen value decomposition of 'this' matrix.
EJML and therefore also this library is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License. Copies of both the General Public License and Lesser General Public License are in the provided archive.
This object holds the Eigendecomposition of a matrix. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors have the following property: A*v=λ*v where A is a square matrix and v is an eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue λ.
In general, both eigenvalues and eigenvectors can be complex numbers. For symmetric matrices the eigenvalues and eigenvectors are always real numbers. EJML does not support complex matrices but it does have minimal support for complex numbers. As a result complex eigenvalues are found, but only the real eigenvectors are computed.
SimpleMatrix is an interface that provides an easy to use object oriented way of doing linear algebra. It is a wrapper around the operation interface in EJML and was originally inspired by Jama. When using SimpleMatrix memory management is automatically handled and it allows commands to be chained together as many of the operations return the SimpleMatrix itself.
For example A.Transpose().Mult(B).Scale(12).Invert. Such expressions are evaluated left to right.
The typical method in SimpleMatrix takes at least one SimpleMatrix as an input and returns a SimpleMatrix. None of the input matrices are modified during function calls, a new matrix is always returned.
The names of the methods in this library are as far as possible the names in the original EJML libray.
The EJML documentation should be studied for more information on SimpleMatrix. SimpleMatrix
This object holds the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a matrix, which is defined as A = U * W * V^T where A is m by n, and U and V are orthogonal matrices, and W is a diagonal matrix.
The dimension of U,W,V depends if it is a compact SVD or not. If not compact then U is m by m, *W is m by n, V is n by n. If compact then let s be the number of singular values, U is m by s, W is s by s, and V is n by s.