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Written by Andrew Graham

This library includes an Evaluator object that can evaluate arithmetic expressions.

List of types:



This class contains an arithmetic expression evaluator.
It supports the arithmetic sub-set of the full Basic4android language.

Operators in precedence order are

^ : exponent
* / mod : multiply, divide and modulus, % is also accepted for mod
+ - : add and subtract

Functions supported are

COS(r), SIN(r), TAN(r), ACOS(n), ASIN(n), ATAN(n) : radians
COSD(d), SINDd), TANDd), ACOSD(n), ASIND(n), ATAND(n) : degrees
LN(n) base e, LOG(n) base 10, LOGARITHM(n, base) any base
SQRT(n), FLOOR(n), ABS(n), MAX(n1, n2), MIN(n1, n2), POWER(n, exp), ROUND(n)

Constants recognised are
CPI : Pi
CE : e

Twenty-six case-insensitive variables are supported named from "A" to "Z" and must be intialised with the required value before being used in an evaluation.
Although the actual variable names are a single letter longer names are accepted but only the initial letter is used to identify the variable.
Variable values are maintained across evaluations.




  Error As String [read only]

  ErrorFlag As Boolean [read only]

  Evaluate (expression As String) As Double

  EvaluateAndSave (expression As String, var As String) As Double

  GetGlobal (var As String) As Double


  SetGlobal (var As String, value As Double)

  Version As Double [read only]

Members description:

Error As String [read only]
Returns the error if any of the last evaluation otherwise returns an empty string.
If the error is a NullPointerException or a StringIndexException then the evaluated expression was ill-formed.
ErrorFlag As Boolean [read only]
Returns True if an error occured in the last call to Evaluate otherwise returns False.
Evaluate (expression As String) As Double
Evaluate the supplied expression and return the result.
If an error occurs zero is returned and the Error property will contain the reason.
EvaluateAndSave (expression As String, var As String) As Double
Evaluate the supplied expression and return the result also saving it in the specified variable.
GetGlobal (var As String) As Double
Returns the value of the variable specified.
Twenty-six case-insensitive variables are supported named from "A" to "Z" longer names are accepted but only the initial letter is used.
Initialise the Evaluator.
SetGlobal (var As String, value As Double)
Sets the contents of the variable named var to value.
Twenty-six case-insensitive variables are supported named from "A" to "Z" longer names are accepted but only the initial letter is used.
Version As Double [read only]
Returns the version number of the library.