Android Programming Press on the image to return to the main documentation page.


List of types:




click(v as Object, tag As Object)
hover(v as Object, tag As Object)
ondismiss(v as Object, tag As Object)


  AddToParent (Parent As android.view.ViewGroup, left As Int, top As Int, width As Int, height As Int)

  Background As [write only]

  BackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  BackgroundColor2 As String [write only]

  BorderColor As Int [write only]

  BorderWidth As Int [write only]

  CustomIconFont As String [write only]

  CustomTextFont As String [write only]

  DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)

  FontIconSize As Int [write only]

  Icon As String [write only]

  IconDrawable As String [write only]

  IconPosition As Int [write only]

  Initialize (EventName As String, iconres As String, IconPosition As Int, tag As Object, AllowDismiss As Boolean)

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  Left As Int

  Radius As Int [write only]

  Tag As Object

  Text As String [write only]

  Textcolor As Int [write only]

  TextSize As Int [write only]

  Top As Int

  uniplus (s As String) As String

  Visible As Boolean

  Width As Int

Members description:

AddToParent (Parent As android.view.ViewGroup, left As Int, top As Int, width As Int, height As Int)
Background As [write only]
BackgroundColor As Int [write only]
Sets the BackgroundColor to use with the FancyButton
BackgroundColor2 As String [write only]
Sets the BackgroundColor to use with the FancyButton
here you can give a hexstring representating the color
BorderColor As Int [write only]
Sets the BorderColor to use with the FancyButton
BorderWidth As Int [write only]
Sets the BorderWidth to use with the FancyButton
CustomIconFont As String [write only]
Set a new Iconfont to use in the FancyButton.
It must be a name from a file in the assets-folder
fontawesome.ttf for ex.
CustomTextFont As String [write only]
Set a new Textfont to use in the FancyButton.
It must be a name from a file in the assets-folder
robotoregular.ttf for ex.
DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)
FontIconSize As Int [write only]
Sets the Size of the icon to use with the FancyButton
Only works when using an Icon from the IconFont.
Icon As String [write only]
Sets the Icon to use with the FancyButton. You need to give an unicode
string representating the Icon in the Iconfont. For ex. ?
IconDrawable As String [write only]
Sets the Icon to use with the FancyButton
You can give the filename of a drawable in the
drawable folder in your res folder.
IconPosition As Int [write only]
Set the Icon-Position of the FancyButton.
1 = Left
Initialize (EventName As String, iconres As String, IconPosition As Int, tag As Object, AllowDismiss As Boolean)
IsInitialized As Boolean
Left As Int
Radius As Int [write only]
Sets the Radius to use with the FancyButtons edges
Tag As Object
Sets the Tag for this FancyButton
Text As String [write only]
Sets the Text to use with the FancyButton
Textcolor As Int [write only]
Sets the TextColor to use with the FancyButton
TextSize As Int [write only]
Sets the Textsize to use with the FancyButton
Top As Int
uniplus (s As String) As String
Visible As Boolean
Sets the FancyButtons visibility
Width As Int
