Initializes the AdView using the default 320dip x 50dip size. EventName - Name of Subs that will handle the events. PublisherId - The publisher id you received from AdMob.
Initializes the AdView. EventName - Name of Subs that will handle the events. AdUnitId - The Ad unit id received from AdMob. Size - One of the SIZE constants.
Ad will use the full available width automatically. You can use this code to add such an ad to the bottom of the screen: Adview1.Initialize2("Ad", "xxxxxxxx", AdView1.SIZE_SMART_BANNER)
DimheightAsInt IfGetDeviceLayoutValues.ApproximateScreenSize < 6Then 'phones If100%x > 100%yThenheight = 32dipElseheight = 50dip Else 'tablets height = 90dip EndIf Activity.AddView(AdView1, 0dip, 100%y - height, 100%x, height)
Shows the consent form. Must be called from an activity. This method should be called when needed, after the current consent state becomes available. Raises the FormResult event. PrivacyURL - A link to your privacy URL page. PersonalizedOption - Whether to show the personalized option. NonPersonalizedOption - Whether to show the non-personalized option. AdFreeOption - Whether to show the ad free option.
Interstitial ads are full screen ads. The following events are raised: ReceiveAd - An ad is ready to be shown. FailedToReceiveAd AdOpened - The ad has become visible. AdClosed - The user has closed the ad. AdLeftApplication - The user has clicked on the ad. Example of both types of ads using test ids: SubProcess_Globals
Initializes the object. EventName - Set the subs that will handle the events. AdUnitId - The ad unit id. Test id: ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712
Requests an ad. The ReceiveAd or FailedToReceiveAd events will be raised.
Initializes the ad view. EventName - Sets the subs that will handle the events. AdUnitId - Ad unit ID of a native ad. Width - Requested ad width. Height - Requested ad height.
A video ad where the user is rewarded if it is watched fully. The Rewarded event will be raised in that case. Note that AdMob does not serve these ads directly. You need to use the mediation feature to add an ad network that supports this type of ads. This is an 'Activity Object', it cannot be declared under Sub Process_Globals.
ReceiveAd FailedToReceiveAd (ErrorCode As String) AdClosed AdOpened AdLeftApplication Rewarded (Item As Object)