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Written by Martin Pearman

List of types:






  AddressLines As List [read only]

  AdminArea As String [read only]

  CountryCode As String [read only]

  CountryName As String [read only]

  FeatureName As String [read only]

  HasLatitude As Boolean

  HasLongitude As Boolean

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  Latitude As Double [read only]

  Locality As String [read only]

  Longitude As Double [read only]

  Phone As String [read only]

  PostalCode As String [read only]

  Premises As String [read only]

  SubAdminArea As String [read only]

  SubLocality As String [read only]

  SubThoroughfare As String [read only]

  Thoroughfare As String [read only]

  Url As String [read only]

Members description:

AddressLines As List [read only]
Returns a List of Strings which are the address lines of the Address.
AdminArea As String [read only]
Returns the administrative area name of the Address.
For example, "CA", or Null if it is unknown.
CountryCode As String [read only]
Returns the country code of the Address.
For example "US", or Null if it is unknown.
CountryName As String [read only]
Returns the localized country name of the Address.
For example "Iceland", or Null if it is unknown.
FeatureName As String [read only]
Returns the feature name of the Address.
For example, "Golden Gate Bridge", or Null if it is unknown.
HasLatitude As Boolean
Returns True if a latitude has been assigned to this Address, False otherwise.
HasLongitude As Boolean
Returns True if a longitude has been assigned to this Address, False otherwise.
IsInitialized As Boolean
Latitude As Double [read only]
Returns the latitude of the Address if known.
Locality As String [read only]
Returns the locality of the Address.
For example "Mountain View", or Null if it is unknown.
Longitude As Double [read only]
Returns the longitude of the Address if known.
Phone As String [read only]
Returns the phone number of the Address if known, or Null if it is unknown.
PostalCode As String [read only]
Returns the postal code of the Address.
For example "94110", or Null if it is unknown.
Premises As String [read only]
Returns the premises of the Address, or Null if it is unknown.
SubAdminArea As String [read only]
Returns the sub-administrative area name of the Address.
For example, "Santa Clara County", or Null if it is unknown.
SubLocality As String [read only]
Returns the sub-locality of the Address, or Null if it is unknown.
SubThoroughfare As String [read only]
Returns the sub-thoroughfare name of the Address, or Null if it is unknown.
Thoroughfare As String [read only]
Returns the thoroughfare name of the Address.
For example, "1600 Ampitheater Parkway", or Null if it is unknown.
Url As String [read only]
Returns the public URL for the Address, or Null if it is unknown.



GeocodeDone(Address1() As Address, Tag As Object)


  GetFromLocation (Latitude As Double, Longitude As Double, MaxResults As Int, Tag As Object)

  GetFromLocationName (LocationName As String, MaxResults As Int, Tag As Object)

  Initialize (EventName As String)

  Initialize2 (EventName As String, Language As String)

  Initialize3 (EventName As String, Language As String, Country As String)

  IsInitialized As Boolean

Members description:

GetFromLocation (Latitude As Double, Longitude As Double, MaxResults As Int, Tag As Object)
Gets an Array of Address objects that describe the area immediately surrounding the given Latitude and Longitude.
The Array of Address objects is passed back to B4A in the GeocodeDone event along with the Tag Object.
Tag is not used by this method, it is simply a means by which you can associate an identifying Object with this task.
GetFromLocationName (LocationName As String, MaxResults As Int, Tag As Object)
Gets an Array of Address objects that describe the named location.
LocationName may be a place name such as "Dalvik, Iceland",
an address such as "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA",
an airport code such as "SFO", etc...
The Array of Address objects is passed back to B4A in the GeocodeDone event along with the Tag Object.
Tag is not used by this method, it is simply a means by which you can associate an identifying Object with this task.
Initialize (EventName As String)
Initialize the Geocoder object with the device's system Locale.
Initialize2 (EventName As String, Language As String)
Initialize the Geocoder object with a Locale based on Language.
Initialize3 (EventName As String, Language As String, Country As String)
Initialize the Geocoder object with a Locale based on Language and Country.
IsInitialized As Boolean
