Give you the real length in MM:SS Example: Sub Process_Globals Dim timer1 As Timer Dim mp As ICOSMusicPlayer End Sub
Sub Globals Dim label1 As Label End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean) timer1.Initialize("timer1",1000) timer1.Enabled=True mp.Initialize mp.PlayMusicFromFile("sdcard/media/1.mp3",0,True) End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume If mp.IsPlaying Then mp.Play timer1.Enabled = True timer1_tick End If End Sub
Sub timer1_Tick If mp.IsPlaying Then Label1.text="Position: " & mp.ConvertTimeToMinuts & " - " & ConvertTimeToSeconds ( "Position: 3:28 - 0:00" ) End If End Sub
ConvertTimeToSeconds AsString
Give you the real length in MM:SS Example: Sub Process_Globals Dim timer1 As Timer Dim mp As ICOSMusicPlayer End Sub
Sub Globals Dim label1 As Label End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean) timer1.Initialize("timer1",1000) timer1.Enabled=True mp.Initialize mp.PlayMusicFromFile("sdcard/media/1.mp3",0,True) End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume If mp.IsPlaying Then mp.Play timer1.Enabled = True timer1_tick End If End Sub
Sub timer1_Tick If mp.IsPlaying Then Label1.text="Position: " & mp.ConvertTimeToMinuts & " - " & ConvertTimeToSeconds ( "Position: 3:28 - 0:00" ) End If End Sub
Duration AsInt [read only]
Return the total value of the loaded media in milliSeconds
Get_Album_Artist AsInt
Get_Album_Title AsInt
Get_Artist_Name AsInt
Get_Author_Name AsInt
Get_Bitrate AsInt
Get_Cd_Track_Number AsInt
Get_Compilation AsInt
Get_Composer_Name AsInt
Get_Date AsInt
Get_Disc_Number AsInt
Get_Duration AsInt
Get_Genre AsInt
Get_Location AsInt
Get_Mimetype AsInt
Get_Number_Tracks AsInt
Get_Title AsInt
Get_Writter AsInt
Get_Year AsInt
Initialize (EventName AsString)
Initialize the Object. You Should Initialize Before Load Any Sounds. Example: Dim mp as ICOSMusicPlayer mp.Initialize("mp")
IsPlaying AsBoolean
Return true if ICOSMusicPlayer is currently playig
Pause the current playback. You can resume it from the current position at any time by calling mp.Play
Load any media file and Play. Example: Dim Label1 as Label Label1.Text = mp.PlayMusicFromFile("sdcard/media/somefile.mp3",mp.Get_Title) or mp.PlayMusicFromFile("somefile.mp3",0,True) type is any information about any media file, type 0 = null.
Load any media file and Play. Example: Dim Label1 as Label Label1.Text = mp.PlayMusicFromFile("sdcard/media/somefile.mp3",mp.Get_Title) or mp.PlayMusicFromFile("sdcard/media/somefile.mp3",0,True) type is any information about any media file, type 0 = null.