Android Programming Press on the image to return to the main documentation page.


Written by DonManfred (wrapper)

List of types:






  CANADA As java.util.Locale

  CANADA_FRENCH As java.util.Locale

  CHINA As java.util.Locale

  CHINESE As java.util.Locale

  ENGLISH As java.util.Locale

  FRANCE As java.util.Locale

  FRENCH As java.util.Locale

  GERMAN As java.util.Locale

  GERMANY As java.util.Locale

  Initialize (dateformat As String, locale As java.util.Locale, date As String)

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  ITALIAN As java.util.Locale

  ITALY As java.util.Locale

  JAPAN As java.util.Locale

  JAPANESE As java.util.Locale

  KOREA As java.util.Locale

  KOREAN As java.util.Locale

  PRC As java.util.Locale

  ROOT As java.util.Locale

  SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE As java.util.Locale

  TAIWAN As java.util.Locale

  TRADITIONAL_CHINESE As java.util.Locale

  UK As java.util.Locale

  US As java.util.Locale

Members description:

CANADA As java.util.Locale
CANADA_FRENCH As java.util.Locale
CHINA As java.util.Locale
CHINESE As java.util.Locale
ENGLISH As java.util.Locale
FRANCE As java.util.Locale
FRENCH As java.util.Locale
GERMAN As java.util.Locale
GERMANY As java.util.Locale
Initialize (dateformat As String, locale As java.util.Locale, date As String)
IsInitialized As Boolean
ITALIAN As java.util.Locale
ITALY As java.util.Locale
JAPAN As java.util.Locale
JAPANESE As java.util.Locale
KOREA As java.util.Locale
KOREAN As java.util.Locale
PRC As java.util.Locale
ROOT As java.util.Locale
SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE As java.util.Locale
TAIWAN As java.util.Locale
UK As java.util.Locale
US As java.util.Locale


This is an 'Activity Object', it cannot be declared under Sub Process_Globals.


onDateSet(year As int, monthOfYear As int, dayOfMonth As int)


  AccentColor As Int

  AccentColor2 As String [write only]

  autoDismiss (autoDismiss As Boolean)

  CancelText As String [write only]

  dismissOnPause (dismissOnPause As Boolean)

  FirstDayOfWeek As Int [write only]

  HighlightedDays() As java.util.Calendar

  Initialize (EventName As String, year As Int, monthOfYear As Int, dayOfMonth As Int)

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  isThemeDark As Boolean

  MaxDate As java.util.Calendar

  MinDate As java.util.Calendar

  OkText As String [write only]

  SelectableDays() As java.util.Calendar

  setYearRange (startYear As Int, endYear As Int)

  show (tag As String)

  showYearPickerFirst (yearPicker As Boolean)

  ThemeDark As Boolean [write only]

  Title As String [write only]

  vibrate (vibrate As Boolean)

Members description:

AccentColor As Int
Get the accent color of this dialog
AccentColor2 As String [write only]
Set the accent color of this dialog
autoDismiss (autoDismiss As Boolean)
Set whether the picker should dismiss itself when a day is selected
autoDismiss: true if the dialog should dismiss itself when a day is selected
CancelText As String [write only]
Set the label for the Cancel button (max 12 characters)
dismissOnPause (dismissOnPause As Boolean)
Set whether the picker should dismiss itself when being paused or whether it should try to survive an orientation change
dismissOnPause: true if the dialog should dismiss itself when it's pausing
FirstDayOfWeek As Int [write only]
HighlightedDays() As java.util.Calendar
Sets an array of dates which should be highlighted when the picker is drawn
Initialize (EventName As String, year As Int, monthOfYear As Int, dayOfMonth As Int)
IsInitialized As Boolean
isThemeDark As Boolean
Returns true when the dark theme should be used
Return type: @return:true if the dark theme should be used, false if the default theme should be used
MaxDate As java.util.Calendar
Sets the minimal date supported by this DatePicker. Dates after (but not including) the
specified date will be disallowed from being selected.
MinDate As java.util.Calendar
Sets the minimal date supported by this DatePicker. Dates before (but not including) the
specified date will be disallowed from being selected.
OkText As String [write only]
Set the label for the Ok button (max 12 characters)
SelectableDays() As java.util.Calendar
Set's a list of days which are the only valid selections.
Setting this value will take precedence over using setMinDate() and setMaxDate()
setYearRange (startYear As Int, endYear As Int)
show (tag As String)
showYearPickerFirst (yearPicker As Boolean)
Set whether the year picker of the month and day picker is shown first
yearPicker: boolean
ThemeDark As Boolean [write only]
Set whether the dark theme should be used
Title As String [write only]
Set a title to be displayed instead of the weekday
vibrate (vibrate As Boolean)
Set whether the device should vibrate when touching fields
vibrate: true if the device should vibrate when touching a field


This is an 'Activity Object', it cannot be declared under Sub Process_Globals.


onTimeSet(hour As int,minute As int, second As int)


  AccentColor As Int

  AccentColor2 As String [write only]

  CancelText As String [write only]

  dismissOnPause (dismissOnPause As Boolean)

  enableSeconds (enableSeconds As Boolean)

  Initialize (EventName As String, hourOfDay As Int, minute As Int, is24HourMode As Boolean)

  is24HourMode As Boolean

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  isThemeDark As Boolean

  MaxTime2 As com.wdullaer.materialdatetimepicker.time.Timepoint [write only]

  MinTime2 As com.wdullaer.materialdatetimepicker.time.Timepoint [write only]

  OkText As String [write only]

  SelectableTimes() As com.wdullaer.materialdatetimepicker.time.Timepoint [write only]

  setMaxTime (hour As Int, minute As Int, second As Int)

  setMinTime (hour As Int, minute As Int, second As Int)

  setStartTime (hourOfDay As Int, minute As Int)

  setStartTime2 (hourOfDay As Int, minute As Int, second As Int)

  setTimeInterval2 (hourInterval As Int, minuteInterval As Int)

  setTimeInterval3 (hourInterval As Int, minuteInterval As Int, secondInterval As Int)

  show (tag As String)

  ThemeDark As Boolean [write only]

  TimeInterval As Int [write only]

  Title As String

  vibrate (vibrate As Boolean)

Members description:

AccentColor As Int
Get the accent color of this dialog
AccentColor2 As String [write only]
Set the accent color of this dialog
CancelText As String [write only]
Set the label for the Cancel button (max 12 characters)
dismissOnPause (dismissOnPause As Boolean)
Set whether the picker should dismiss itself when it's pausing or whether it should try to survive an orientation change
dismissOnPause: true if the picker should dismiss itself
enableSeconds (enableSeconds As Boolean)
Set whether an additional picker for seconds should be shown
enableSeconds: true if the seconds picker should be shown
Initialize (EventName As String, hourOfDay As Int, minute As Int, is24HourMode As Boolean)
is24HourMode As Boolean
IsInitialized As Boolean
isThemeDark As Boolean
MaxTime2 As com.wdullaer.materialdatetimepicker.time.Timepoint [write only]
MinTime2 As com.wdullaer.materialdatetimepicker.time.Timepoint [write only]
OkText As String [write only]
Set the label for the Ok button (max 12 characters)
SelectableTimes() As com.wdullaer.materialdatetimepicker.time.Timepoint [write only]
setMaxTime (hour As Int, minute As Int, second As Int)
setMinTime (hour As Int, minute As Int, second As Int)
setStartTime (hourOfDay As Int, minute As Int)
setStartTime2 (hourOfDay As Int, minute As Int, second As Int)
setTimeInterval2 (hourInterval As Int, minuteInterval As Int)
Set the interval for selectable times in the TimePickerDialog
This is a convenience wrapper around setSelectableTimes
The interval for all three time components can be set independently
hourInterval: The interval between 2 selectable hours ([1,24])
minuteInterval: The interval between 2 selectable minutes ([1,60])
setTimeInterval3 (hourInterval As Int, minuteInterval As Int, secondInterval As Int)
Set the interval for selectable times in the TimePickerDialog
This is a convenience wrapper around setSelectableTimes
The interval for all three time components can be set independently
hourInterval: The interval between 2 selectable hours ([1,24])
minuteInterval: The interval between 2 selectable minutes ([1,60])
secondInterval: The interval between 2 selectable seconds ([1,60])
show (tag As String)
ThemeDark As Boolean [write only]
Set a dark or light theme. NOTE: this will only take effect for the next onCreateView.
TimeInterval As Int [write only]
Set the interval for selectable times in the TimePickerDialog
This is a convenience wrapper around setSelectableTimes
The interval for all three time components can be set independently
Title As String
Set a title. NOTE: this will only take effect with the next onCreateView
vibrate (vibrate As Boolean)
Set whether the device should vibrate when touching fields
vibrate: true if the device should vibrate when touching a field





  Initialize (hour As Int, minute As Int, second As Int)

  IsInitialized As Boolean

Members description:

Initialize (hour As Int, minute As Int, second As Int)
IsInitialized As Boolean
