Android Programming Press on the image to return to the main documentation page.


Written by Jem Miller

List of types:



This is an 'Activity Object', it cannot be declared under Sub Process_Globals.


Click(Position As Int, Value As String)


  AddMenuItem (Title As String, Image As BitmapWrapper) As String

  AddMenuItemAt (Title As String, Image As BitmapWrapper, Position As Int) As String

  CloseMenu As String

  Initialize (MaxItemShow As Int, ItemHeight As Int, Parent As ActivityWrapper, Module As Object, bgColor As Int, txtColor As Int, TextSize As Float, Event As String) As String

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  IsVisible As Boolean

  OpenMenu As String

  OpenMenuAt (Left As Int, Top As Int) As String

  RemoveAll As Boolean

  RemoveAt (Index As Int) As Boolean

  Size As Int

Members description:

AddMenuItem (Title As String, Image As BitmapWrapper) As String
Adds an item to the menu.
Title - title displayed in the menu.
Image - Pass Null if there is no image to load.
AddMenuItemAt (Title As String, Image As BitmapWrapper, Position As Int) As String
Adds an item to the menu in the specified position.
Title - title displayed in the menu.
Image - put Null if there is no image to load.
Position - position in the menu.
CloseMenu As String
Programmatically closes the menu.
Initialize (MaxItemShow As Int, ItemHeight As Int, Parent As ActivityWrapper, Module As Object, bgColor As Int, txtColor As Int, TextSize As Float, Event As String) As String
Initializes the ModularMenu.
MaxItemShow - maximum number of item visible in the menu.
HeightItem - height of each item. in DIP units.
Parent - The Main Activity (Should always be Activity)
Module - must be Me (with no " marks)
bgColor - Menu color
txtColor - Text color
TextSize - Text size
Event - Event name to raise on Click event (create an event with this prototype: Event_Click(Position as Int, Value as String).
IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized.
IsVisible As Boolean
Returns True if menu is currently showing.
OpenMenu As String
Programmatically opens the menu.
OpenMenuAt (Left As Int, Top As Int) As String
Programmatically opens the menu at a specified location.
Left - Left edge of menu.
Top - Top edge of menu.
RemoveAll As Boolean
Removes all items from the menu.
RemoveAt (Index As Int) As Boolean
Removes the item at the specified position.
Size As Int
Returns the number of menu items [read only].