This method ignores punctuation Punctuation is defined as any character not in a-z, A-Z, or 0-9 all puntuation is counted as a word break like a space
st = getwords(2,5,"(this is)a test_of my-lib") Returns "is a test of"
Hex (numbAsInt) AsString
Returns the hex string value of a number
Initializes the object.
IsChar (chAsChar) AsBoolean
Checks to see if a character is a normal character (a-z, A-Z, or 0-9)
Tests whether the object has been initialized.
IsPunct (chAsChar) AsBoolean
Checks to see if a character is punctuation (not a-z, A-Z, or 0-9)
LastPos (FindAsChar, StrAsString) AsInt
Returns the last position of "Find" in "Str"
NewLines (numAsByte) AsString
Returns "num" occurances of CRLF. This is useful for formatting text files
newlines(3) returns 3 linefeeds
PosWord (wordNumAsInt, StrAsString) AsInt
Returns the character postion of the first letter of the Word at postion NumWord
i = PosWord(4,"This is a test test of the MLStr-library") returns 11 (the first letter of the word test) Returns 0 if error
Proper (lineAsString) AsString
Uppercases the first letter of EACH word in a string
Strip (lineAsString) AsString
Strips ALL spaces from "line"
StripIt (lineAsString, chAsChar) AsString
Strips all occurances of the character "ch" from the string "line"
StripTo (lineAsString, findAsString) AsString
Returns everything in the string "line" up to the point where it finds the string "find". Deletes everything before "find" and returns what is left in the Remainder string. Find can be a single character or a string.
stripto("this is a string"," ") will return "this" and Remainder will equal "is a string" Notice that the " " is gone from the return value AND in Remainder. This is true of all find values sent to the routine. The find value is always deleted.
Returns a unique identifier based on the current date and time converted to hex
WordCnt (StrAsString) AsInt
Same as words
WordN (stAsString, nmAsByte) AsString
Returns word number "nm" from string "St"
wordn("this is a test",3) will return "a" This method accounts for non- letters and non-numbers
Words (stAsString) AsInt
Returns the number of words in "St"
words("this is a test") will return 4. This method accounts for punctuation including all non-letters or non-numbers