Android Programming Press on the image to return to the main documentation page.


Written by Johan Schoeman

List of types:






  ba As BA

  Background As

  BarColors() As Int [write only]

  BarData As Int [write only]

  BorderColor As Int [write only]

  BorderWidth As Float [write only]


  ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]

  ChartBitmap As [read only]

  ChartData() As Float [write only]

  ChartDescription As String [write only]

  ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]

  ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]


  Color As Int [write only]

  DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)


  DoubleTapToZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DragEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DrawAxisLine As Boolean [write only]

  DrawBarShadow As Boolean [write only]

  DrawBorders As Boolean [write only]

  DrawGridBackground As Boolean [write only]

  DrawHighlightArrow As Boolean [write only]

  DrawValueAboveBar As Boolean [write only]

  DrawXaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  DrawYaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  Enabled As Boolean


  GridBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  Height As Int

  Initialize (EventName As String)


  Invalidate2 (arg0 As

  Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  Left As Int

  LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]

  LegendText() As String [write only]

  LegendTitle As String [write only]

  MarkerToUse As Int [write only]

  MaxVisibleValueCount As Int [write only]

  PinchZoom As Boolean [write only]


  RequestFocus As Boolean

  SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)

  saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)

  ScaleEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScaleXEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScaleYEnabled As Boolean [write only]


  SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As

  SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)

  setDescriptionPosition (x As Float, y As Float)

  SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)

  setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)

  SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)

  ShowYaxisLeftLabels As Boolean [write only]

  ShowYaxisRightLabels As Boolean [write only]

  Tag As Object

  TheLegendColor As Int [write only]

  TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]

  Top As Int

  ValueTextColor As Int [write only]

  ValueTextSize As Int [write only]

  Visible As Boolean

  Width As Int

  XAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  XaxisLabelPosition As String [write only]

  XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

  XYAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  YAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  YAxisMaxValue As Float [write only]

  YAxisMinValue As Float [write only]

  YaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  YaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

Members description:

ba As BA
Background As
BarColors() As Int [write only]
BarData As Int [write only]
BorderColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color of the chart border lines.
BorderWidth As Float [write only]
Sets the width of the border lines in dp.
ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]
ChartBitmap As [read only]
Returns the bitmap that represents the chart.
ChartData() As Float [write only]
ChartDescription As String [write only]
ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]
ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]
Clears this data object from all DataSets and removes all Entries. Don't
forget to invalidate the chart after this.
Color As Int [write only]
DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)
disables intercept touchevents
DoubleTapToZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable zooming in by double-tap on the chart.
Default: enabled
DragEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable dragging (moving the chart with the finger)
for the chart (this does not effect scaling).
DrawAxisLine As Boolean [write only]
set draw x-axis line
DrawBarShadow As Boolean [write only]
DrawBorders As Boolean [write only]
Sets drawing the borders rectangle to true. If this is enabled, there is
no point drawing the axis-lines of x- and y-axis.
DrawGridBackground As Boolean [write only]
set this to true to draw the grid background, false if not
DrawHighlightArrow As Boolean [write only]
set this to true to draw the highlightning arrow
DrawValueAboveBar As Boolean [write only]
DrawXaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw x-axis grid lines
DrawYaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw y-axis grid lines
Enabled As Boolean
enables intercept touchevents
GridBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color for the background of the chart-drawing area (everything
behind the grid lines).
Height As Int
Initialize (EventName As String)
Invalidate2 (arg0 As
Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
IsInitialized As Boolean
Left As Int
LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]
LegendText() As String [write only]
LegendTitle As String [write only]
MarkerToUse As Int [write only]
Set the marker (image)to be used.
An int value from 1 to 4
See the res/drawable and res/layout folders of the B4A project
MaxVisibleValueCount As Int [write only]
PinchZoom As Boolean [write only]
if set to true, both x and y axis can be scaled with 2 fingers, if false,
x and y axis can be scaled separately. default: false
RequestFocus As Boolean
SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)
Saves the current state of the chart to the gallery as a JPEG image. The
filename and compression can be set. 0 == maximum compression, 100 = low
compression (high quality). NOTE: Needs permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

fileName e.g. "my_image"
quality e.g. 50, min = 0, max = 100
saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)
Saves the current chart state with the given name to the given path on
the sdcard leaving the path empty "" will put the saved file directly on
the SD card chart is saved as a PNG image, example:
saveToPath("myfilename", "foldername1/foldername2");

fileName e.g. "my_image"
pathOnSD e.g. "folder1/folder2/folder3"
ScaleEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable scaling (zooming in and out by gesture) for
the chart (this does not effect dragging) on both X- and Y-Axis.
ScaleXEnabled As Boolean [write only]
ScaleYEnabled As Boolean [write only]
SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As
SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)
setDescriptionPosition (x As Float, y As Float)
Sets a custom position for the description text in pixels on the screen.
x: - xcoordinate
y: - ycoordinate
SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)
setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)
SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)
ShowYaxisLeftLabels As Boolean [write only]
Show or don't show the left Y-Axis labels.
ShowYaxisRightLabels As Boolean [write only]
Show or don't show the right Y-Axis labels.
Tag As Object
TheLegendColor As Int [write only]
TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]
Top As Int
ValueTextColor As Int [write only]
ValueTextSize As Int [write only]
Visible As Boolean
Width As Int
XAnimate As Boolean [write only]
XaxisLabelPosition As String [write only]
set x-axis label position
XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set X-Axis text color
XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set X-Axis text size
XYAnimate As Boolean [write only]
YAnimate As Boolean [write only]
YAxisMaxValue As Float [write only]
Set a custom maximum value for this axis.
YAxisMinValue As Float [write only]
Set a custom minimum value for this axis.
YaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set Y-Axis text color
YaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set Y-Axis text size





  ba As BA

  Background As

  BorderColor As Int [write only]

  BorderWidth As Float [write only]


  CandleData As Int [write only]

  Chart_Close_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_High_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_Low_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_Open_Data() As Float [write only]

  ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]

  ChartBitmap As [read only]

  ChartData() As Float [write only]

  ChartDescription As String [write only]

  ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]

  ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]


  Color As Int [write only]

  CurrentValue() As Float [write only]

  DecreasingColor As Int [write only]

  DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)


  DoubleTapToZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DragEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DrawAxisLine As Boolean [write only]

  DrawBorders As Boolean [write only]

  DrawGridBackground As Boolean [write only]

  DrawValues As Boolean [write only]

  DrawXaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  DrawYaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  Enabled As Boolean


  FillColor() As Int [write only]

  GridBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  Height As Int

  IncreasingColor As Int [write only]

  Initialize (EventName As String)


  Invalidate2 (arg0 As

  Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  Left As Int

  LegendCustomColor() As Int [write only]

  LegendCustomText() As String [write only]

  LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]

  MarkerToUse As Int [write only]

  MaxVisibleValueCount As Int [write only]

  PinchZoom As Boolean [write only]


  RequestFocus As Boolean

  SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)

  saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)

  ScaleEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScaleXEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScaleYEnabled As Boolean [write only]


  SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As

  SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)

  setDescriptionPosition (x As Float, y As Float)

  SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)

  setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)

  SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)

  ShadowColor As Int [write only]

  ShadowWidth As Float [write only]

  ShowYaxisLeftLabels As Boolean [write only]

  ShowYaxisRightLabels As Boolean [write only]

  Tag As Object

  TheLegendTextColor As Int [write only]

  TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]

  Top As Int

  ValueTextColor As Int [write only]

  ValueTextSize As Float [write only]

  Visible As Boolean

  Width As Int

  XAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  XaxisLabelPosition As String [write only]

  XaxisLables() As String [write only]

  XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

  XYAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  YAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  YaxisMaxVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisMinVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  YaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

Members description:

ba As BA
Background As
BorderColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color of the chart border lines.
BorderWidth As Float [write only]
Sets the width of the border lines in dp.
CandleData As Int [write only]
Chart_Close_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_High_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_Low_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_Open_Data() As Float [write only]
ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]
ChartBitmap As [read only]
Returns the bitmap that represents the chart.
ChartData() As Float [write only]
ChartDescription As String [write only]
ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]
ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]
Clears this data object from all DataSets and removes all Entries. Don't
forget to invalidate the chart after this.
Color As Int [write only]
CurrentValue() As Float [write only]
DecreasingColor As Int [write only]
set this to true to draw the highlightning arrow
DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)
disables intercept touchevents
DoubleTapToZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable zooming in by double-tap on the chart.
Default: enabled
DragEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable dragging (moving the chart with the finger)
for the chart (this does not effect scaling).
DrawAxisLine As Boolean [write only]
set draw x-axis line
DrawBorders As Boolean [write only]
Sets drawing the borders rectangle to true. If this is enabled, there is
no point drawing the axis-lines of x- and y-axis.
DrawGridBackground As Boolean [write only]
set this to true to draw the grid background, false if not
DrawValues As Boolean [write only]
DrawXaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw x-axis grid lines
DrawYaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw y-axis grid lines
Enabled As Boolean
enables intercept touchevents
FillColor() As Int [write only]
Set the color to fill the area between the graph and the X axis with.
GridBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color for the background of the chart-drawing area (everything
behind the grid lines).
Height As Int
IncreasingColor As Int [write only]
Initialize (EventName As String)
Invalidate2 (arg0 As
Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
IsInitialized As Boolean
Left As Int
LegendCustomColor() As Int [write only]
LegendCustomText() As String [write only]
LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]
MarkerToUse As Int [write only]
Set the marker (image)to be used.
An int value from 1 to 4
See the res/drawable and res/layout folders of the B4A project
MaxVisibleValueCount As Int [write only]
PinchZoom As Boolean [write only]
if set to true, both x and y axis can be scaled with 2 fingers, if false,
x and y axis can be scaled separately. default: false
RequestFocus As Boolean
SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)
Saves the current state of the chart to the gallery as a JPEG image. The
filename and compression can be set. 0 == maximum compression, 100 = low
compression (high quality). NOTE: Needs permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

fileName e.g. "my_image"
quality e.g. 50, min = 0, max = 100
saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)
Saves the current chart state with the given name to the given path on
the sdcard leaving the path empty "" will put the saved file directly on
the SD card chart is saved as a PNG image, example:
saveToPath("myfilename", "foldername1/foldername2");

fileName e.g. "my_image"
pathOnSD e.g. "folder1/folder2/folder3"
ScaleEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable scaling (zooming in and out by gesture) for
the chart (this does not effect dragging) on both X- and Y-Axis.
ScaleXEnabled As Boolean [write only]
ScaleYEnabled As Boolean [write only]
SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As
SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)
setDescriptionPosition (x As Float, y As Float)
Sets a custom position for the description text in pixels on the screen.
x: - xcoordinate
y: - ycoordinate
SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)
setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)
SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)
ShadowColor As Int [write only]
ShadowWidth As Float [write only]
ShowYaxisLeftLabels As Boolean [write only]
Show or don't show the left Y-Axis labels.
ShowYaxisRightLabels As Boolean [write only]
Show or don't show the right Y-Axis labels.
Tag As Object
TheLegendTextColor As Int [write only]
TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]
Top As Int
ValueTextColor As Int [write only]
ValueTextSize As Float [write only]
Visible As Boolean
Width As Int
XAnimate As Boolean [write only]
XaxisLabelPosition As String [write only]
set x-axis label position
XaxisLables() As String [write only]
Set the X-Axis labels.
XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set X-Axis text color
XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set X-Axis text size
XYAnimate As Boolean [write only]
YAnimate As Boolean [write only]
YaxisMaxVal As Float [write only]
Set the maximum value for the y axis
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisMinVal As Float [write only]
Set the minimum value for the y axis
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set Y-Axis text color
YaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set Y-Axis text size





  ba As BA

  Background As

  BarAxisDependency As String [write only]

  BarChartData() As Float [write only]

  BarColor As Int [write only]

  BarLegendText As String [write only]

  BarValueTextColor As Int [write only]

  BarValueTextSize As Float [write only]

  BorderColor As Int [write only]

  BorderWidth As Float [write only]


  ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]

  ChartBitmap As [read only]

  ChartDescription As String [write only]

  ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]

  ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]


  Color As Int [write only]

  CrossHairColor As Int [write only]

  CubicIntensity As Float [write only]

  DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)


  DoubleTapToZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DragEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DrawAxisLine As Boolean [write only]

  DrawBarValues As Boolean [write only]

  DrawBorders As Boolean [write only]

  DrawCubicGraph As Boolean [write only]

  DrawDashedLine As Boolean [write only]

  DrawGraphHollowCircles As Boolean [write only]

  DrawGridBackground As Boolean [write only]

  DrawLineValues As Boolean [write only]

  DrawMarkerViews As Boolean [write only]

  DrawXaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  DrawYaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  Enabled As Boolean


  FillColor() As Int [write only]

  generateBubbleData As

  generateCandleData As

  generateScatterData As

  GraphCircleColor As Int [write only]

  GraphCircleSize As Float [write only]

  GraphLineWidth As Float [write only]

  GridBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  Height As Int

  HighlightEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  Initialize (EventName As String)


  Invalidate2 (arg0 As

  Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  Left As Int

  LeftYaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  LegendEntrySpace As Float [write only]

  LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]

  LegendTitle As String [write only]

  LineAxisDependency As String [write only]

  LineChartData() As Float [write only]

  LineColor As Int [write only]

  LineLegendText As String [write only]

  LineValueTextColor As Int [write only]

  LineValueTextSize As Float [write only]

  MarkerToUse As Int [write only]

  MaxVisibleValueCount As Int [write only]

  PinchZoom As Boolean [write only]


  RequestFocus As Boolean

  RightYaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)

  saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)

  ScaleEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScaleXEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScaleYEnabled As Boolean [write only]


  SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As

  SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)


  setDescriptionPosition (x As Float, y As Float)

  SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)

  setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)

  SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)

  ShowYaxisLeftLabels As Boolean [write only]

  ShowYaxisRightLabels As Boolean [write only]

  Tag As Object

  TheLegendColor As Int [write only]

  TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]

  Top As Int

  Visible As Boolean

  Width As Int

  XAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  XaxisLabelPosition As String [write only]

  XaxisLables() As String [write only]

  XaxisTextAngle As Float [write only]

  XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

  XYAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  YAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  YaxisLeftMaxVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisLeftMinVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisRightMaxVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisRightMinVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisTextAngle As Float [write only]

  YaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

Members description:

ba As BA
Background As
BarAxisDependency As String [write only]
Sets the axis dependency for the Bar Chart
BarChartData() As Float [write only]
BarColor As Int [write only]
BarLegendText As String [write only]
BarValueTextColor As Int [write only]
BarValueTextSize As Float [write only]
BorderColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color of the chart border lines.
BorderWidth As Float [write only]
Sets the width of the border lines in dp.
ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]
ChartBitmap As [read only]
Returns the bitmap that represents the chart.
ChartDescription As String [write only]
ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]
ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]
Clears this data object from all DataSets and removes all Entries. Don't
forget to invalidate the chart after this.
Color As Int [write only]
CrossHairColor As Int [write only]
Set the color of the cross hair that appears
when the graph is touched
CubicIntensity As Float [write only]
Set the intensity of the cubic line graph.
A value from 0.0 to 1.0
DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)
disables intercept touchevents
DoubleTapToZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable zooming in by double-tap on the chart.
Default: enabled
DragEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable dragging (moving the chart with the finger)
for the chart (this does not effect scaling).
DrawAxisLine As Boolean [write only]
set draw x-axis line
DrawBarValues As Boolean [write only]
Draw or don't draw bar values on the graph.
DrawBorders As Boolean [write only]
Sets drawing the borders rectangle to true. If this is enabled, there is
no point drawing the axis-lines of x- and y-axis.
DrawCubicGraph As Boolean [write only]
Draw or don't draw a cubic line graph.
DrawDashedLine As Boolean [write only]
Disables the line to be drawn in dashed mode.
DrawGraphHollowCircles As Boolean [write only]
Draw hollow or solid graph circles.
DrawGridBackground As Boolean [write only]
set this to true to draw the grid background, false if not
DrawLineValues As Boolean [write only]
Draw or don't draw line values on the graph.
DrawMarkerViews As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to draw a user specified marker-view when tapping on
chart values (use the setMarkerView(MarkerView mv) method to specify a
marker view). Default: true
DrawXaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw x-axis grid lines
DrawYaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw y-axis grid lines
Enabled As Boolean
enables intercept touchevents
FillColor() As Int [write only]
Set the color to fill the area between the graph and the X axis with.
generateBubbleData As
generateCandleData As
generateScatterData As
GraphCircleColor As Int [write only]
Set the color of the graph small circles.
GraphCircleSize As Float [write only]
Set the size of the graph small circles.
GraphLineWidth As Float [write only]
Set the width of the graph line.
GridBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color for the background of the chart-drawing area (everything
behind the grid lines).
Height As Int
HighlightEnabled As Boolean [write only]
If set to true, value highlighting is enabled for all underlying data of
the chart which means that all values can be highlighted programmatically
or by touch gesture.
Initialize (EventName As String)
Invalidate2 (arg0 As
Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
IsInitialized As Boolean
Left As Int
LeftYaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set the left Y-Axis text color
LegendEntrySpace As Float [write only]
Sets the space between the legend entries on a horizontal axis in pixels,
converts to dp internally
Default value is 6.0f
LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]
LegendTitle As String [write only]
LineAxisDependency As String [write only]
Sets the axis dependency for the Line Chart
LineChartData() As Float [write only]
LineColor As Int [write only]
LineLegendText As String [write only]
LineValueTextColor As Int [write only]
LineValueTextSize As Float [write only]
MarkerToUse As Int [write only]
Set the marker (image)to be used.
An int value from 1 to 4
See the res/drawable and res/layout folders of the B4A project
MaxVisibleValueCount As Int [write only]
PinchZoom As Boolean [write only]
if set to true, both x and y axis can be scaled with 2 fingers, if false,
x and y axis can be scaled separately. default: false
RequestFocus As Boolean
RightYaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set the right Y-Axis text color
SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)
Saves the current state of the chart to the gallery as a JPEG image. The
filename and compression can be set. 0 == maximum compression, 100 = low
compression (high quality). NOTE: Needs permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

fileName e.g. "my_image"
quality e.g. 50, min = 0, max = 100
saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)
Saves the current chart state with the given name to the given path on
the sdcard leaving the path empty "" will put the saved file directly on
the SD card chart is saved as a PNG image, example:
saveToPath("myfilename", "foldername1/foldername2");

fileName e.g. "my_image"
pathOnSD e.g. "folder1/folder2/folder3"
ScaleEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable scaling (zooming in and out by gesture) for
the chart (this does not effect dragging) on both X- and Y-Axis.
ScaleXEnabled As Boolean [write only]
ScaleYEnabled As Boolean [write only]
SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As
SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)
setDescriptionPosition (x As Float, y As Float)
Sets a custom position for the description text in pixels on the screen.
x: - xcoordinate
y: - ycoordinate
SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)
setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)
SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)
ShowYaxisLeftLabels As Boolean [write only]
Show or don't show the left Y-Axis labels.
ShowYaxisRightLabels As Boolean [write only]
Show or don't show the right Y-Axis labels.
Tag As Object
TheLegendColor As Int [write only]
TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]
Top As Int
Visible As Boolean
Width As Int
XAnimate As Boolean [write only]
XaxisLabelPosition As String [write only]
set x-axis label position
XaxisLables() As String [write only]
Set the X-Axis labels.
XaxisTextAngle As Float [write only]
Sets the angle to rotate the X-axis labels by
Suggest rotation of between -30.0 and 30.0 where 0.0 will be no rotation (i.e text horizontal)
XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set X-Axis text color
XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set X-Axis text size
XYAnimate As Boolean [write only]
YAnimate As Boolean [write only]
YaxisLeftMaxVal As Float [write only]
Set the maximum value for the y axis (Left)
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisLeftMinVal As Float [write only]
Set the minimum value for the y axis (Left)
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisRightMaxVal As Float [write only]
Set the maximum value for the y axis (Right)
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisRightMinVal As Float [write only]
Set the minimum value for the y axis (Right)
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisTextAngle As Float [write only]
Sets the angle to rotate the Y-axis labels by
Suggest rotation of between -30.0 and 30.0 where 0.0 will be no rotation (i.e text horizontal)
YaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set Y-Axis text size





  ba As BA

  Background As

  BarColors() As Int [write only]

  BarData As Int [write only]

  BorderColor As Int [write only]

  BorderWidth As Float [write only]


  ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]

  ChartBitmap As [read only]

  ChartData() As Float [write only]

  ChartDescription As String [write only]

  ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]

  ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]


  Color As Int [write only]

  DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)


  DoubleTapToZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DragEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DrawAxisLine As Boolean [write only]

  DrawBarShadow As Boolean [write only]

  DrawBorders As Boolean [write only]

  DrawGridBackground As Boolean [write only]

  DrawValueAboveBar As Boolean [write only]

  DrawXaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  DrawYaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  Enabled As Boolean


  GridBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  Height As Int

  Initialize (EventName As String)


  Invalidate2 (arg0 As

  Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  Left As Int

  LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]

  LegendText() As String [write only]

  LegendTitle As String [write only]

  MaxVisibleValueCount As Int [write only]

  PinchZoom As Boolean [write only]


  RequestFocus As Boolean

  SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)

  saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)

  ScaleEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScaleXEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScaleYEnabled As Boolean [write only]


  SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As

  SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)

  setDescriptionPosition (x As Float, y As Float)

  SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)

  setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)

  SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)

  ShowYaxisLeftLabels As Boolean [write only]

  ShowYaxisRightLabels As Boolean [write only]

  Tag As Object

  TheLegendColor As Int [write only]

  TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]

  Top As Int

  ValueTextColor As Int [write only]

  ValueTextSize As Int [write only]

  Visible As Boolean

  Width As Int

  XAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  XaxisLabelPosition As String [write only]

  XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

  XYAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  YAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  YaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  YaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

Members description:

ba As BA
Background As
BarColors() As Int [write only]
BarData As Int [write only]
BorderColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color of the chart border lines.
BorderWidth As Float [write only]
Sets the width of the border lines in dp.
ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]
ChartBitmap As [read only]
Returns the bitmap that represents the chart.
ChartData() As Float [write only]
ChartDescription As String [write only]
ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]
ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]
Clears this data object from all DataSets and removes all Entries. Don't
forget to invalidate the chart after this.
Color As Int [write only]
DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)
disables intercept touchevents
DoubleTapToZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable zooming in by double-tap on the chart.
Default: enabled
DragEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable dragging (moving the chart with the finger)
for the chart (this does not effect scaling).
DrawAxisLine As Boolean [write only]
set draw x-axis line
DrawBarShadow As Boolean [write only]
DrawBorders As Boolean [write only]
Sets drawing the borders rectangle to true. If this is enabled, there is
no point drawing the axis-lines of x- and y-axis.
DrawGridBackground As Boolean [write only]
set this to true to draw the grid background, false if not
DrawValueAboveBar As Boolean [write only]
DrawXaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw x-axis grid lines
DrawYaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw y-axis grid lines
Enabled As Boolean
enables intercept touchevents
GridBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color for the background of the chart-drawing area (everything
behind the grid lines).
Height As Int
Initialize (EventName As String)
Invalidate2 (arg0 As
Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
IsInitialized As Boolean
Left As Int
LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]
LegendText() As String [write only]
LegendTitle As String [write only]
MaxVisibleValueCount As Int [write only]
PinchZoom As Boolean [write only]
if set to true, both x and y axis can be scaled with 2 fingers, if false,
x and y axis can be scaled separately. default: false
RequestFocus As Boolean
SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)
Saves the current state of the chart to the gallery as a JPEG image. The
filename and compression can be set. 0 == maximum compression, 100 = low
compression (high quality). NOTE: Needs permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

fileName e.g. "my_image"
quality e.g. 50, min = 0, max = 100
saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)
Saves the current chart state with the given name to the given path on
the sdcard leaving the path empty "" will put the saved file directly on
the SD card chart is saved as a PNG image, example:
saveToPath("myfilename", "foldername1/foldername2");

fileName e.g. "my_image"
pathOnSD e.g. "folder1/folder2/folder3"
ScaleEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable scaling (zooming in and out by gesture) for
the chart (this does not effect dragging) on both X- and Y-Axis.
ScaleXEnabled As Boolean [write only]
ScaleYEnabled As Boolean [write only]
SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As
SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)
setDescriptionPosition (x As Float, y As Float)
Sets a custom position for the description text in pixels on the screen.
x: - xcoordinate
y: - ycoordinate
SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)
setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)
SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)
ShowYaxisLeftLabels As Boolean [write only]
Show or don't show the left Y-Axis labels.
ShowYaxisRightLabels As Boolean [write only]
Show or don't show the right Y-Axis labels.
Tag As Object
TheLegendColor As Int [write only]
TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]
Top As Int
ValueTextColor As Int [write only]
ValueTextSize As Int [write only]
Visible As Boolean
Width As Int
XAnimate As Boolean [write only]
XaxisLabelPosition As String [write only]
set x-axis label position
XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set X-Axis text color
XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set X-Axis text size
XYAnimate As Boolean [write only]
YAnimate As Boolean [write only]
YaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set Y-Axis text color
YaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set Y-Axis text size





  ba As BA

  Background As

  BorderColor As Int [write only]

  BorderWidth As Float [write only]


  ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]

  ChartBitmap As [read only]

  ChartData() As Float [write only]

  ChartDescription As String [write only]

  ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]

  ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]


  Color As Int [write only]

  CrossHairColor As Int [write only]

  CubicIntensity As Float [write only]

  DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)


  DoubleTapToZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DragEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DrawAxisLine As Boolean [write only]

  DrawBorders As Boolean [write only]

  DrawCubicGraph As Boolean [write only]

  DrawDashedLine As Boolean [write only]

  DrawFilled As Boolean [write only]

  DrawGraphHollowCircles As Boolean [write only]

  DrawGraphValues As Boolean [write only]

  DrawGridBackground As Boolean [write only]

  DrawXaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  DrawYaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  Enabled As Boolean


  FillColor As Int [write only]

  GraphCircleColor As Int [write only]

  GraphCircleSize As Float [write only]

  GraphLineColor As Int [write only]

  GraphLineWidth As Float [write only]

  GridBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  Height As Int

  Initialize (EventName As String)


  Invalidate2 (arg0 As

  Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  Left As Int

  LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]

  LegendText() As String [write only]

  LegendTitle As String [write only]

  LineColors() As Int [write only]

  LineData As Int [write only]

  MarkerToUse As Int [write only]

  MaxVisibleValueCount As Int [write only]

  PinchZoom As Boolean [write only]


  RequestFocus As Boolean

  SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)

  saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)

  ScaleEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScaleXEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScaleYEnabled As Boolean [write only]


  SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As

  SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)

  setDescriptionPosition (x As Float, y As Float)

  SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)

  setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)

  SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)

  ShowYaxisLeftLabels As Boolean [write only]

  ShowYaxisRightLabels As Boolean [write only]

  Tag As Object

  TheLegendColor As Int [write only]

  TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]

  Top As Int

  ValueTextColor As Int [write only]

  ValueTextSize As Int [write only]

  Visible As Boolean

  Width As Int

  XAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  XaxisLabelPosition As String [write only]

  XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

  XYAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  YAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  YaxisMaxVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisMinVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  YaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

Members description:

ba As BA
Background As
BorderColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color of the chart border lines.
BorderWidth As Float [write only]
Sets the width of the border lines in dp.
ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]
ChartBitmap As [read only]
Returns the bitmap that represents the chart.
ChartData() As Float [write only]
ChartDescription As String [write only]
ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]
ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]
Clears this data object from all DataSets and removes all Entries. Don't
forget to invalidate the chart after this.
Color As Int [write only]
CrossHairColor As Int [write only]
Set the color of the cross hair that appears
when the graph is touched
CubicIntensity As Float [write only]
Set the intensity of the cubic line graph.
A value from 0.0 to 1.0
DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)
disables intercept touchevents
DoubleTapToZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable zooming in by double-tap on the chart.
Default: enabled
DragEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable dragging (moving the chart with the finger)
for the chart (this does not effect scaling).
DrawAxisLine As Boolean [write only]
set draw x-axis line
DrawBorders As Boolean [write only]
Sets drawing the borders rectangle to true. If this is enabled, there is
no point drawing the axis-lines of x- and y-axis.
DrawCubicGraph As Boolean [write only]
Draw or don't draw a cubic line graph.
DrawDashedLine As Boolean [write only]
Disables the line to be drawn in dashed mode.
DrawFilled As Boolean [write only]
Fill or don't fill the area between the graph and the X axis.
DrawGraphHollowCircles As Boolean [write only]
Draw hollow or solid graph circles.
DrawGraphValues As Boolean [write only]
Draw or don't draw values on the graph.
DrawGridBackground As Boolean [write only]
set this to true to draw the grid background, false if not
DrawXaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw x-axis grid lines
DrawYaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw y-axis grid lines
Enabled As Boolean
enables intercept touchevents
FillColor As Int [write only]
Set the color to fill the area between the graph and the X axis with.
GraphCircleColor As Int [write only]
Set the color of the graph small circles.
GraphCircleSize As Float [write only]
Set the size of the graph small circles.
GraphLineColor As Int [write only]
Set the color of the graph line.
GraphLineWidth As Float [write only]
Set the width of the graph line.
GridBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color for the background of the chart-drawing area (everything
behind the grid lines).
Height As Int
Initialize (EventName As String)
Invalidate2 (arg0 As
Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
IsInitialized As Boolean
Left As Int
LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]
LegendText() As String [write only]
LegendTitle As String [write only]
LineColors() As Int [write only]
LineData As Int [write only]
MarkerToUse As Int [write only]
Set the marker (image)to be used.
An int value from 1 to 4
See the res/drawable and res/layout folders of the B4A project
MaxVisibleValueCount As Int [write only]
PinchZoom As Boolean [write only]
if set to true, both x and y axis can be scaled with 2 fingers, if false,
x and y axis can be scaled separately. default: false
RequestFocus As Boolean
SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)
Saves the current state of the chart to the gallery as a JPEG image. The
filename and compression can be set. 0 == maximum compression, 100 = low
compression (high quality). NOTE: Needs permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

fileName e.g. "my_image"
quality e.g. 50, min = 0, max = 100
saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)
Saves the current chart state with the given name to the given path on
the sdcard leaving the path empty "" will put the saved file directly on
the SD card chart is saved as a PNG image, example:
saveToPath("myfilename", "foldername1/foldername2");

fileName e.g. "my_image"
pathOnSD e.g. "folder1/folder2/folder3"
ScaleEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable scaling (zooming in and out by gesture) for
the chart (this does not effect dragging) on both X- and Y-Axis.
ScaleXEnabled As Boolean [write only]
ScaleYEnabled As Boolean [write only]
SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As
SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)
setDescriptionPosition (x As Float, y As Float)
Sets a custom position for the description text in pixels on the screen.
x: - xcoordinate
y: - ycoordinate
SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)
setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)
SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)
ShowYaxisLeftLabels As Boolean [write only]
Show or don't show the left Y-Axis labels.
ShowYaxisRightLabels As Boolean [write only]
Show or don't show the right Y-Axis labels.
Tag As Object
TheLegendColor As Int [write only]
TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]
Top As Int
ValueTextColor As Int [write only]
ValueTextSize As Int [write only]
Visible As Boolean
Width As Int
XAnimate As Boolean [write only]
XaxisLabelPosition As String [write only]
set x-axis label position
XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set X-Axis text color
XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set X-Axis text size
XYAnimate As Boolean [write only]
YAnimate As Boolean [write only]
YaxisMaxVal As Float [write only]
Set the maximum value for the y axis
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisMinVal As Float [write only]
Set the minimum value for the y axis
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set Y-Axis text color
YaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set Y-Axis text size





  ba As BA

  Background As

  BarColors() As Int [write only]

  BorderColor As Int [write only]

  BorderWidth As Float [write only]


  Chart_1_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_2_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_3_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_4_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_5_Data() As Float [write only]

  ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]

  ChartBitmap As [read only]

  ChartData() As Float [write only]

  ChartDescription As String [write only]

  ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]

  ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]


  Color As Int [write only]

  DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)


  DoubleTapToZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DragEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DrawAxisLine As Boolean [write only]

  DrawBorders As Boolean [write only]

  DrawGraphValues() As Boolean [write only]

  DrawGridBackground As Boolean [write only]

  DrawXaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  DrawYaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  Enabled As Boolean


  FillColor() As Int [write only]

  GridBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  Height As Int

  Initialize (EventName As String)


  Invalidate2 (arg0 As

  Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  Left As Int

  LegendEntrySpace As Float [write only]

  LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]

  LegendText() As String [write only]

  LegendTitle As String [write only]

  MarkerToUse As Int [write only]

  MaxVisibleValueCount As Int [write only]

  PinchZoom As Boolean [write only]


  RequestFocus As Boolean

  SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)

  saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)

  ScaleEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScaleXEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScaleYEnabled As Boolean [write only]


  SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As

  setBarData (numberOfCharts As Int, numberOfEntriesPerChart As Int)

  SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)

  setDescriptionPosition (x As Float, y As Float)

  SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)

  setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)

  SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)

  ShowYaxisLeftLabels As Boolean [write only]

  ShowYaxisRightLabels As Boolean [write only]

  Tag As Object

  TheLegendColor As Int [write only]

  TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]

  Top As Int

  ValueTextColor() As Int [write only]

  ValueTextSize() As Float [write only]

  Visible As Boolean

  Width As Int

  XAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  XaxisLabelPosition As String [write only]

  XaxisLables() As String [write only]

  XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

  XYAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  YAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  YaxisMaxVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisMinVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  YaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

Members description:

ba As BA
Background As
BarColors() As Int [write only]
BorderColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color of the chart border lines.
BorderWidth As Float [write only]
Sets the width of the border lines in dp.
Chart_1_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_2_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_3_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_4_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_5_Data() As Float [write only]
ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]
ChartBitmap As [read only]
Returns the bitmap that represents the chart.
ChartData() As Float [write only]
ChartDescription As String [write only]
ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]
ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]
Clears this data object from all DataSets and removes all Entries. Don't
forget to invalidate the chart after this.
Color As Int [write only]
DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)
disables intercept touchevents
DoubleTapToZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable zooming in by double-tap on the chart.
Default: enabled
DragEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable dragging (moving the chart with the finger)
for the chart (this does not effect scaling).
DrawAxisLine As Boolean [write only]
set draw x-axis line
DrawBorders As Boolean [write only]
Sets drawing the borders rectangle to true. If this is enabled, there is
no point drawing the axis-lines of x- and y-axis.
DrawGraphValues() As Boolean [write only]
Draw or don't draw values on the graph.
DrawGridBackground As Boolean [write only]
set this to true to draw the grid background, false if not
DrawXaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw x-axis grid lines
DrawYaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw y-axis grid lines
Enabled As Boolean
enables intercept touchevents
FillColor() As Int [write only]
Set the color to fill the area between the graph and the X axis with.
GridBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color for the background of the chart-drawing area (everything
behind the grid lines).
Height As Int
Initialize (EventName As String)
Invalidate2 (arg0 As
Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
IsInitialized As Boolean
Left As Int
LegendEntrySpace As Float [write only]
sets the space between the legend entries on a horizontal axis in pixels,
converts to dp internally
Default value is 6.0f
LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]
LegendText() As String [write only]
LegendTitle As String [write only]
MarkerToUse As Int [write only]
Set the marker (image)to be used.
An int value from 1 to 4
See the res/drawable and res/layout folders of the B4A project
MaxVisibleValueCount As Int [write only]
PinchZoom As Boolean [write only]
if set to true, both x and y axis can be scaled with 2 fingers, if false,
x and y axis can be scaled separately. default: false
RequestFocus As Boolean
SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)
Saves the current state of the chart to the gallery as a JPEG image. The
filename and compression can be set. 0 == maximum compression, 100 = low
compression (high quality). NOTE: Needs permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

fileName e.g. "my_image"
quality e.g. 50, min = 0, max = 100
saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)
Saves the current chart state with the given name to the given path on
the sdcard leaving the path empty "" will put the saved file directly on
the SD card chart is saved as a PNG image, example:
saveToPath("myfilename", "foldername1/foldername2");

fileName e.g. "my_image"
pathOnSD e.g. "folder1/folder2/folder3"
ScaleEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable scaling (zooming in and out by gesture) for
the chart (this does not effect dragging) on both X- and Y-Axis.
ScaleXEnabled As Boolean [write only]
ScaleYEnabled As Boolean [write only]
SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As
setBarData (numberOfCharts As Int, numberOfEntriesPerChart As Int)
SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)
setDescriptionPosition (x As Float, y As Float)
Sets a custom position for the description text in pixels on the screen.
x: - xcoordinate
y: - ycoordinate
SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)
setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)
SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)
ShowYaxisLeftLabels As Boolean [write only]
Show or don't show the left Y-Axis labels.
ShowYaxisRightLabels As Boolean [write only]
Show or don't show the right Y-Axis labels.
Tag As Object
TheLegendColor As Int [write only]
TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]
Top As Int
ValueTextColor() As Int [write only]
ValueTextSize() As Float [write only]
Visible As Boolean
Width As Int
XAnimate As Boolean [write only]
XaxisLabelPosition As String [write only]
set x-axis label position
XaxisLables() As String [write only]
Set the X-Axis labels.
XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set X-Axis text color
XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set X-Axis text size
XYAnimate As Boolean [write only]
YAnimate As Boolean [write only]
YaxisMaxVal As Float [write only]
Set the maximum value for the y axis
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisMinVal As Float [write only]
Set the minimum value for the y axis
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set Y-Axis text color
YaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set Y-Axis text size





  ba As BA

  Background As

  BorderColor As Int [write only]

  BorderWidth As Float [write only]


  BubbleColors() As Int [write only]

  Chart_1_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_2_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_3_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_4_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_5_Data() As Float [write only]

  ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]

  ChartBitmap As [read only]

  ChartData() As Float [write only]

  ChartDescription As String [write only]

  ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]

  ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]


  Color As Int [write only]

  DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)


  DoubleTapToZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DragEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DrawAxisLine As Boolean [write only]

  DrawBorders As Boolean [write only]

  DrawGraphValues() As Boolean [write only]

  DrawGridBackground As Boolean [write only]

  DrawXaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  DrawYaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  Enabled As Boolean


  GridBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  Height As Int

  Initialize (EventName As String)


  Invalidate2 (arg0 As

  Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  Left As Int

  LegendEntrySpace As Float [write only]

  LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]

  LegendText() As String [write only]

  LegendTitle As String [write only]

  MarkerToUse As Int [write only]

  MaxVisibleValueCount As Int [write only]

  PinchZoom As Boolean [write only]


  RequestFocus As Boolean

  SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)

  saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)

  ScaleEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScaleXEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScaleYEnabled As Boolean [write only]


  SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As

  setBubbleData (numberOfCharts As Int, numberOfEntriesPerChart As Int)

  SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)

  setDescriptionPosition (x As Float, y As Float)

  SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)

  setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)

  SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)

  ShowYaxisLeftLabels As Boolean [write only]

  ShowYaxisRightLabels As Boolean [write only]

  Tag As Object

  TheLegendColor As Int [write only]

  TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]

  Top As Int

  ValueTextColor() As Int [write only]

  ValueTextSize() As Float [write only]

  Visible As Boolean

  Width As Int

  XAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  XaxisLabelPosition As String [write only]

  XaxisLables() As String [write only]

  XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

  XYAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  YAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  YaxisMaxVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisMinVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  YaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

Members description:

ba As BA
Background As
BorderColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color of the chart border lines.
BorderWidth As Float [write only]
Sets the width of the border lines in dp.
BubbleColors() As Int [write only]
Chart_1_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_2_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_3_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_4_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_5_Data() As Float [write only]
ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]
ChartBitmap As [read only]
Returns the bitmap that represents the chart.
ChartData() As Float [write only]
ChartDescription As String [write only]
ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]
ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]
Clears this data object from all DataSets and removes all Entries. Don't
forget to invalidate the chart after this.
Color As Int [write only]
DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)
disables intercept touchevents
DoubleTapToZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable zooming in by double-tap on the chart.
Default: enabled
DragEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable dragging (moving the chart with the finger)
for the chart (this does not effect scaling).
DrawAxisLine As Boolean [write only]
set draw x-axis line
DrawBorders As Boolean [write only]
Sets drawing the borders rectangle to true. If this is enabled, there is
no point drawing the axis-lines of x- and y-axis.
DrawGraphValues() As Boolean [write only]
Draw or don't draw values on the graph.
DrawGridBackground As Boolean [write only]
set this to true to draw the grid background, false if not
DrawXaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw x-axis grid lines
DrawYaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw y-axis grid lines
Enabled As Boolean
enables intercept touchevents
GridBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color for the background of the chart-drawing area (everything
behind the grid lines).
Height As Int
Initialize (EventName As String)
Invalidate2 (arg0 As
Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
IsInitialized As Boolean
Left As Int
LegendEntrySpace As Float [write only]
sets the space between the legend entries on a horizontal axis in pixels,
converts to dp internally
Default value is 6.0f
LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]
LegendText() As String [write only]
LegendTitle As String [write only]
MarkerToUse As Int [write only]
Set the marker (image)to be used.
An int value from 1 to 4
See the res/drawable and res/layout folders of the B4A project
MaxVisibleValueCount As Int [write only]
PinchZoom As Boolean [write only]
if set to true, both x and y axis can be scaled with 2 fingers, if false,
x and y axis can be scaled separately. default: false
RequestFocus As Boolean
SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)
Saves the current state of the chart to the gallery as a JPEG image. The
filename and compression can be set. 0 == maximum compression, 100 = low
compression (high quality). NOTE: Needs permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

fileName e.g. "my_image"
quality e.g. 50, min = 0, max = 100
saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)
Saves the current chart state with the given name to the given path on
the sdcard leaving the path empty "" will put the saved file directly on
the SD card chart is saved as a PNG image, example:
saveToPath("myfilename", "foldername1/foldername2");

fileName e.g. "my_image"
pathOnSD e.g. "folder1/folder2/folder3"
ScaleEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable scaling (zooming in and out by gesture) for
the chart (this does not effect dragging) on both X- and Y-Axis.
ScaleXEnabled As Boolean [write only]
ScaleYEnabled As Boolean [write only]
SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As
setBubbleData (numberOfCharts As Int, numberOfEntriesPerChart As Int)
SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)
setDescriptionPosition (x As Float, y As Float)
Sets a custom position for the description text in pixels on the screen.
x: - xcoordinate
y: - ycoordinate
SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)
setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)
SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)
ShowYaxisLeftLabels As Boolean [write only]
Show or don't show the left Y-Axis labels.
ShowYaxisRightLabels As Boolean [write only]
Show or don't show the right Y-Axis labels.
Tag As Object
TheLegendColor As Int [write only]
TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]
Top As Int
ValueTextColor() As Int [write only]
ValueTextSize() As Float [write only]
Visible As Boolean
Width As Int
XAnimate As Boolean [write only]
XaxisLabelPosition As String [write only]
set x-axis label position
XaxisLables() As String [write only]
Set the X-Axis labels.
XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set X-Axis text color
XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set X-Axis text size
XYAnimate As Boolean [write only]
YAnimate As Boolean [write only]
YaxisMaxVal As Float [write only]
Set the maximum value for the y axis
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisMinVal As Float [write only]
Set the minimum value for the y axis
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set Y-Axis text color
YaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set Y-Axis text size





  ba As BA

  Background As

  BarColors() As Int [write only]

  BorderColor As Int [write only]

  BorderWidth As Float [write only]


  Chart_1_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_2_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_3_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_4_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_5_Data() As Float [write only]

  ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]

  ChartBitmap As [read only]

  ChartData() As Float [write only]

  ChartDescription As String [write only]

  ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]

  ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]


  Color As Int [write only]

  DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)


  DoubleTapToZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DragEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DrawAxisLine As Boolean [write only]

  DrawBorders As Boolean [write only]

  DrawGraphValues() As Boolean [write only]

  DrawGridBackground As Boolean [write only]

  DrawXaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  DrawYaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  Enabled As Boolean


  FillColor() As Int [write only]

  GridBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  Height As Int

  Initialize (EventName As String)


  Invalidate2 (arg0 As

  Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  Left As Int

  LegendEntrySpace As Float [write only]

  LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]

  LegendText() As String [write only]

  LegendTitle As String [write only]

  MarkerToUse As Int [write only]

  MaxVisibleValueCount As Int [write only]

  PinchZoom As Boolean [write only]


  RequestFocus As Boolean

  SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)

  saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)

  ScaleEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScaleXEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScaleYEnabled As Boolean [write only]


  SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As

  setBarData (numberOfCharts As Int, numberOfEntriesPerChart As Int)

  SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)

  setDescriptionPosition (x As Float, y As Float)

  SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)

  setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)

  SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)

  ShowYaxisLeftLabels As Boolean [write only]

  ShowYaxisRightLabels As Boolean [write only]

  Tag As Object

  TheLegendColor As Int [write only]

  TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]

  Top As Int

  ValueTextColor() As Int [write only]

  ValueTextSize() As Float [write only]

  Visible As Boolean

  Width As Int

  XAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  XaxisLabelPosition As String [write only]

  XaxisLables() As String [write only]

  XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

  XYAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  YAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  YaxisMaxVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisMinVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  YaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

Members description:

ba As BA
Background As
BarColors() As Int [write only]
BorderColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color of the chart border lines.
BorderWidth As Float [write only]
Sets the width of the border lines in dp.
Chart_1_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_2_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_3_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_4_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_5_Data() As Float [write only]
ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]
ChartBitmap As [read only]
Returns the bitmap that represents the chart.
ChartData() As Float [write only]
ChartDescription As String [write only]
ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]
ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]
Clears this data object from all DataSets and removes all Entries. Don't
forget to invalidate the chart after this.
Color As Int [write only]
DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)
disables intercept touchevents
DoubleTapToZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable zooming in by double-tap on the chart.
Default: enabled
DragEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable dragging (moving the chart with the finger)
for the chart (this does not effect scaling).
DrawAxisLine As Boolean [write only]
set draw x-axis line
DrawBorders As Boolean [write only]
Sets drawing the borders rectangle to true. If this is enabled, there is
no point drawing the axis-lines of x- and y-axis.
DrawGraphValues() As Boolean [write only]
Draw or don't draw values on the graph.
DrawGridBackground As Boolean [write only]
set this to true to draw the grid background, false if not
DrawXaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw x-axis grid lines
DrawYaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw y-axis grid lines
Enabled As Boolean
enables intercept touchevents
FillColor() As Int [write only]
Set the color to fill the area between the graph and the X axis with.
GridBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color for the background of the chart-drawing area (everything
behind the grid lines).
Height As Int
Initialize (EventName As String)
Invalidate2 (arg0 As
Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
IsInitialized As Boolean
Left As Int
LegendEntrySpace As Float [write only]
sets the space between the legend entries on a horizontal axis in pixels,
converts to dp internally
Default value is 6.0f
LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]
LegendText() As String [write only]
LegendTitle As String [write only]
MarkerToUse As Int [write only]
Set the marker (image)to be used.
An int value from 1 to 4
See the res/drawable and res/layout folders of the B4A project
MaxVisibleValueCount As Int [write only]
PinchZoom As Boolean [write only]
if set to true, both x and y axis can be scaled with 2 fingers, if false,
x and y axis can be scaled separately. default: false
RequestFocus As Boolean
SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)
Saves the current state of the chart to the gallery as a JPEG image. The
filename and compression can be set. 0 == maximum compression, 100 = low
compression (high quality). NOTE: Needs permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

fileName e.g. "my_image"
quality e.g. 50, min = 0, max = 100
saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)
Saves the current chart state with the given name to the given path on
the sdcard leaving the path empty "" will put the saved file directly on
the SD card chart is saved as a PNG image, example:
saveToPath("myfilename", "foldername1/foldername2");

fileName e.g. "my_image"
pathOnSD e.g. "folder1/folder2/folder3"
ScaleEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable scaling (zooming in and out by gesture) for
the chart (this does not effect dragging) on both X- and Y-Axis.
ScaleXEnabled As Boolean [write only]
ScaleYEnabled As Boolean [write only]
SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As
setBarData (numberOfCharts As Int, numberOfEntriesPerChart As Int)
SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)
setDescriptionPosition (x As Float, y As Float)
Sets a custom position for the description text in pixels on the screen.
x: - xcoordinate
y: - ycoordinate
SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)
setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)
SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)
ShowYaxisLeftLabels As Boolean [write only]
Show or don't show the left Y-Axis labels.
ShowYaxisRightLabels As Boolean [write only]
Show or don't show the right Y-Axis labels.
Tag As Object
TheLegendColor As Int [write only]
TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]
Top As Int
ValueTextColor() As Int [write only]
ValueTextSize() As Float [write only]
Visible As Boolean
Width As Int
XAnimate As Boolean [write only]
XaxisLabelPosition As String [write only]
set x-axis label position
XaxisLables() As String [write only]
Set the X-Axis labels.
XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set X-Axis text color
XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set X-Axis text size
XYAnimate As Boolean [write only]
YAnimate As Boolean [write only]
YaxisMaxVal As Float [write only]
Set the maximum value for the y axis
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisMinVal As Float [write only]
Set the minimum value for the y axis
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set Y-Axis text color
YaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set Y-Axis text size





  ba As BA

  Background As

  Bar_Data() As Float [write only]

  BarAxisDependency As String [write only]

  BarColor As Int [write only]

  BarLegendText As String [write only]

  BarValueTextColor As Int [write only]

  BarValueTextSize As Float [write only]

  BorderColor As Int [write only]

  BorderWidth As Float [write only]


  ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]

  ChartBitmap As [read only]

  ChartDescription As String [write only]

  ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]

  ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]


  Color As Int [write only]

  CubicIntensity() As Float [write only]

  DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)


  DoubleTapToZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DragEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DrawAxisLine As Boolean [write only]

  DrawBarChart As Boolean [write only]

  DrawBarValues As Boolean [write only]

  DrawBorders As Boolean [write only]


  DrawCubicGraph() As Boolean [write only]

  DrawDashedLine() As Boolean [write only]

  DrawGraphHollowCircles() As Boolean [write only]

  DrawLeftGridDashed As Boolean [write only]

  DrawLineValues() As Boolean [write only]

  DrawMarkerViews As Boolean [write only]

  DrawRightGridDashed As Boolean [write only]

  DrawXaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  DrawYaxisLeftGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  DrawYaxisRightGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  Enabled As Boolean


  GraphCircleColor() As Int [write only]

  GraphCircleSize() As Float [write only]

  GraphLineWidth() As Float [write only]

  GridBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  Height As Int

  HorizontalGridColorLeft As Int [write only]

  HorizontalGridColorRight As Int [write only]

  Initialize (EventName As String)


  Invalidate2 (arg0 As

  Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  Left As Int

  LeftYaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  LeftYaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

  LegendEntrySpace As Float [write only]

  LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]

  Line_1_Data() As Float [write only]

  Line_2_Data() As Float [write only]

  Line_3_Data() As Float [write only]

  Line_4_Data() As Float [write only]

  Line_5_Data() As Float [write only]

  LineAxisDependency As String [write only]

  LineColor() As Int [write only]

  LineLegendText() As String [write only]

  LineValueTextColor() As Int [write only]

  LineValueTextSize As Float [write only]

  MarkerToUse As Int [write only]

  MaxVisibleValueCount As Int [write only]

  NumberOfLineCharts As Int [write only]

  PinchZoom As Boolean [write only]


  RequestFocus As Boolean

  RightYaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  RightYaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

  SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)

  saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)

  ScaleEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScaleXEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScaleYEnabled As Boolean [write only]


  SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As

  SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)

  setDescriptionPosition (x As Float, y As Float)

  SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)

  setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)

  SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)

  ShowYaxisLeftLabels As Boolean [write only]

  ShowYaxisRightLabels As Boolean [write only]

  Tag As Object

  TheLegendTextColor As Int [write only]

  TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]

  Top As Int

  VerticalGridColor As Int [write only]

  Visible As Boolean

  Width As Int

  XAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  XaxisLabelPosition As String [write only]

  XaxisLables() As String [write only]

  XaxisTextAngle As Float [write only]

  XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

  XYAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  YAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  YaxisMaxVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisMinVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisTextAngle As Float [write only]

Members description:

ba As BA
Background As
Bar_Data() As Float [write only]
Set the Y-Values for the Bar Chart
BarAxisDependency As String [write only]
Sets the axis dependency for the Bar Chart
BarColor As Int [write only]
BarLegendText As String [write only]
BarValueTextColor As Int [write only]
BarValueTextSize As Float [write only]
BorderColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color of the chart border lines.
BorderWidth As Float [write only]
Sets the width of the border lines in dp.
ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]
ChartBitmap As [read only]
Returns the bitmap that represents the chart.
ChartDescription As String [write only]
ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]
ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]
Clears this data object from all DataSets and removes all Entries. Don't
forget to invalidate the chart after this.
Color As Int [write only]
CubicIntensity() As Float [write only]
Set the intensity of the cubic line graph.
A value from 0.0 to 1.0
DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)
disables intercept touchevents
DoubleTapToZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable zooming in by double-tap on the chart.
Default: enabled
DragEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable dragging (moving the chart with the finger)
for the chart (this does not effect scaling).
DrawAxisLine As Boolean [write only]
set draw x-axis line
DrawBarChart As Boolean [write only]
Sets the number of bar charts that will be drawn (maximum 5)
DrawBarValues As Boolean [write only]
Draw or don't draw bar values on the graph.
DrawBorders As Boolean [write only]
Sets drawing the borders rectangle to true. If this is enabled, there is
no point drawing the axis-lines of x- and y-axis.
DrawCubicGraph() As Boolean [write only]
Draw or don't draw a cubic line graph.
DrawDashedLine() As Boolean [write only]
Disables the line to be drawn in dashed mode.
DrawGraphHollowCircles() As Boolean [write only]
Draw hollow or solid graph circles.
DrawLeftGridDashed As Boolean [write only]
Sets the Left Y axis grid to be drawn dashed or solid
DrawLineValues() As Boolean [write only]
Draw or don't draw line values on the graph.
DrawMarkerViews As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to draw a user specified marker-view when tapping on
chart values (use the setMarkerView(MarkerView mv) method to specify a
marker view). Default: true
DrawRightGridDashed As Boolean [write only]
Sets the Right Y axis grid to be drawn dashed or solid
DrawXaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw x-axis grid lines (perpendicular to the X-axis)
DrawYaxisLeftGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw y-axis left grid lines
DrawYaxisRightGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw y-axis right grid lines
Enabled As Boolean
enables intercept touchevents
GraphCircleColor() As Int [write only]
Set the color of the graph small circles.
GraphCircleSize() As Float [write only]
Set the size of the graph small circles.
GraphLineWidth() As Float [write only]
Set the width of the graph line.
GridBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color for the background of the chart-drawing area (everything
behind the grid lines).
Height As Int
HorizontalGridColorLeft As Int [write only]
Sets the Horizontal grid color for the Left Y axis
HorizontalGridColorRight As Int [write only]
Sets the Horizontal grid color for the Right Y axis
Initialize (EventName As String)
Invalidate2 (arg0 As
Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
IsInitialized As Boolean
Left As Int
LeftYaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set the left Y-Axis text color
LeftYaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set left Y-Axis text size
LegendEntrySpace As Float [write only]
Sets the space between the legend entries on a horizontal axis in pixels,
converts to dp internally
Default value is 6.0f
LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]
Line_1_Data() As Float [write only]
Set the Y-Values for Line Chart 1
Line_2_Data() As Float [write only]
Set the Y-Values for Line Chart 2
Line_3_Data() As Float [write only]
Set the Y-Values for Line Chart 3
Line_4_Data() As Float [write only]
Set the Y-Values for Line Chart 4
Line_5_Data() As Float [write only]
Set the Y-Values for Line Chart 5
LineAxisDependency As String [write only]
Sets the axis dependency for the Line Chart
LineColor() As Int [write only]
LineLegendText() As String [write only]
LineValueTextColor() As Int [write only]
LineValueTextSize As Float [write only]
MarkerToUse As Int [write only]
Set the marker (image)to be used.
An int value from 1 to 4
See the res/drawable and res/layout folders of the B4A project
MaxVisibleValueCount As Int [write only]
NumberOfLineCharts As Int [write only]
Sets the number of line charts that will be drawn (maximum 5)
PinchZoom As Boolean [write only]
if set to true, both x and y axis can be scaled with 2 fingers, if false,
x and y axis can be scaled separately. default: false
RequestFocus As Boolean
RightYaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set the right Y-Axis text color
RightYaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set right Y-Axis text size
SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)
Saves the current state of the chart to the gallery as a JPEG image. The
filename and compression can be set. 0 == maximum compression, 100 = low
compression (high quality). NOTE: Needs permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

fileName e.g. "my_image"
quality e.g. 50, min = 0, max = 100
saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)
Saves the current chart state with the given name to the given path on
the sdcard leaving the path empty "" will put the saved file directly on
the SD card chart is saved as a PNG image, example:
saveToPath("myfilename", "foldername1/foldername2");

fileName e.g. "my_image"
pathOnSD e.g. "folder1/folder2/folder3"
ScaleEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable scaling (zooming in and out by gesture) for
the chart (this does not effect dragging) on both X- and Y-Axis.
ScaleXEnabled As Boolean [write only]
ScaleYEnabled As Boolean [write only]
SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As
SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)
setDescriptionPosition (x As Float, y As Float)
Sets a custom position for the description text in pixels on the screen.
x: - xcoordinate
y: - ycoordinate
SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)
setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)
SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)
ShowYaxisLeftLabels As Boolean [write only]
Show or don't show the left Y-Axis labels.
ShowYaxisRightLabels As Boolean [write only]
Show or don't show the right Y-Axis labels.
Tag As Object
TheLegendTextColor As Int [write only]
TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]
Top As Int
VerticalGridColor As Int [write only]
Sets the Vertical grid color
Visible As Boolean
Width As Int
XAnimate As Boolean [write only]
set this to true to draw the grid background, false if not
XaxisLabelPosition As String [write only]
set x-axis label position
XaxisLables() As String [write only]
Set the X-Axis labels.
XaxisTextAngle As Float [write only]
Sets the angle to rotate the X-axis labels by
Suggest rotation of between -30.0 and 30.0 where 0.0 will be no rotation (i.e text horizontal)
XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set X-Axis text color
XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set X-Axis text size
XYAnimate As Boolean [write only]
YAnimate As Boolean [write only]
YaxisMaxVal As Float [write only]
Set the maximum value for the y axis
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisMinVal As Float [write only]
Set the minimum value for the y axis
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisTextAngle As Float [write only]
Sets the angle to rotate the Y-axis labels by
Suggest rotation of between -30.0 and 30.0 where 0.0 will be no rotation (i.e text horizontal)





  ba As BA

  Background As

  BorderColor As Int [write only]

  BorderWidth As Float [write only]


  Chart_1_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_2_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_3_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_4_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_5_Data() As Float [write only]

  ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]

  ChartBitmap As [read only]

  ChartDescription As String [write only]

  ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]

  ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]


  Color As Int [write only]

  CubicIntensity() As Float [write only]

  DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)


  DoubleTapToZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DragEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DrawAxisLine As Boolean [write only]

  DrawBorders As Boolean [write only]

  DrawCubicGraph() As Boolean [write only]

  DrawDashedLine() As Boolean [write only]

  DrawFilled() As Boolean [write only]

  DrawGraphHollowCircles() As Boolean [write only]

  DrawGraphValues() As Boolean [write only]

  DrawGridBackground As Boolean [write only]

  DrawLeftGridDashed As Boolean [write only]

  DrawRightGridDashed As Boolean [write only]

  DrawXaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  DrawYaxisLeftGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  DrawYaxisRightGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  Enabled As Boolean


  FillColor() As Int [write only]

  GraphCircleColor() As Int [write only]

  GraphCircleSize() As Float [write only]

  GraphLineWidth() As Float [write only]

  GridBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  Height As Int

  HorizontalGridColorLeft As Int [write only]

  HorizontalGridColorRight As Int [write only]

  Initialize (EventName As String)


  Invalidate2 (arg0 As

  Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  Left As Int

  LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]

  LegendText() As String [write only]

  LegendTextColorsToMatchLineColors As Boolean [write only]

  LegendXEntrySpace As Float [write only]

  LegendYEntrySpace As Float [write only]

  LineColors() As Int [write only]

  MarkerToUse As Int [write only]

  MaxVisibleValueCount As Int [write only]

  PinchZoom As Boolean [write only]


  RequestFocus As Boolean

  SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)

  saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)

  ScaleEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScaleXEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScaleYEnabled As Boolean [write only]


  SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As

  SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)

  setDescriptionPosition (x As Float, y As Float)

  SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)

  setLineData (numberOfCharts As Int, numberOfEntriesPerChart As Int)

  setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)

  SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)

  ShowYaxisLeftLabels As Boolean [write only]

  ShowYaxisRightLabels As Boolean [write only]

  Tag As Object

  TheLegendColor As Int [write only]

  TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]

  Top As Int

  ValueTextColor() As Int [write only]

  ValueTextSize() As Float [write only]

  VerticalGridColor As Int [write only]

  Visible As Boolean

  Width As Int

  XAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  XaxisLabelPosition As String [write only]

  XaxisLabelsToSkip As Int [write only]

  XaxisLables() As String [write only]

  XaxisTextAngle As Float [write only]

  XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

  XYAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  YAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  YaxisDependancy() As String [write only]

  YaxisLeftLabelCount As Int [write only]

  YaxisLeftMaxVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisLeftMinVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisLeftStartAtZero As Boolean [write only]

  YaxisLeftTextColor As Int [write only]

  YaxisRightLabelCount As Int [write only]

  YaxisRightMaxVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisRightMinVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisRightStartAtZero As Boolean [write only]

  YaxisRightTextColor As Int [write only]

  YaxisTextAngle As Float [write only]

  YaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

Members description:

ba As BA
Background As
BorderColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color of the chart border line.
BorderWidth As Float [write only]
Sets the width of the border lines in dp.
Chart_1_Data() As Float [write only]
Set the data for line chart 1
Chart_2_Data() As Float [write only]
Set the data for line chart 2
Chart_3_Data() As Float [write only]
Set the data for line chart 3
Chart_4_Data() As Float [write only]
Set the data for line chart 4
Chart_5_Data() As Float [write only]
Set the data for line chart 5
ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]
Set the chart drawing animation time
ChartBitmap As [read only]
Returns the bitmap that represents the chart.
ChartDescription As String [write only]
Set the chart description / chart main title
ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]
Set the color of the chart description / main title
ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]
Set the text size of the chart description / main title
Clears this chart from all DataSets and removes all Entries.
Color As Int [write only]
CubicIntensity() As Float [write only]
Set the intensity of the cubic line graph.
A value from 0.0 to 1.0
DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)
disables intercept touchevents
DoubleTapToZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable zooming in by double-tap on the chart.
Default: enabled
DragEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable dragging (moving the chart with the finger)
for the chart (this does not effect scaling).
DrawAxisLine As Boolean [write only]
set draw x-axis line
DrawBorders As Boolean [write only]
Sets drawing the border to true or false. If this is enabled, there is
no point drawing the axis-lines of x- and y-axis.
DrawCubicGraph() As Boolean [write only]
Draw or don't draw a cubic line graph.
DrawDashedLine() As Boolean [write only]
Enable or Disable the line to be drawn in dashed mode.
DrawFilled() As Boolean [write only]
Fill or don't fill the area between the line charts and the X axis.
DrawGraphHollowCircles() As Boolean [write only]
Draw hollow or solid graph circles.
DrawGraphValues() As Boolean [write only]
Draw or don't draw values on the graph.
DrawGridBackground As Boolean [write only]
set this to true to draw the grid background, false if not
DrawLeftGridDashed As Boolean [write only]
Sets the Left Y axis grid to be drawn dashed or solid
DrawRightGridDashed As Boolean [write only]
Sets the Right Y axis grid to be drawn dashed or solid
DrawXaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw x-axis grid lines
DrawYaxisLeftGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw y-axis left grid lines
DrawYaxisRightGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw y-axis right grid lines
Enabled As Boolean
enables intercept touchevents
FillColor() As Int [write only]
Set the color to fill the area between the line charts and the X axis with.
GraphCircleColor() As Int [write only]
Set the color of the graph small circles.
GraphCircleSize() As Float [write only]
Set the size of the graph small circles.
GraphLineWidth() As Float [write only]
Set the width of the graph lines.
GridBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color for the background of the chart-drawing area (everything
behind the grid lines).
Height As Int
HorizontalGridColorLeft As Int [write only]
Sets the Horizontal grid color for the Left Y axis
HorizontalGridColorRight As Int [write only]
Sets the Horizontal grid color for the Right Y axis
Initialize (EventName As String)
Invalidate2 (arg0 As
Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
IsInitialized As Boolean
Left As Int
LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]
set the size of the legend SQUARE, CIRCLE, or LINE
LegendText() As String [write only]
Set the legend text for the individual line charts
A maximum of 5 legend texts can be set (one for each of max 5 line charts)
LegendTextColorsToMatchLineColors As Boolean [write only]
LegendXEntrySpace As Float [write only]
sets the space between the legend entries on a horizontal axis in pixels,
converts to dp internally
Default value is 6.0f
LegendYEntrySpace As Float [write only]
sets the space between the legend entries on a vertical axis in pixels,
converts to dp internally
Default value is 10.0f
LineColors() As Int [write only]
Set the colors of the individual line charts
A maximum of 5 colors can be set (one for each of max 5 line charts)
MarkerToUse As Int [write only]
Set the marker (image)to be used.
An int value from 1 to 4
See the res/drawable and res/layout folders of the B4A project
MaxVisibleValueCount As Int [write only]
PinchZoom As Boolean [write only]
if set to true, both x and y axis can be scaled with 2 fingers, if false,
x and y axis can be scaled separately. default: false
RequestFocus As Boolean
SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
Set the outer zone color for the chart being saved
saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)
Saves the current state of the chart to the gallery as a JPEG image. The
filename and compression can be set. 0 == maximum compression, 100 = low
compression (high quality). NOTE: Needs permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

fileName e.g. "my_image"
quality e.g. 50, min = 0, max = 100
saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)
Saves the current chart state with the given name to the given path on
the sdcard leaving the path empty "" will put the saved file directly on
the SD card chart is saved as a PNG image, example:
saveToPath("myfilename", "foldername1/foldername2");

fileName e.g. "my_image"
pathOnSD e.g. "folder1/folder2/folder3"
ScaleEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable scaling (zooming in and out by gesture) for
the chart (this does not effect dragging) on both X- and Y-Axis.
ScaleXEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable scaling (zooming in and out by gesture) for
the chart (this does not effect dragging) in X direction
ScaleYEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable scaling (zooming in and out by gesture) for
the chart (this does not effect dragging) in Y direction
SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As
SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)
setDescriptionPosition (x As Float, y As Float)
Sets a custom position for the description text in pixels on the screen.
SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)
setLineData (numberOfCharts As Int, numberOfEntriesPerChart As Int)
Draw the line chart(s) once all data has been set up
Mamimum number of simultaneous line charts is 5
variable numberOfCharts:
1 = draw only the first line chart of all line charts that data has been set up for
2 = draw only line charts 1 and 2 of all line charts that data has been set up for
3 = draw only line charts 1, 2, and 3 of all line charts that data has been set up for

draw only the first x number of entries for each line chart that data has been set up for
eg if data are passed for months of Jan to Dec and numberOfEntriesPerChart = 6
then each line chart will be drawn showing only data for Jan to Jun
setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)
Set the legend Position and Form
Position can be one of the following:
Form can be one of the following:
SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)
ShowYaxisLeftLabels As Boolean [write only]
Show or don't show the left Y-Axis labels.
ShowYaxisRightLabels As Boolean [write only]
Show or don't show the right Y-Axis labels.
Tag As Object
TheLegendColor As Int [write only]
Set the legend text color
This will be overridden if LegendTextColorsToMatchLineColors = True in
which case the legend text color will match the corresponding line color
TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]
Set the legend text size
Top As Int
ValueTextColor() As Int [write only]
Set the color of the values for each line chart
These are the values that are displayed inside the chart
when DrawGraphValues are set to true
ValueTextSize() As Float [write only]
Set the text size of the values for each line chart
These are the values that are displayed inside the chart
when DrawGraphValues are set to true
VerticalGridColor As Int [write only]
Sets the Vertical grid color
Visible As Boolean
Width As Int
XAnimate As Boolean [write only]
Set wether Animation in X direction should be enable when drawing the charts
XaxisLabelPosition As String [write only]
set x-axis label position
XaxisLabelPosition can be one of the following:
XaxisLabelsToSkip As Int [write only]
Sets the number of labels that should be skipped on the axis before the
next label is drawn. This will disable the feature that automatically
calculates an adequate space between the axis labels and set the number
of labels to be skipped to the fixed number provided by this method.
XaxisLables() As String [write only]
Set the X-Axis labels.
XaxisTextAngle As Float [write only]
Sets the angle to rotate the X-axis labels by
Suggest rotation of between -30.0 and 30.0 where 0.0 will be no rotation (i.e text horizontal)
XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set X-Axis text color
XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set X-Axis text size
XYAnimate As Boolean [write only]
Set wether Animation in X and Y directions should be enable when drawing the charts
YAnimate As Boolean [write only]
Set wether Animation in Y direction should be enable when drawing the charts
YaxisDependancy() As String [write only]
Sets the Y axis dependancy
Pass an array of strings (maximum 5) of "LEFT"'s and "RIGHT"'s
YaxisLeftLabelCount As Int [write only]
Set the label count for the left Y Axis
YaxisLeftMaxVal As Float [write only]
Set the maximum value for the y axis (Left)
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisLeftMinVal As Float [write only]
Set the minimum value for the y axis (Left)
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisLeftStartAtZero As Boolean [write only]
YaxisLeftTextColor As Int [write only]
set Y-Axis Left text color
YaxisRightLabelCount As Int [write only]
Set the label count for the right Y Axis
YaxisRightMaxVal As Float [write only]
Set the maximum value for the y axis (Right)
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisRightMinVal As Float [write only]
Set the minimum value for the y axis (Right)
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisRightStartAtZero As Boolean [write only]
YaxisRightTextColor As Int [write only]
set Y-Axis Right text color
YaxisTextAngle As Float [write only]
Sets the angle to rotate the Y-axis labels by
Suggest rotation of between -30.0 and 30.0 where 0.0 will be no rotation (i.e text horizontal)
YaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set Y-Axis text size





  ba As BA

  Background As

  BorderColor As Int [write only]

  BorderWidth As Float [write only]


  Chart_1_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_2_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_3_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_4_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_5_Data() As Float [write only]

  ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]

  ChartBitmap As [read only]

  ChartData() As Float [write only]

  ChartDescription As String [write only]

  ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]

  ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]


  Color As Int [write only]

  DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)


  DoubleTapToZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DragEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DrawAxisLine As Boolean [write only]

  DrawBorders As Boolean [write only]

  DrawGraphValues() As Boolean [write only]

  DrawGridBackground As Boolean [write only]

  DrawXaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  DrawYaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  Enabled As Boolean


  FillColor() As Int [write only]

  GridBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  Height As Int

  Initialize (EventName As String)


  Invalidate2 (arg0 As

  Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  Left As Int

  LegendEntrySpace As Float [write only]

  LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]

  LegendText() As String [write only]

  LegendTitle As String [write only]

  MarkerToUse As Int [write only]

  MaxVisibleValueCount As Int [write only]

  PinchZoom As Boolean [write only]


  RequestFocus As Boolean

  SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)

  saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)

  ScaleEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScaleXEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScaleYEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScatterColors() As Int [write only]

  ScatterShape() As String [write only]

  ScatterShapeSize() As Float [write only]


  SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As

  SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)

  setDescriptionPosition (x As Float, y As Float)

  SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)

  setScatterData (numberOfCharts As Int, numberOfEntriesPerChart As Int)

  setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)

  SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)

  ShowYaxisLeftLabels As Boolean [write only]

  ShowYaxisRightLabels As Boolean [write only]

  Tag As Object

  TheLegendColor As Int [write only]

  TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]

  Top As Int

  ValueTextColor() As Int [write only]

  ValueTextSize() As Float [write only]

  Visible As Boolean

  Width As Int

  XAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  XaxisLabelPosition As String [write only]

  XaxisLables() As String [write only]

  XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

  XYAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  YAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  YaxisMaxVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisMinVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  YaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

Members description:

ba As BA
Background As
BorderColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color of the chart border lines.
BorderWidth As Float [write only]
Sets the width of the border lines in dp.
Chart_1_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_2_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_3_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_4_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_5_Data() As Float [write only]
ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]
ChartBitmap As [read only]
Returns the bitmap that represents the chart.
ChartData() As Float [write only]
ChartDescription As String [write only]
ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]
ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]
Clears this data object from all DataSets and removes all Entries. Don't
forget to invalidate the chart after this.
Color As Int [write only]
DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)
disables intercept touchevents
DoubleTapToZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable zooming in by double-tap on the chart.
Default: enabled
DragEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable dragging (moving the chart with the finger)
for the chart (this does not effect scaling).
DrawAxisLine As Boolean [write only]
set draw x-axis line
DrawBorders As Boolean [write only]
Sets drawing the borders rectangle to true. If this is enabled, there is
no point drawing the axis-lines of x- and y-axis.
DrawGraphValues() As Boolean [write only]
Draw or don't draw values on the graph.
DrawGridBackground As Boolean [write only]
set this to true to draw the grid background, false if not
DrawXaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw x-axis grid lines
DrawYaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw y-axis grid lines
Enabled As Boolean
enables intercept touchevents
FillColor() As Int [write only]
Set the color to fill the area between the graph and the X axis with.
GridBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color for the background of the chart-drawing area (everything
behind the grid lines).
Height As Int
Initialize (EventName As String)
Invalidate2 (arg0 As
Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
IsInitialized As Boolean
Left As Int
LegendEntrySpace As Float [write only]
sets the space between the legend entries on a horizontal axis in pixels,
converts to dp internally
Default value is 6.0f
LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]
LegendText() As String [write only]
LegendTitle As String [write only]
MarkerToUse As Int [write only]
Set the marker (image)to be used.
An int value from 1 to 4
See the res/drawable and res/layout folders of the B4A project
MaxVisibleValueCount As Int [write only]
PinchZoom As Boolean [write only]
if set to true, both x and y axis can be scaled with 2 fingers, if false,
x and y axis can be scaled separately. default: false
RequestFocus As Boolean
SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)
Saves the current state of the chart to the gallery as a JPEG image. The
filename and compression can be set. 0 == maximum compression, 100 = low
compression (high quality). NOTE: Needs permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

fileName e.g. "my_image"
quality e.g. 50, min = 0, max = 100
saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)
Saves the current chart state with the given name to the given path on
the sdcard leaving the path empty "" will put the saved file directly on
the SD card chart is saved as a PNG image, example:
saveToPath("myfilename", "foldername1/foldername2");

fileName e.g. "my_image"
pathOnSD e.g. "folder1/folder2/folder3"
ScaleEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable scaling (zooming in and out by gesture) for
the chart (this does not effect dragging) on both X- and Y-Axis.
ScaleXEnabled As Boolean [write only]
ScaleYEnabled As Boolean [write only]
ScatterColors() As Int [write only]
ScatterShape() As String [write only]
sets the shape of the scatter graphs
ScatterShapeSize() As Float [write only]
sets the size of the scatter shapes
SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As
SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)
setDescriptionPosition (x As Float, y As Float)
Sets a custom position for the description text in pixels on the screen.
x: - xcoordinate
y: - ycoordinate
SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)
setScatterData (numberOfCharts As Int, numberOfEntriesPerChart As Int)
setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)
SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)
ShowYaxisLeftLabels As Boolean [write only]
Show or don't show the left Y-Axis labels.
ShowYaxisRightLabels As Boolean [write only]
Show or don't show the right Y-Axis labels.
Tag As Object
TheLegendColor As Int [write only]
TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]
Top As Int
ValueTextColor() As Int [write only]
ValueTextSize() As Float [write only]
Visible As Boolean
Width As Int
XAnimate As Boolean [write only]
XaxisLabelPosition As String [write only]
set x-axis label position
XaxisLables() As String [write only]
Set the X-Axis labels.
XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set X-Axis text color
XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set X-Axis text size
XYAnimate As Boolean [write only]
YAnimate As Boolean [write only]
YaxisMaxVal As Float [write only]
Set the maximum value for the y axis
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisMinVal As Float [write only]
Set the minimum value for the y axis
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set Y-Axis text color
YaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set Y-Axis text size





  ba As BA

  Background As


  CenterText As String

  CenterTextColor As Int [write only]

  CenterTextRadiusPercent As Float

  CenterTextSize As Float [write only]

  CenterTextSizePixels As Float [write only]

  CenterTextWordWrapEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ChartBitmap As [read only]

  ChartData() As Float [write only]

  ChartDescription As String [write only]

  ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]

  ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]


  Color As Int [write only]

  DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)

  DrawCenterText As Boolean [write only]

  DrawHoleEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DrawSliceText As Boolean [write only]

  Enabled As Boolean

  Height As Int

  HoleColor As Int [write only]

  HoleColorTransparent As Boolean [write only]

  HoleRadius As Float

  Initialize (EventName As String)


  Invalidate2 (arg0 As

  Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  isCenterTextWordWrapEnabled As Boolean

  isDrawCenterTextEnabled As Boolean

  isDrawHoleEnabled As Boolean

  isDrawRoundedSlicesEnabled As Boolean

  isDrawSliceTextEnabled As Boolean

  isHoleTransparent As Boolean

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  isUsePercentValuesEnabled As Boolean

  Left As Int

  LegendText() As String [write only]

  LegendTitle As String [write only]

  PieColors() As Int [write only]

  PieData As Int [write only]


  RequestFocus As Boolean

  SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)

  saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)


  SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As

  SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)

  SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)

  SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)

  Tag As Object

  TheLegendColor As Int [write only]

  TheLegendPosition As String [write only]

  TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]

  Top As Int

  TransparentCircleAlpha As Int [write only]

  TransparentCircleColor As Int [write only]

  TransparentCircleRadius As Float

  UsePercentValues As Boolean [write only]

  ValueTextColor As Int [write only]

  ValueTextSize As Int [write only]

  Visible As Boolean

  Width As Int

Members description:

ba As BA
Background As
CenterText As String
returns the text that is drawn in the center of the pie-chart
CenterTextColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color of the center text of the PieChart.
CenterTextRadiusPercent As Float
the rectangular radius of the bounding box for the center text, as a percentage of the pie hole
default 1.f (100%)
CenterTextSize As Float [write only]
Sets the size of the center text of the PieChart in dp.
CenterTextSizePixels As Float [write only]
Sets the size of the center text of the PieChart in pixels.
CenterTextWordWrapEnabled As Boolean [write only]
should the center text be word wrapped?
note that word wrapping takes a toll on performance
if word wrapping is disabled, newlines are still respected
ChartBitmap As [read only]
Returns the bitmap that represents the chart.
ChartData() As Float [write only]
ChartDescription As String [write only]
ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]
ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]
Clears this data object from all DataSets and removes all Entries. Don't
forget to invalidate the chart after this.
Color As Int [write only]
DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)
DrawCenterText As Boolean [write only]
set this to true to draw the text that is displayed in the center of the
pie chart
DrawHoleEnabled As Boolean [write only]
set this to true to draw the pie center empty
DrawSliceText As Boolean [write only]
set this to true to draw the x-value text into the pie slices
Enabled As Boolean
Height As Int
HoleColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color for the hole that is drawn in the center of the PieChart
(if enabled). NOTE: Use setHoleColorTransparent(boolean enabled) to make
the hole transparent.
HoleColorTransparent As Boolean [write only]
Set the hole in the center of the PieChart transparent. Thank you, code
provided by:
HoleRadius As Float
Returns the size of the hole radius in percent of the total radius.
Initialize (EventName As String)
Invalidate2 (arg0 As
Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
isCenterTextWordWrapEnabled As Boolean
should the center text be word wrapped?
note that word wrapping takes a toll on performance
if word wrapping is disabled, newlines are still respected
isDrawCenterTextEnabled As Boolean
returns true if drawing the center text is enabled
Return type: @return:
isDrawHoleEnabled As Boolean
returns true if the hole in the center of the pie-chart is set to be
visible, false if not
Return type: @return:
isDrawRoundedSlicesEnabled As Boolean
Returns true if the chart is set to draw each end of a pie-slice
Return type: @return:
isDrawSliceTextEnabled As Boolean
returns true if drawing x-values is enabled, false if not
Return type: @return:
isHoleTransparent As Boolean
Returns true if the hole in the center of the PieChart is transparent,
false if not.
Return type: @return:true if hole is transparent.
IsInitialized As Boolean
isUsePercentValuesEnabled As Boolean
Returns true if using percentage values is enabled for the chart.
Return type: @return:
Left As Int
LegendText() As String [write only]
LegendTitle As String [write only]
PieColors() As Int [write only]
PieData As Int [write only]
RequestFocus As Boolean
SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)
Saves the current state of the chart to the gallery as a JPEG image. The
filename and compression can be set. 0 == maximum compression, 100 = low
compression (high quality). NOTE: Needs permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

fileName e.g. "my_image"
quality e.g. 50, min = 0, max = 100
saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)
Saves the current chart state with the given name to the given path on
the sdcard leaving the path empty "" will put the saved file directly on
the SD card chart is saved as a PNG image, example:
saveToPath("myfilename", "foldername1/foldername2");

fileName e.g. "my_image"
pathOnSD e.g. "folder1/folder2/folder3"
SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As
SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)
SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)
SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)
Tag As Object
TheLegendColor As Int [write only]
TheLegendPosition As String [write only]
TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]
Top As Int
TransparentCircleAlpha As Int [write only]
Sets the amount of transparency the transparent circle should have 0 = fully transparent, 255 = fully opaque.
Default value is 100.
TransparentCircleColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color the transparent-circle should have.
TransparentCircleRadius As Float
sets the radius of the transparent circle that is drawn next to the hole
in the piechart in percent of the maximum radius (max = the radius of the
whole chart), default 55% -> means 5% larger than the center-hole by
UsePercentValues As Boolean [write only]
If this is enabled, values inside the PieChart are drawn in percent and
not with their original value. Values provided for the ValueFormatter to
format are then provided in percent.
ValueTextColor As Int [write only]
ValueTextSize As Int [write only]
Visible As Boolean
Width As Int





  ba As BA

  Background As


  Chart_1_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_2_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_3_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_4_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_5_Data() As Float [write only]

  ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]

  ChartBitmap As [read only]

  ChartDescription As String [write only]

  ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]

  ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]


  Color As Int [write only]

  ConcentricLineWidth As Float [write only]

  CrossHairColor As Int [write only]

  DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)

  DrawFilled As Boolean [write only]

  DrawGraphValues As Boolean [write only]

  DrawWeb As Boolean [write only]

  Enabled As Boolean

  GraphLineColor() As Int [write only]

  GraphLineWidth As Float [write only]

  Height As Int

  Initialize (EventName As String)


  Invalidate2 (arg0 As

  Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  Left As Int

  LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]

  LegendText() As String [write only]

  MarkerToUse As Int [write only]

  RadialLineWidth As Float [write only]


  RequestFocus As Boolean

  SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)

  saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)


  SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As

  SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)

  SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)

  setRadarData (numberOfCharts As Int, numberOfEntriesPerChart As Int)

  setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)

  SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)

  Tag As Object

  TheLegendColor As Int [write only]

  TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]

  Top As Int

  ValueTextColor As Int [write only]

  ValueTextSize As Int [write only]

  Visible As Boolean

  WebAlpha As Int [write only]

  WebConcentricColor As Int [write only]

  WebRadialColor As Int [write only]

  Width As Int

  XaxisLables() As String [write only]

  XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

  YaxisMaxVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisMinVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  YaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

Members description:

ba As BA
Background As
Chart_1_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_2_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_3_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_4_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_5_Data() As Float [write only]
ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]
ChartBitmap As [read only]
Returns the bitmap that represents the chart.
ChartDescription As String [write only]
ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]
ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]
Clears this data object from all DataSets and removes all Entries. Don't
forget to invalidate the chart after this.
Color As Int [write only]
ConcentricLineWidth As Float [write only]
CrossHairColor As Int [write only]
Set the color of the cross hair that appears
when the graph is touched
DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)
DrawFilled As Boolean [write only]
Fill or don't fill the area between the graph and the X axis.
DrawGraphValues As Boolean [write only]
Draw or don't draw values on the graph.
DrawWeb As Boolean [write only]
Enabled As Boolean
GraphLineColor() As Int [write only]
Set the color to fill the area between the graph and the X axis with.
GraphLineWidth As Float [write only]
Set the width of the graph line.
Height As Int
Initialize (EventName As String)
Invalidate2 (arg0 As
Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
IsInitialized As Boolean
Left As Int
LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]
LegendText() As String [write only]
MarkerToUse As Int [write only]
Set the marker (image)to be used.
An int value from 1 to 4
See the res/drawable and res/layout folders of the B4A project
RadialLineWidth As Float [write only]
RequestFocus As Boolean
SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)
Saves the current state of the chart to the gallery as a JPEG image. The
filename and compression can be set. 0 == maximum compression, 100 = low
compression (high quality). NOTE: Needs permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

fileName e.g. "my_image"
quality e.g. 50, min = 0, max = 100
saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)
Saves the current chart state with the given name to the given path on
the sdcard leaving the path empty "" will put the saved file directly on
the SD card chart is saved as a PNG image, example:
saveToPath("myfilename", "foldername1/foldername2");

fileName e.g. "my_image"
pathOnSD e.g. "folder1/folder2/folder3"
SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As
SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)
SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)
setRadarData (numberOfCharts As Int, numberOfEntriesPerChart As Int)
setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)
SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)
Tag As Object
TheLegendColor As Int [write only]
TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]
Top As Int
ValueTextColor As Int [write only]
ValueTextSize As Int [write only]
Visible As Boolean
WebAlpha As Int [write only]
WebConcentricColor As Int [write only]
WebRadialColor As Int [write only]
Width As Int
XaxisLables() As String [write only]
Set the X-Axis labels.
XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set X-Axis text color
XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set X-Axis text size
YaxisMaxVal As Float [write only]
Set the maximum value for the y axis
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisMinVal As Float [write only]
Set the minimum value for the y axis
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set Y-Axis text color
YaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set Y-Axis text size





  ba As BA

  Background As

  BarColors() As Int [write only]

  BorderColor As Int [write only]

  BorderWidth As Float [write only]


  Chart_1_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_2_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_3_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_4_Data() As Float [write only]

  Chart_5_Data() As Float [write only]

  ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]

  ChartBitmap As [read only]

  ChartData() As Float [write only]

  ChartDescription As String [write only]

  ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]

  ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]


  Color As Int [write only]

  DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)


  DoubleTapToZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DragEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  DrawAxisLine As Boolean [write only]

  DrawBorders As Boolean [write only]

  DrawGraphValues As Boolean [write only]

  DrawGridBackground As Boolean [write only]

  DrawXaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  DrawYaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]

  Enabled As Boolean


  FillColor() As Int [write only]

  GridBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  Height As Int

  Initialize (EventName As String)


  Invalidate2 (arg0 As

  Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  Left As Int

  LegendEntrySpace As Float [write only]

  LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]

  LegendText() As String [write only]

  LegendTitle As String [write only]

  MarkerToUse As Int [write only]

  MaxVisibleValueCount As Int [write only]

  PinchZoom As Boolean [write only]


  RequestFocus As Boolean

  SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]

  saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)

  saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)

  ScaleEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScaleXEnabled As Boolean [write only]

  ScaleYEnabled As Boolean [write only]


  SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As

  setBarData (numberOfCharts As Int, numberOfEntriesPerChart As Int)

  SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)

  setDescriptionPosition (x As Float, y As Float)

  SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)

  SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)

  setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)

  SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)

  ShowYaxisLeftLabels As Boolean [write only]

  ShowYaxisRightLabels As Boolean [write only]

  Tag As Object

  TheLegendColor As Int [write only]

  TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]

  Top As Int

  ValueTextColor As Int [write only]

  ValueTextSize As Float [write only]

  Visible As Boolean

  Width As Int

  XAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  XaxisLabelPosition As String [write only]

  XaxisLables() As String [write only]

  XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

  XYAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  YAnimate As Boolean [write only]

  YaxisMaxVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisMinVal As Float [write only]

  YaxisTextColor As Int [write only]

  YaxisTextSize As Float [write only]

Members description:

ba As BA
Background As
BarColors() As Int [write only]
BorderColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color of the chart border lines.
BorderWidth As Float [write only]
Sets the width of the border lines in dp.
Chart_1_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_2_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_3_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_4_Data() As Float [write only]
Chart_5_Data() As Float [write only]
ChartAnimationTime As Int [write only]
ChartBitmap As [read only]
Returns the bitmap that represents the chart.
ChartData() As Float [write only]
ChartDescription As String [write only]
ChartDescriptionColor As Int [write only]
ChartDescriptionTextSize As Float [write only]
Clears this data object from all DataSets and removes all Entries. Don't
forget to invalidate the chart after this.
Color As Int [write only]
DesignerCreateView (base As PanelWrapper, lw As LabelWrapper, props As Map)
disables intercept touchevents
DoubleTapToZoomEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable zooming in by double-tap on the chart.
Default: enabled
DragEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable dragging (moving the chart with the finger)
for the chart (this does not effect scaling).
DrawAxisLine As Boolean [write only]
set draw x-axis line
DrawBorders As Boolean [write only]
Sets drawing the borders rectangle to true. If this is enabled, there is
no point drawing the axis-lines of x- and y-axis.
DrawGraphValues As Boolean [write only]
Draw or don't draw values on the graph.
DrawGridBackground As Boolean [write only]
set this to true to draw the grid background, false if not
DrawXaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw x-axis grid lines
DrawYaxisGridLines As Boolean [write only]
set draw y-axis grid lines
Enabled As Boolean
enables intercept touchevents
FillColor() As Int [write only]
Set the color to fill the area between the graph and the X axis with.
GridBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
Sets the color for the background of the chart-drawing area (everything
behind the grid lines).
Height As Int
Initialize (EventName As String)
Invalidate2 (arg0 As
Invalidate3 (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
IsInitialized As Boolean
Left As Int
LegendEntrySpace As Float [write only]
sets the space between the legend entries on a horizontal axis in pixels,
converts to dp internally
Default value is 6.0f
LegendShapeSize As Float [write only]
LegendText() As String [write only]
LegendTitle As String [write only]
MarkerToUse As Int [write only]
Set the marker (image)to be used.
An int value from 1 to 4
See the res/drawable and res/layout folders of the B4A project
MaxVisibleValueCount As Int [write only]
PinchZoom As Boolean [write only]
if set to true, both x and y axis can be scaled with 2 fingers, if false,
x and y axis can be scaled separately. default: false
RequestFocus As Boolean
SavedImageBackgroundColor As Int [write only]
saveToGallery (fileName As String, quality As Int)
Saves the current state of the chart to the gallery as a JPEG image. The
filename and compression can be set. 0 == maximum compression, 100 = low
compression (high quality). NOTE: Needs permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

fileName e.g. "my_image"
quality e.g. 50, min = 0, max = 100
saveToPath (fileName As String, pathOnSD As String)
Saves the current chart state with the given name to the given path on
the sdcard leaving the path empty "" will put the saved file directly on
the SD card chart is saved as a PNG image, example:
saveToPath("myfilename", "foldername1/foldername2");

fileName e.g. "my_image"
pathOnSD e.g. "folder1/folder2/folder3"
ScaleEnabled As Boolean [write only]
Set this to true to enable scaling (zooming in and out by gesture) for
the chart (this does not effect dragging) on both X- and Y-Axis.
ScaleXEnabled As Boolean [write only]
ScaleYEnabled As Boolean [write only]
SetBackgroundImage (arg0 As
setBarData (numberOfCharts As Int, numberOfEntriesPerChart As Int)
SetColorAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int)
setDescriptionPosition (x As Float, y As Float)
Sets a custom position for the description text in pixels on the screen.
x: - xcoordinate
y: - ycoordinate
SetLayout (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int)
SetLayoutAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Int, arg2 As Int, arg3 As Int, arg4 As Int)
setTheLegendPositionAndForm (legendpos As String, legendform As String)
SetVisibleAnimated (arg0 As Int, arg1 As Boolean)
ShowYaxisLeftLabels As Boolean [write only]
Show or don't show the left Y-Axis labels.
ShowYaxisRightLabels As Boolean [write only]
Show or don't show the right Y-Axis labels.
Tag As Object
TheLegendColor As Int [write only]
TheLegendTextSize As Float [write only]
Top As Int
ValueTextColor As Int [write only]
ValueTextSize As Float [write only]
Visible As Boolean
Width As Int
XAnimate As Boolean [write only]
XaxisLabelPosition As String [write only]
set x-axis label position
XaxisLables() As String [write only]
Set the X-Axis labels.
XaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set X-Axis text color
XaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set X-Axis text size
XYAnimate As Boolean [write only]
YAnimate As Boolean [write only]
YaxisMaxVal As Float [write only]
Set the maximum value for the y axis
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisMinVal As Float [write only]
Set the minimum value for the y axis
If a value is not set then it will be calculated automatically
YaxisTextColor As Int [write only]
set Y-Axis text color
YaxisTextSize As Float [write only]
set Y-Axis text size