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OAuth object wraps the open source project oauth-signpost.
This object allows you to sign Http requests according to OAuth v1.0 protocol.




  GetAuthorizationHeaderValue (Request As HttpUriRequestWrapper) As String

  Initialize (Key As String, Secret As String)

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  SetTokenWithSecret (Token As String, Secret As String)

  Sign (Request As HttpUriRequestWrapper)

Members description:

GetAuthorizationHeaderValue (Request As HttpUriRequestWrapper) As String
Returns the header value that was previously added during signing.
This can be used if the signature of one request should be used with a different request.
Initialize (Key As String, Secret As String)
Initializes the object and sets the developer key and secret values.
IsInitialized As Boolean
SetTokenWithSecret (Token As String, Secret As String)
Sets the access token and secret. These values are usually retrieved from the service server.
Sign (Request As HttpUriRequestWrapper)
Signs a HttpRequest before it is sent.