Android Programming Press on the image to return to the main documentation page.


Written by DevilApp

List of types:








  resize (pathSource As String, imgSource As String, w As Int, h As Int, pathDestiny As String, imgDestiny As String, format As String, Ratio As String)

  resizeUrl (pathSourceUrl As String, imgSource As String, w As Int, h As Int, pathDestiny As String, imgDestiny As String, format As String, Ratio As String)

Members description:

resize (pathSource As String, imgSource As String, w As Int, h As Int, pathDestiny As String, imgDestiny As String, format As String, Ratio As String)
Resize Image
pathSource = Path where is original Image
imgSource = Name Image original
w = Width
h = Height
pathDestiny = Path where you want put new Image
imgDestiny = Name Image new
format = "png" or "jpeg"
ratio = "yes" if you want maintaing its aspect ratio, otherwise "no" and resize your w and h
Dim pic As ResizePicture
File.Copy(File.DirAssets, "test.jpg",File.DirRootExternal,"test.jpg")
Dim nomepath As String = File.DirRootExternal
pic.resize( nomepath, "test.jpg", 600, 400, nomepath, "vedi","jpeg", "yes")
resizeUrl (pathSourceUrl As String, imgSource As String, w As Int, h As Int, pathDestiny As String, imgDestiny As String, format As String, Ratio As String)
Resize and Copy Image from URL to Destiny ;) - Joke NJDude
pathSourceUrl = URL where is original Image
imgSource = Name Image original
w = Width
h = Height
pathDestiny = Path where you want put new Image
imgDestiny = Name Image new
format = "png" or "jpeg"
ratio = "yes" if you want maintaing its aspect ratio, otherwise "no" and resize your w and h
Dim pic As ResizePicture
Dim nomepath As String = File.DirRootExternal
pic.resizeUrl("","test.jpg", 250,150, File.DirRootExternal,"vedi","jpeg","yes")
