Checks whether the application has been granted the specified permission. This method can be called from a Service.
CheckAndRequest (PermissionAsString)
Checks whether the application has been granted the specified permission. If not then the user will be shown a dialog asking for permission. The Activity_PermissionResult will be raised with the result (in all cases). This method can only be called from an Activity.
Returns an array with all the external folders available to your app. The first element will be the same as the value returned from GetSafeDirDefaultExternal. On Android 4.4+ no permission is required to access these folders. On older versions only one folder will be returned. You should add the permission as explained in GetSafeDirDefaultExternal documentation. SubFolder - A sub folder that will be created for your app. Pass an empty string if not needed.
Returns the path to the app's default folder on the secondary storage device. The path to File.DirInternal will be returned if there is no secondary storage available. It is a better alternative to File.DirDefaultExternal. On Android 4.4+ no permission is required to access this folder. You should add this code to the manifest editor to add the permission on older versions of Android: AddManifestText(<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" android:maxSdkVersion="18" />
) SubFolder - A sub folder that will be created for your app. Pass an empty string if not needed.