Returns the system time computed from NTP server response (in ticks). If an error occurred during the request, the returned value ist -1.
NtpServerNameAsString [write only]
Sets the adress of the NTP server used for the time request. If not set, the default server "" is used.
NtpTimeReferenceAsLong [read only]
Returns the reference clock value (value of SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()) corresponding to the NTP time according to the last getGmtNtpTime call (in ticks). If an error occurred during the last request, the returned value is -1.
RoundTripTimeAsLong [read only]
Returns the round trip time of the NTP transaction according to the last getGmtNtpTime call (in ticks). If an error occurred during the last request, the returned value is -1.
TimeOutAsInt [write only]
Sets the timeout value for the network time request. If not set, the default timeout value is 30000 milliseconds (30s).