Android Programming Press on the image to return to the main documentation page.


List of types:



This is an 'Activity Object', it cannot be declared under Sub Process_Globals.




  CloseNow As String

  Initialize (Activity As ActivityWrapper, Module As Object, Act_H As Int, Act_W As Int) As String

  IsInitialized As Boolean

  SetAutoClose (Tautoclose As String) As String

  SetBackgroundColor (Tbackcolor As Long) As String

  SetImage (Timage As String) As String

  SetPosition (TpercentDownVertical As Int, TpercentAcrossHorizontal As Int) As String

  SetSound (pDura As Int, pFreq As Int) As String

  SetSoundOn (Tsound As Boolean) As String

  SetTextColor (Tcolor As Long) As String

  SetTextSize (txtsize As Int) As String

  SetTypeFace (TypeF As TypefaceWrapper) As String

  TMS2pan As PanelWrapper

  ToastMessageShow2 (Tmessage As String, Tseconds As Int, TpercentDownVertical As Int, TpercentAcrossHorizontal As Int, Timage As String, Tcolor As Long, Tbackcolor As Long, Ttextsize As Int, Tautoclose As Boolean, Tsound As Boolean) As String

  ToastShow (Tmessage As String, Tseconds As Int) As String

  TTime As Timer

Members description:

CloseNow As String
Closes the Toast Message right away
Initialize (Activity As ActivityWrapper, Module As Object, Act_H As Int, Act_W As Int) As String
Initializes the CToast object
Activity - Pass reference to the Activity: Pass Activity
Module - The calling Module Name: Pass Me
Act_H - Is the Activity Height: Pass Activity.Height
Act_W - Is the Activity Width: Pass Activity.Width
IsInitialized As Boolean
Tests whether the object has been initialized.
SetAutoClose (Tautoclose As String) As String
Use to set the autoclose feature of the ToastShow
NOTE: Only works with ToastShow(), must be called
after Initialize.
Pass True for autoclose and False for user Tap
SetBackgroundColor (Tbackcolor As Long) As String
Use to set the Background color for the ToastShow
NOTE: Only works with ToastShow(), must be called
after Initialize.
Example: Colors.Gray
SetImage (Timage As String) As String
Use to set the background image for the ToastShow
NOTE: Only works with ToastShow(), must be called
after Initialize. Can be any image .png or .jpg,
also works for 9 Patch .png images
Pass "" to turn off background Image
SetPosition (TpercentDownVertical As Int, TpercentAcrossHorizontal As Int) As String
Use to set the position of the ToastShow message
NOTE: Only works with ToastShow(), must be called
after Initialize. Must be passed as Int, Example:
10 = 10% down from top, 50 = 50% and puts places the
Toast in the middle of the screen
To center the Toast message call:
SetPosition(50, 50)
SetSound (pDura As Int, pFreq As Int) As String
Use to set the duration and frequency of the sound
SetSoundOn() must be set to True or you will not hear
the sound.
Pass Duration as Int between: 10 - 1000
Pass Frequency as Int between: 500 - 3500
SetSoundOn (Tsound As Boolean) As String
Creates a beep when Toast displays
Passing False turns sound beep off
Passing True turns sound beep on
SetTextColor (Tcolor As Long) As String
Use to set the Text color for the ToastShow
NOTE: Only works with ToastShow(), must be called
after Initialize.
Example: Colors.White
SetTextSize (txtsize As Int) As String
SetTypeFace (TypeF As TypefaceWrapper) As String
TMS2pan As PanelWrapper
ToastMessageShow2 (Tmessage As String, Tseconds As Int, TpercentDownVertical As Int, TpercentAcrossHorizontal As Int, Timage As String, Tcolor As Long, Tbackcolor As Long, Ttextsize As Int, Tautoclose As Boolean, Tsound As Boolean) As String
Tmessage = The text you want to show in the toast message
Tseconds = The number of seconds you want the toast to show
TpercentDownVertical = Vertical center of message on screen. Example: 20 is 20 percent down
TpercentAcrossHorizontal = Horizontal center of message on screen. Example: 50 is 50 percent across
Timage = Image you want to use as the background of toast message. Must be in the assets folder
Tcolor = Color of the text words
Tbackcolor = Background color of toast message if no image is used
Ttextsize = the size you want the toast message text to be
Tautoclose = True to close after Tseconds, False stays on screen until you Tap message
Tsound = True for sound, False for no sound
ToastShow (Tmessage As String, Tseconds As Int) As String
Used to call a default Toast Message without having to pass all parameters. To set parameters each
see ToastMessageShow2()
TTime As Timer
