Represents a connection between the host and a client. UsbDeviceConnection is created by calling UsbManager.OpenDevice. Once connected you should call StartListening to start listening for completed requests. Sending requests is done with UsbRequest.Queue. The NewData event is raised when a request completes. The request is passed as a parameter. You should call ContinueListening to allow the listener to listen to the next completed request (after another IN request is sent). Calling StopListening will close the connection. ControlTransfer method sends requests to endpoint zero which is the control endpoint. ControlTransfer is a blocking method (unlike UsbRequest.Queue which is asynchronous).
NewData (Request As UsbRequest, InDirection As Boolean)
UsbManager gives access to the connected Usb devices. It also holds the related constants. This library requires Android SDK 12 or above (Android 3.1 or above). You should configure Basic4android to use android.jar from android-12 or above.