Android Programming Press on the image to return to the main documentation page.


Written by Ren\u00e9 Thalmann

List of types:






  canZoomIn (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Boolean

  canZoomOut (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Boolean

  clearCache (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, flag As Boolean)

  clearFocus (vGivenView As android.view.View)

  getAcceptCookie (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Boolean

  getFaviconFromUrl (siteUrl As String, bmpDefault As As

  getFaviconFromUrl2 (siteUrl As String) As

  getHost (siteUrl As String) As String

  getJavaScriptEnabled (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Boolean

  getLoadsImagesAutomatically (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Boolean

  getOriginalUrl (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As String

  getPluginState (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As String

  getProgress (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Int

  getScale (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Float

  getScrollX (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Int

  getScrollY (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Int

  getTitle (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As String

  isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Boolean

  isVerticalScrollBarEnabled (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Boolean

  pageDown (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, flag As Boolean)

  pageUp (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, flag As Boolean)

  resumeTimers (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView)

  scrollBy (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, x As Int, y As Int)

  scrollTo (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, x As Int, y As Int)

  setAcceptCookie (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, flag As Boolean)

  setHorizontalScrollBarEnabled (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, flag As Boolean)

  setInitialScale (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, scaleInPercent As Int)

  setJavaScriptEnabled (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, flag As Boolean)

  setLoadsImagesAutomatically (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, flag As Boolean)

  setPluginState (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, state As String)

  setScrollBarStyle (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, style As Int)

  setVerticalScrollBarEnabled (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, flag As Boolean)

  zoomIn (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Boolean

  zoomOut (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Boolean

Members description:

canZoomIn (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Boolean
Returns TRUE if the WebView can be zoomed in
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
Dim bolZoomIn as Boolean
bolZoomIn = wvXtender.canZoomIn(webView1)
canZoomOut (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Boolean
Returns TRUE if the WebView can be zoomed out
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
Dim bolZoomIn as Boolean
bolZoomIn = wvXtender.canZoomOut(webView1)
clearCache (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, flag As Boolean)
Clears the cache. Boolean include disk files.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
wvXtender.clearCache(webView1, TRUE)
clearFocus (vGivenView As android.view.View)
Removes the focus of an given view (EditText, Button...)
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
getAcceptCookie (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Boolean
Get the state of Cookies beeing accepted or not. Returns TRUE if Cookies are accept or FALSE if not.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
Dim bolCK as Boolean
bolCK = wvXtender.getAcceptCookie(webView1)
getFaviconFromUrl (siteUrl As String, bmpDefault As As
Get the favicon...if available and returns a bitmap, else return default bitmap
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
Dim bmpFI As Bitmap
Dim strURL as String
strURL = ""
bmpDefault.Initialize(File.DirAssets ,"defaultfavicon.png")
bmpFI.Initialize3(wvXtender.getFaviconFromUrl(strURL, bmpDefault))

OR after page loading is finished:

Sub webView1_PageFinished (Url As String)

  bmpFI.Initialize3(wvXtender.getFaviconFromUrl(Url, bmpDefault))
  Imageview1.Bitmap = bmpFI

End Sub

getFaviconFromUrl2 (siteUrl As String) As
Get the favicon of current page...if available and returns a bitmap, else return default bitmap
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
Dim bmpFI As Bitmap
Dim strURL as String
strURL = ""

OR after page loading is finished:

Sub webView1_PageFinished (Url As String)

  Imageview1.Bitmap = bmpFI
  End If
End Sub

getHost (siteUrl As String) As String
Get the host name of the current page.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
Dim strCurrHost as String
Dim strURL as String
strURL = ""
strCurrHost = wvXtender.getHost(strURL)
getJavaScriptEnabled (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Boolean
Get the state if JavaScript is enabled in the WebView. Returns TRUE if so.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
Dim bolJS As Boolean
bolJS = wvXtender.getJavaScriptEnabled(webView1)
getLoadsImagesAutomatically (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Boolean
Get the state if images are loaded automatically. Returns TRUE if so.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
Dim bolLoadAuto As Boolean
bolLoadAuto = wvXtender.getLoadsImagesAutomatically(webView1)
getOriginalUrl (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As String
Get the original url for the current page. This is not always the same as the url passed to WebViewClient.onPageStarted because
although the load for that url has begun, the current page may not have changed. Also, there may have been redirects resulting in
a different url to that originally requested.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
Dim strOrigURL as String
strOrigURL = wvXtender.getOriginalUrl(webView1)
getPluginState (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As String
Get the state of the PlugIns. Returns a string with the actual state: OFF, ON or ON_DEMAND.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
Dim strPS As String
strPS = wvXtender.getPluginState(webView1)
getProgress (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Int
Get the progress for the current page between 0 and 100. May use it with a timer.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
Dim intProgr as Int
getScale (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Float
Returns the current scale of the WebView.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
Dim flScale as Float
flScale = wvXtender.getScale(webView1)
getScrollX (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Int
Return the scrolled left position of this view. This is the left edge of the displayed part of your view.
You do not need to draw any pixels farther left, since those are outside of the frame of your view on screen
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
Dim intLeftEdge as int
intLeftEdge = wvXtender.getScrollX(webView1)
getScrollY (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Int
Return the scrolled top position of this view. This is the top edge of the displayed part of your view. You do not need
to draw any pixels above it, since those are outside of the frame of your view on screen.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
Dim intTopEdge as int
intTopEdge = wvXtender.getScrollY(webView1)
getTitle (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As String
Get the title for the current page. This is the title of the current page.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
Dim strCurrTitle as String
strCurrTitle = wvXtender.getTitle(webView1)
isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Boolean
Indicate whether the horizontal scrollbar should be drawn or not. The scrollbar is not drawn by default.
Returns true if the horizontal scrollbar should be painted, false otherwise
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
Dim bolEnabled as Boolean
bolEnabled = wvXtender.isHorizontalScrollBarEnabled(webView1)
isVerticalScrollBarEnabled (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Boolean
Indicate whether the vertical scrollbar should be drawn or not. The scrollbar is not drawn by default.
Returns true if the vertical scrollbar should be painted, false otherwise
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
Dim bolEnabled as Boolean
bolEnabled = wvXtender.isVerticalScrollBarEnabled(webView1)
pageDown (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, flag As Boolean)
Scroll the contents of the view down by half the page size. Boolean TRUE = scrolls to the bottom.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
wvXtender.pageDown(webView1, true)
pageUp (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, flag As Boolean)
Scroll the contents of the view up by half the view size. Boolean TRUE = scrolls to the top.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
wvXtender.pageUp(webView1, false)
resumeTimers (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView)
Resume all layout, parsing, and JavaScript timers for all webviews. This will resume dispatching all timers.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
scrollBy (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, x As Int, y As Int)
Move the scrolled position of your view in given x and y positions as int values.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
wvXtender.scrollBy(webView1, 20,50)
scrollTo (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, x As Int, y As Int)
Set the scrolled position of your view in given x and y positions as int values.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
wvXtender.scrollTo(webView1, 20,50)
setAcceptCookie (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, flag As Boolean)
Set the state of Cookies beeing accepted or not. Use TRUE if you want accept Cookies in the WebView or FALSE if not.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
wvXtender.setAcceptCookie(webView1, false)
setHorizontalScrollBarEnabled (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, flag As Boolean)
Define whether the horizontal scrollbar should be drawn or not. The scrollbar is not drawn by default.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
Dim bolEnabled as Boolean
bolEanbled = True
wvXtender.setHorizontalScrollBarEnabled(webView1, bolEanbled)
setInitialScale (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, scaleInPercent As Int)
Set the initial scale in percent for the WebView. 0 means default. If initial scale is greater than 0, WebView starts with this value as
initial scale. Please note that unlike the scale properties in the viewport meta tag, this method doesn't take the screen density
into account.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
wvXtender.setInitialScale (webView1, 10)
setJavaScriptEnabled (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, flag As Boolean)
Enables or disables JavaScript in the WebView. Use FALSE if you do not want to enable JavaScript or TRUE to enable.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
wvXtender.setJavaScriptEnabled(webView1, false)
setLoadsImagesAutomatically (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, flag As Boolean)
Set the state if images are loaded automatically. Use FALSE if you do not want to load images in the WebView.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
wvXtender.setLoadsImagesAutomatically(webView1, false)
setPluginState (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, state As String)
Set the state of PlugIns. Use a string with ON, OFF or ON_DEMAND, depending what you like to have in the WebView.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
Dim strPS As String
strPS = "OFF"
wvXtender.setPluginState(webView1, strPS)
You can also write direct the value without a string variable:
wvXtender.setPluginState(webView1, "ON_DEMAND")
setScrollBarStyle (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, style As Int)
Specify the style of the scrollbars. The scrollbars can be overlaid or inset. When inset, they add to the padding of the view.
And the scrollbars can be drawn inside the padding area or on the edge of the view. For example, if a view has a background
drawable and you want to draw the scrollbars inside the padding specified by the drawable, you can use SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_OVERLAY
or SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_INSET. If you want them to appear at the edge of the view, ignoring the padding, then you can use

Allowed int values for style are:

Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
Dim intStyle as Int
intStyle = 16777216 '(iE for SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_INSET)
wvXtender.setScrollBarStyle(webView1, intStyle)
setVerticalScrollBarEnabled (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView, flag As Boolean)
Define whether the vertical scrollbar should be drawn or not. The scrollbar is not drawn by default.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
Dim bolEnabled as Boolean
bolEanbled = True
wvXtender.setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(webView1, bolEanbled)
zoomIn (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Boolean
Perform zoom in in the webview. Return TRUE if zoom in succeeds. FALSE if no zoom changes.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
dim bolZoomIn as Boolean
bolZoomIn = wvXtender.zoomIn(webView1)
zoomOut (webView1 As android.webkit.WebView) As Boolean
Perform zoom out in the webview. Return TRUE if zoom out succeeds. FALSE if no zoom changes.
Dim wvXtender As WebViewXtender
dim bolZoomOut as Boolean
bolZoomOut = wvXtender.zoomOut(webView1)
