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List of types:



This object allows you to play YouTube videos in your application.
See the tutorial for more information.
This is an 'Activity Object', it cannot be declared under Sub Process_Globals.




Result (Message As String)


  CheckPlayerSupported As String

  Initialize (EventName As String)

  StartPlaylist (DeveloperKey As String, PlaylistId As String, StartIndex As Int, TimeMillis As Int, AutoPlay As Boolean, LightboxMode As Boolean)

  StartVideo (DeveloperKey As String, VideoId As String, TimeMillis As Int, AutoPlay As Boolean, LightboxMode As Boolean)

Members description:

CheckPlayerSupported As String
Tests whether the YouTube player service is supported.
Returns SUCCESS or an error message..
Initialize (EventName As String)
Initializes the object and sets the sub that will handle the events.
StartPlaylist (DeveloperKey As String, PlaylistId As String, StartIndex As Int, TimeMillis As Int, AutoPlay As Boolean, LightboxMode As Boolean)
Plays the videos in the playlist.
DeveloperKey - The developer key from Google APIs console.
PlaylistId - YouTube playlist id (the list value in the URL).
StartIndex - The index of the video to be played first. The first index is 0.
TimeMillis - The time in milliseconds where playback should start in the first video.
AutoPlay - Whether the playback should start automatically.
LightboxMode - If true then the video is played in a dialog over the current activity,
otherwise the video is played in its own activity (forced to landscape orientation).
StartVideo (DeveloperKey As String, VideoId As String, TimeMillis As Int, AutoPlay As Boolean, LightboxMode As Boolean)
Plays the video.
DeveloperKey - The developer key from Google APIs console.
VideoId - YouTube video id.
TimeMillis - The time in milliseconds where playback should star.
AutoPlay - Whether the playback should start automatically.
LightboxMode - If true then the video is played in a dialog over the current activity,
otherwise the video is played in its own activity (forced to landscape orientation).