This object allows you to play YouTube videos in your application. See the tutorial for more information. This is an 'Activity Object', it cannot be declared under Sub Process_Globals.
Plays the videos in the playlist. DeveloperKey - The developer key from Google APIs console. PlaylistId - YouTube playlist id (the list value in the URL). StartIndex - The index of the video to be played first. The first index is 0. TimeMillis - The time in milliseconds where playback should start in the first video. AutoPlay - Whether the playback should start automatically. LightboxMode - If true then the video is played in a dialog over the current activity, otherwise the video is played in its own activity (forced to landscape orientation).
Plays the video. DeveloperKey - The developer key from Google APIs console. VideoId - YouTube video id. TimeMillis - The time in milliseconds where playback should star. AutoPlay - Whether the playback should start automatically. LightboxMode - If true then the video is played in a dialog over the current activity, otherwise the video is played in its own activity (forced to landscape orientation).