List is similar to a dynamic array of objects. You can add, insert or remove items from the list. Note that arrays are converted to lists automatically when needed.
Adds all the items from one list to the end of this list.
AddAllAt (IndexAsInt, ListAsList)
Adds all items from one list to this list, starting at the specified index.
Removes all items from the list.
Get (IndexAsInt) AsObject
Returns the item in the specified index.
IndexOf (ItemAsObject) AsInt
Returns the index of the specified item. Returns -1 if the item was not found.
Initializes an empty list.
Initialize2 (ArrayAsList)
Initializes a list that wraps the given array.
InsertAt (IndexAsInt, ItemAsObject)
Inserts an item in the specified index.
Tests whether this object was initialized.
Tests whether the list is readonly. A list that is returned from a library call might be read-only.
RemoveAt (IndexAsInt)
Removes the item in the specified index.
Set (IndexAsInt, ItemAsObject)
Sets the item in the specified index.
SizeAsInt [read only]
Sort (AscendingAsBoolean)
Sorts the list. If the first item in the in the list is a number then the list will be numerically sorted. Otherwise the list will be lexicographically sorted.
SortCaseInsensitive (AscendingAsBoolean)
Similar to Sort. Ignores the strings case.
SortType (FieldNameAsString, AscendingAsBoolean)
Sorts a list with items of user defined type. The list is sorted based on the specified field. FieldName - The case-sensitive field name that will be used for sorting. Field must contain numbers of strings. Ascending - Whether to sort ascending or descending.
A collection that holds pairs of keys and values. The keys are unique. Fetching items is done based on the key. Unlike B4J / B4A Maps, B4i Map does not retain the original order of items. You can iterate over the keys or values with the Keys or Values properties.