ActionSheet allows the user to select an item from a list of items. On iPhone devices the list usually slides up from the bottom of the screen. On iPad devices the list appears anchored to the ParentView. The list can optionally show a "cancel" item and a "destructive" item. These items will show with a different color.
Initializes the ActionSheet and sets the items. EventName - Sets the sub that will handle the Click event. Title - The sheet title. Note that Apple guidelines recommend not to use a title. CancelItem - An item that will appear in black color. DestructiveItem - An item that will appear in red color. OtherItems - A List (or array) with all other items.
Tests whether this object was initialized.
Show (ParentViewAsObject)
Shows the ActionSheet. The sheet will be anchored to the ParentView (on iPad devices). Example: DimsheetAsActionSheet sheet.Initialize("sheet", "", "", "", Array("Cat", "Dog", "Monkey", "Rat"))
WaitForsheet_Click (AnimalAsString)
Gets or sets the Tag object. This is a placeholder for any object you like to tie to this object.
Calculates the keyboard top point relative to the current view.
Gets or sets the indicator color.
Gets or sets the view's height.
Initialize ()
IsFocusedAsBoolean [read only]
Returns true if the view is focused.
Tests whether this object was initialized.
Gets or sets the view's left position.
ParentAsView [read only]
Returns the views parent. The returned view can be uninitialized (if there is no parent).
Removes the view from its parent (same as B4A View.RemoveView method).
Tries to set the focus on the current view. Returns True if the focus was set. Most views are not focusable. When a text view is focused the keyboard is shown.
Removes the focus from the current view. Removing the focus from a text view will hide the keyboard.
Sends the view to the back.
SetAlphaAnimated (DurationMSAsInt, AlphaAsFloat)
Animates the view's alpha level. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Alpha - The new alpha level (0 - transparent, 1 - fully opaque).
Animates the view's background color. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. BackgroundColor - The new background color. Note that Labels do not support this type of animation.
Animates the view's layout. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Set to 0 to change the layout immediately. DampingRatio - If smaller than 1 then a spring effect will be applied to the animation. The minimum value should be 0.1. Set to 1 for no spring effect. Left, Top, Width and Height - The new layout.
Adds a parallax effect to the view. The view will slightly move when the device is tilted. Vertical - Vertical offset. Can be a positive or negative value. Horizontal - Horizontal offset. Can be a positive or negative value.
Adds a shadow to to the view. The border corners radius should be set to 0 when adding shadows. Colors - The shadow color. OffsetX, OffsetY - The horizontal and vertical offsets. Opacity - Sets the shadow opacity: 0 - transparent, 1 - opaque. StaticRect - (optimization parameter) Set this parameter to True if the view's size is constant.
Resizes the view to make it fit its content.
Gets or sets the indicator style. One of the STYLE constants.
STYLE_GRAYAsInt [read only]
STYLE_WHITEAsInt [read only]
STYLE_WHITE_LARGEAsInt [read only]
Gets or sets the Tag object. This is a placeholder for any object you like to tie to this object.
Gets or sets the view's tint color. Some views use this color to change their appearance.
Gets or sets the view's top position.
Gets or sets whether the user can interact with this view. True by default.
BarButtons are assigned to Pages. These buttons appear when a Page is added to a NavigationConroller. There are four types of bar buttons: custom, text, bitmap or system. You can use the designer to create these buttons. Note that the designer adds "flexible space" items between each two buttons automatically. The Tag value is important as it is used to distinguish between the buttons in the Page_BarButtonClick event.
A Button view. There are two types of buttons: system buttons and custom buttons. System buttons are created with one of the STYLE constants. Custom buttons can be customized by accessing the CustomLabel property.
Initializes a custom button. Sets the text default color and the pressed state color.
IsFocusedAsBoolean [read only]
Returns true if the view is focused.
Tests whether this object was initialized.
Gets or sets the view's left position.
ParentAsView [read only]
Returns the views parent. The returned view can be uninitialized (if there is no parent).
Removes the view from its parent (same as B4A View.RemoveView method).
Tries to set the focus on the current view. Returns True if the focus was set. Most views are not focusable. When a text view is focused the keyboard is shown.
Removes the focus from the current view. Removing the focus from a text view will hide the keyboard.
Sends the view to the back.
SetAlphaAnimated (DurationMSAsInt, AlphaAsFloat)
Animates the view's alpha level. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Alpha - The new alpha level (0 - transparent, 1 - fully opaque).
Animates the view's background color. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. BackgroundColor - The new background color. Note that Labels do not support this type of animation.
Animates the view's layout. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Set to 0 to change the layout immediately. DampingRatio - If smaller than 1 then a spring effect will be applied to the animation. The minimum value should be 0.1. Set to 1 for no spring effect. Left, Top, Width and Height - The new layout.
Adds a parallax effect to the view. The view will slightly move when the device is tilted. Vertical - Vertical offset. Can be a positive or negative value. Horizontal - Horizontal offset. Can be a positive or negative value.
Adds a shadow to to the view. The border corners radius should be set to 0 when adding shadows. Colors - The shadow color. OffsetX, OffsetY - The horizontal and vertical offsets. Opacity - Sets the shadow opacity: 0 - transparent, 1 - opaque. StaticRect - (optimization parameter) Set this parameter to True if the view's size is constant.
Resizes the view to make it fit its content.
STYLE_CONTACT_ADDAsObject [read only]
STYLE_INFOAsObject [read only]
STYLE_SYSTEMAsObject [read only]
Gets or sets the Tag object. This is a placeholder for any object you like to tie to this object.
Gets or sets the button's text.
Gets or sets the view's tint color. Some views use this color to change their appearance.
Gets or sets the view's top position.
Gets or sets whether the user can interact with this view. True by default.
Calculates the keyboard top point relative to the current view.
Gets or sets the view's background color.
Gets or sets the content mode (one of the MODE constants).
Gets or sets the view's height.
Initialize (EventNameAsString)
IsFocusedAsBoolean [read only]
Returns true if the view is focused.
Tests whether this object was initialized.
Gets or sets the view's left position.
MODE_CENTERAsObject [read only]
The bitmap will be centered.
MODE_FILLAsObject [read only]
The bitmap will be stretched to fill the view.
MODE_FITAsObject [read only]
The bitmap will be resized to fill the view. The original aspect ratio will be kept.
MODE_TOPLEFTAsObject [read only]
The bitmap will not be resized.
ParentAsView [read only]
Returns the views parent. The returned view can be uninitialized (if there is no parent).
Removes the view from its parent (same as B4A View.RemoveView method).
Tries to set the focus on the current view. Returns True if the focus was set. Most views are not focusable. When a text view is focused the keyboard is shown.
Removes the focus from the current view. Removing the focus from a text view will hide the keyboard.
Sends the view to the back.
SetAlphaAnimated (DurationMSAsInt, AlphaAsFloat)
Animates the view's alpha level. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Alpha - The new alpha level (0 - transparent, 1 - fully opaque).
Animates the view's background color. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. BackgroundColor - The new background color. Note that Labels do not support this type of animation.
Animates the view's layout. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Set to 0 to change the layout immediately. DampingRatio - If smaller than 1 then a spring effect will be applied to the animation. The minimum value should be 0.1. Set to 1 for no spring effect. Left, Top, Width and Height - The new layout.
Adds a parallax effect to the view. The view will slightly move when the device is tilted. Vertical - Vertical offset. Can be a positive or negative value. Horizontal - Horizontal offset. Can be a positive or negative value.
Adds a shadow to to the view. The border corners radius should be set to 0 when adding shadows. Colors - The shadow color. OffsetX, OffsetY - The horizontal and vertical offsets. Opacity - Sets the shadow opacity: 0 - transparent, 1 - opaque. StaticRect - (optimization parameter) Set this parameter to True if the view's size is constant.
Resizes the view to make it fit its content.
Gets or sets the Tag object. This is a placeholder for any object you like to tie to this object.
Gets or sets the view's tint color. Some views use this color to change their appearance.
Gets or sets the view's top position.
Gets or sets whether the user can interact with this view. True by default.
Calculates the keyboard top point relative to the current view.
Gets or sets the view's background color.
Gets or sets the label font.
Gets or sets the view's height.
Initialize (EventNameAsString)
IsFocusedAsBoolean [read only]
Returns true if the view is focused.
Tests whether this object was initialized.
Gets or sets the view's left position.
Gets or sets whether the label should show multiple lines.
ParentAsView [read only]
Returns the views parent. The returned view can be uninitialized (if there is no parent).
Removes the view from its parent (same as B4A View.RemoveView method).
Tries to set the focus on the current view. Returns True if the focus was set. Most views are not focusable. When a text view is focused the keyboard is shown.
Removes the focus from the current view. Removing the focus from a text view will hide the keyboard.
Sends the view to the back.
SetAlphaAnimated (DurationMSAsInt, AlphaAsFloat)
Animates the view's alpha level. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Alpha - The new alpha level (0 - transparent, 1 - fully opaque).
Animates the view's background color. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. BackgroundColor - The new background color. Note that Labels do not support this type of animation.
Animates the view's layout. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Set to 0 to change the layout immediately. DampingRatio - If smaller than 1 then a spring effect will be applied to the animation. The minimum value should be 0.1. Set to 1 for no spring effect. Left, Top, Width and Height - The new layout.
Adds a parallax effect to the view. The view will slightly move when the device is tilted. Vertical - Vertical offset. Can be a positive or negative value. Horizontal - Horizontal offset. Can be a positive or negative value.
Adds a shadow to to the view. The border corners radius should be set to 0 when adding shadows. Colors - The shadow color. OffsetX, OffsetY - The horizontal and vertical offsets. Opacity - Sets the shadow opacity: 0 - transparent, 1 - opaque. StaticRect - (optimization parameter) Set this parameter to True if the view's size is constant.
Resizes the view to make it fit its content.
Gets or sets the Tag object. This is a placeholder for any object you like to tie to this object.
Gets or sets the label text.
Gets or sets the text alignment (one of the ALIGNMENT constants).
Gets or sets the text color.
Gets or sets the view's tint color. Some views use this color to change their appearance.
Gets or sets the view's top position.
Gets or sets whether the user can interact with this view. True by default.
A controller that manages a set of pages in a stack. This is the default controller. It can optionally show a navigation bar (at the top) and a toolbar (at the bottom). The items in these bars are set by the current visible page. When you call ShowPage the page is added to the top of the stack. If the page is already in the stack then all the pages above it will be removed.
Similar to setting the NavigationBarVisible. Hides or shows the bar with animation.
SetPagesStack (PagesAsList)
Clears the current stack and sets a new stack of pages. This can be useful when you restore the state of an app.
ShowPage (PageAsObject)
Adds a page to the top of the stack. If the page is already in the stack then all pages above it will be removed. The transition will be animated.
ShowPage2 (PageAsObject, AnimatedAsBoolean)
Similar to ShowPage. Animated - Whether the transition will be animated or not.
Gets or sets the Tag object. This is a placeholder for any object you like to tie to this object.
Gets or sets whether the tool bar (bottom bar) is visible. Default value is false. Note that you should first show a page and only then add the toolbar.
A page is a container that contains other views. The main element of a page is the RootPanel. With this panel you can add or remove views. Note that the "Event Name" of the RootPanel is the same as the Page's Event Name. You can use a NavigationController or a TabController to manage multiple pages.
Appear Disappear BarButtonClick (Tag As String) KeyboardStateChanged (Height As Float)
If false then the back button will appear when this page is the top page and there are other pages in the back. Default value is false.
Initialize (EventNameAsString)
Tests whether this object was initialized.
Gets or sets the page prompt. This text will appear under the title.
Removes focus from all views on this page. This will hide the keyboard if it is visible.
RootPanelAsPanel [read only]
Gets a reference to the main panel that holds the other views.
Gets or sets the TabBarItem that will appear when this page is added to a TabBarController.
Gets or sets the Tag object. This is a placeholder for any object you like to tie to this object.
Gets or sets the page title. This title appears in the navigation bar when a NavigationController is used.
Gets or sets the view that replaces the standard title. Only relevant when the page is inside a NavigationController.
Gets or sets an array of BarButtons that will appear in the Toolbar (if it is visible). Note that you should set a new list or array in order to update the buttons as the returned list is a copy of the internal list.
Gets or sets an array of BarButtons that will appear near the top-left corner (if the navigation bar is visible). Note that you should set a new list or array in order to update the buttons as the returned list is a copy of the internal list.
Gets or sets an array of BarButtons that will appear near the top-right corner (if the navigation bar is visible). Note that you should set a new list or array in order to update the buttons as the returned list is a copy of the internal list.
A controller that contains other pages and allows the user to switch pages by swiping right or left. Set this controller by assigning App.KeyController.
Initializes the controller and sets the child pages. EventName - Sets the subs that will handle the events. Currently this parameter is not used. Pages - A List (or Array) with the child pages.
Tests whether this object was initialized.
SetSelectedPage (PageIndexAsInt)
Sets the current selected (visible) page.
Gets or sets the Tag object. This is a placeholder for any object you like to tie to this object.
Calculates the keyboard top point relative to the current view.
Gets or sets the view's background color.
Used with a For Each block to iterate over all views recursively.
GetView (IndexAsInt) AsView
Gets the view at the specified index.
Gets or sets the view's height.
Initialize (EventNameAsString)
IsFocusedAsBoolean [read only]
Returns true if the view is focused.
Tests whether this object was initialized.
Gets or sets the view's left position.
LoadLayout (LayoutFileAsString) AsLayoutValues
Loads a layout file to the panel.
NumberOfViewsAsInt [read only]
ParentAsView [read only]
Returns the views parent. The returned view can be uninitialized (if there is no parent).
Removes all views from the panel.
RemoveViewAt (IndexAsInt)
Removes the view at the specified index.
Removes the view from its parent (same as B4A View.RemoveView method).
Tries to set the focus on the current view. Returns True if the focus was set. Most views are not focusable. When a text view is focused the keyboard is shown.
Removes the focus from the current view. Removing the focus from a text view will hide the keyboard.
Sends the view to the back.
SetAlphaAnimated (DurationMSAsInt, AlphaAsFloat)
Animates the view's alpha level. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Alpha - The new alpha level (0 - transparent, 1 - fully opaque).
Animates the view's background color. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. BackgroundColor - The new background color. Note that Labels do not support this type of animation.
Animates the view's layout. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Set to 0 to change the layout immediately. DampingRatio - If smaller than 1 then a spring effect will be applied to the animation. The minimum value should be 0.1. Set to 1 for no spring effect. Left, Top, Width and Height - The new layout.
Adds a parallax effect to the view. The view will slightly move when the device is tilted. Vertical - Vertical offset. Can be a positive or negative value. Horizontal - Horizontal offset. Can be a positive or negative value.
Adds a shadow to to the view. The border corners radius should be set to 0 when adding shadows. Colors - The shadow color. OffsetX, OffsetY - The horizontal and vertical offsets. Opacity - Sets the shadow opacity: 0 - transparent, 1 - opaque. StaticRect - (optimization parameter) Set this parameter to True if the view's size is constant.
Resizes the view to make it fit its content.
Gets or sets the Tag object. This is a placeholder for any object you like to tie to this object.
Gets or sets the view's tint color. Some views use this color to change their appearance.
Gets or sets the view's top position.
Gets or sets whether the user can interact with this view. True by default.
Calculates the keyboard top point relative to the current view.
Gets or sets the view's background color.
GetItems (ColumnAsInt) AsList
Returns a list with the items in the specified index.
GetSelectedItem (ColumnAsInt) AsObject
Returns the selected item in the specified column.
GetSelectedRow (ColumnAsInt) AsInt
Returns the selected row in the specified column.
Gets or sets the view's height.
Initialize (EventNameAsString)
Initializes the picker and sets the subs that will handle the events.
IsFocusedAsBoolean [read only]
Returns true if the view is focused.
Tests whether this object was initialized.
Gets or sets the view's left position.
ParentAsView [read only]
Returns the views parent. The returned view can be uninitialized (if there is no parent).
Removes the view from its parent (same as B4A View.RemoveView method).
Tries to set the focus on the current view. Returns True if the focus was set. Most views are not focusable. When a text view is focused the keyboard is shown.
Removes the focus from the current view. Removing the focus from a text view will hide the keyboard.
Animates the view's background color. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. BackgroundColor - The new background color. Note that Labels do not support this type of animation.
SetColumnsWidths (WidthsAsList)
Sets the columns widths. For example if there are two columns: Picker1.SetColumnsWidths(Array (100, 200))
SetItems (ColumnAsInt, ItemsAsList)
Sets the items of the given column. Column - Column index. 0 is the first column. Items - A List (or array) with the items. Each item should be a String or an AttributedString.
Animates the view's layout. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Set to 0 to change the layout immediately. DampingRatio - If smaller than 1 then a spring effect will be applied to the animation. The minimum value should be 0.1. Set to 1 for no spring effect. Left, Top, Width and Height - The new layout.
Adds a parallax effect to the view. The view will slightly move when the device is tilted. Vertical - Vertical offset. Can be a positive or negative value. Horizontal - Horizontal offset. Can be a positive or negative value.
Adds a shadow to to the view. The border corners radius should be set to 0 when adding shadows. Colors - The shadow color. OffsetX, OffsetY - The horizontal and vertical offsets. Opacity - Sets the shadow opacity: 0 - transparent, 1 - opaque. StaticRect - (optimization parameter) Set this parameter to True if the view's size is constant.
Resizes the view to make it fit its content.
Gets or sets the Tag object. This is a placeholder for any object you like to tie to this object.
Gets or sets the view's tint color. Some views use this color to change their appearance.
Gets or sets the view's top position.
Gets or sets whether the user can interact with this view. True by default.
Calculates the keyboard top point relative to the current view.
Gets or sets the view's background color.
Gets or sets the view's height.
Initialize ()
IsFocusedAsBoolean [read only]
Returns true if the view is focused.
Tests whether this object was initialized.
Gets or sets the view's left position.
ParentAsView [read only]
Returns the views parent. The returned view can be uninitialized (if there is no parent).
Gets or sets the current progress (0 to 1).
Removes the view from its parent (same as B4A View.RemoveView method).
Tries to set the focus on the current view. Returns True if the focus was set. Most views are not focusable. When a text view is focused the keyboard is shown.
Removes the focus from the current view. Removing the focus from a text view will hide the keyboard.
Sends the view to the back.
SetAlphaAnimated (DurationMSAsInt, AlphaAsFloat)
Animates the view's alpha level. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Alpha - The new alpha level (0 - transparent, 1 - fully opaque).
Animates the view's background color. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. BackgroundColor - The new background color. Note that Labels do not support this type of animation.
Animates the view's layout. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Set to 0 to change the layout immediately. DampingRatio - If smaller than 1 then a spring effect will be applied to the animation. The minimum value should be 0.1. Set to 1 for no spring effect. Left, Top, Width and Height - The new layout.
Adds a parallax effect to the view. The view will slightly move when the device is tilted. Vertical - Vertical offset. Can be a positive or negative value. Horizontal - Horizontal offset. Can be a positive or negative value.
Adds a shadow to to the view. The border corners radius should be set to 0 when adding shadows. Colors - The shadow color. OffsetX, OffsetY - The horizontal and vertical offsets. Opacity - Sets the shadow opacity: 0 - transparent, 1 - opaque. StaticRect - (optimization parameter) Set this parameter to True if the view's size is constant.
Resizes the view to make it fit its content.
Gets or sets the Tag object. This is a placeholder for any object you like to tie to this object.
Gets or sets the view's tint color. Some views use this color to change their appearance.
Gets or sets the view's top position.
Gets or sets whether the user can interact with this view. True by default.
ScrollView is a scrollable container. It can scroll horizontally and vertically (based on the inner-panel size). ScrollView.Panel returns the inner-panel. You should add views to this panel. Note that ContentWidth and ContentHeight properties should be used when modifying the inner-panel size.
ScrollChanged (OffsetX As Int, OffsetY As Int) Click LongClick
Initializes the ScrollView. EventName - Sets the subs that will handle the events. Width - The inner-panel width. Height - The inner-panel height.
IsFocusedAsBoolean [read only]
Returns true if the view is focused.
Tests whether this object was initialized.
Gets or sets the view's left position.
If true then the ScrollView will automatically scroll to the nearest "page" which is a multiple of the ScrollView size.
PanelAsPanel [read only]
Returns the inner-panel.
ParentAsView [read only]
Returns the views parent. The returned view can be uninitialized (if there is no parent).
Removes the view from its parent (same as B4A View.RemoveView method).
Tries to set the focus on the current view. Returns True if the focus was set. Most views are not focusable. When a text view is focused the keyboard is shown.
Removes the focus from the current view. Removing the focus from a text view will hide the keyboard.
Animates the view's background color. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. BackgroundColor - The new background color. Note that Labels do not support this type of animation.
Animates the view's layout. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Set to 0 to change the layout immediately. DampingRatio - If smaller than 1 then a spring effect will be applied to the animation. The minimum value should be 0.1. Set to 1 for no spring effect. Left, Top, Width and Height - The new layout.
Adds a parallax effect to the view. The view will slightly move when the device is tilted. Vertical - Vertical offset. Can be a positive or negative value. Horizontal - Horizontal offset. Can be a positive or negative value.
Adds a shadow to to the view. The border corners radius should be set to 0 when adding shadows. Colors - The shadow color. OffsetX, OffsetY - The horizontal and vertical offsets. Opacity - Sets the shadow opacity: 0 - transparent, 1 - opaque. StaticRect - (optimization parameter) Set this parameter to True if the view's size is constant.
Gets or sets whether to show the horizontal indicator during scrolling.
Gets or sets whether to show the vertical indicator during scrolling.
Resizes the view to make it fit its content.
Gets or sets the Tag object. This is a placeholder for any object you like to tie to this object.
Gets or sets the view's tint color. Some views use this color to change their appearance.
Gets or sets the view's top position.
Gets or sets whether the user can interact with this view. True by default.
Calculates the keyboard top point relative to the current view.
Gets or sets the view's background color.
Gets or sets whether the view is enabled.
Gets a List with the control titles.
Gets or sets the view's height.
Initialize (EventNameAsString)
IsFocusedAsBoolean [read only]
Returns true if the view is focused.
Tests whether this object was initialized.
Gets or sets the view's left position.
If true then the control does not show the selected item. Default value is false.
ParentAsView [read only]
Returns the views parent. The returned view can be uninitialized (if there is no parent).
Removes the view from its parent (same as B4A View.RemoveView method).
Tries to set the focus on the current view. Returns True if the focus was set. Most views are not focusable. When a text view is focused the keyboard is shown.
Removes the focus from the current view. Removing the focus from a text view will hide the keyboard.
Gets or sets the selected index. -1 means that no item is selected.
Sends the view to the back.
SetAlphaAnimated (DurationMSAsInt, AlphaAsFloat)
Animates the view's alpha level. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Alpha - The new alpha level (0 - transparent, 1 - fully opaque).
Animates the view's background color. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. BackgroundColor - The new background color. Note that Labels do not support this type of animation.
Animates the view's layout. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Set to 0 to change the layout immediately. DampingRatio - If smaller than 1 then a spring effect will be applied to the animation. The minimum value should be 0.1. Set to 1 for no spring effect. Left, Top, Width and Height - The new layout.
Adds a parallax effect to the view. The view will slightly move when the device is tilted. Vertical - Vertical offset. Can be a positive or negative value. Horizontal - Horizontal offset. Can be a positive or negative value.
Adds a shadow to to the view. The border corners radius should be set to 0 when adding shadows. Colors - The shadow color. OffsetX, OffsetY - The horizontal and vertical offsets. Opacity - Sets the shadow opacity: 0 - transparent, 1 - opaque. StaticRect - (optimization parameter) Set this parameter to True if the view's size is constant.
Resizes the view to make it fit its content.
Gets or sets the Tag object. This is a placeholder for any object you like to tie to this object.
Gets or sets the view's tint color. Some views use this color to change their appearance.
Gets or sets the view's top position.
Gets or sets whether the user can interact with this view. True by default.
A horizontal bar with a thumb. The user can change the value by dragging the thumb. The ValueChanged event is raised when the value is changed. You can change the color by changing the TintColor property.
Calculates the keyboard top point relative to the current view.
Gets or sets the view's background color.
If False then the ValueChanged event will only be raised when the user releases the thumb.
Gets or sets whether the view is enabled.
Gets or sets the view's height.
Initialize (EventNameAsString)
Initializes the Slider.
IsFocusedAsBoolean [read only]
Returns true if the view is focused.
Tests whether this object was initialized.
Gets or sets the view's left position.
Gets or sets the maximum value. The default value is 1.
Gets or sets the minimum value. The default value is 0.
ParentAsView [read only]
Returns the views parent. The returned view can be uninitialized (if there is no parent).
Removes the view from its parent (same as B4A View.RemoveView method).
Tries to set the focus on the current view. Returns True if the focus was set. Most views are not focusable. When a text view is focused the keyboard is shown.
Removes the focus from the current view. Removing the focus from a text view will hide the keyboard.
Sends the view to the back.
SetAlphaAnimated (DurationMSAsInt, AlphaAsFloat)
Animates the view's alpha level. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Alpha - The new alpha level (0 - transparent, 1 - fully opaque).
Animates the view's background color. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. BackgroundColor - The new background color. Note that Labels do not support this type of animation.
Animates the view's layout. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Set to 0 to change the layout immediately. DampingRatio - If smaller than 1 then a spring effect will be applied to the animation. The minimum value should be 0.1. Set to 1 for no spring effect. Left, Top, Width and Height - The new layout.
Adds a parallax effect to the view. The view will slightly move when the device is tilted. Vertical - Vertical offset. Can be a positive or negative value. Horizontal - Horizontal offset. Can be a positive or negative value.
Adds a shadow to to the view. The border corners radius should be set to 0 when adding shadows. Colors - The shadow color. OffsetX, OffsetY - The horizontal and vertical offsets. Opacity - Sets the shadow opacity: 0 - transparent, 1 - opaque. StaticRect - (optimization parameter) Set this parameter to True if the view's size is constant.
Resizes the view to make it fit its content.
Gets or sets the Tag object. This is a placeholder for any object you like to tie to this object.
Gets or sets the view's tint color. Some views use this color to change their appearance.
Gets or sets the view's top position.
Gets or sets whether the user can interact with this view. True by default.
A view that shows a + and - buttons that allow the user to increment of decrement a numeric value. The value itself is not displayed (by this view). You can change the color by changing the TintColor property. ValueChanged event is raised when the value is changed.
Calculates the keyboard top point relative to the current view.
Gets or sets the view's background color.
Gets or sets whether the view is enabled.
Gets or sets the view's height.
Initialize (EventNameAsString)
Initializes the stepper.
IsFocusedAsBoolean [read only]
Returns true if the view is focused.
Tests whether this object was initialized.
Gets or sets the view's left position.
Gets or sets the maximum value. Default value is 100.
Gets or sets the minimum value. Default value is 0.
ParentAsView [read only]
Returns the views parent. The returned view can be uninitialized (if there is no parent).
Removes the view from its parent (same as B4A View.RemoveView method).
Tries to set the focus on the current view. Returns True if the focus was set. Most views are not focusable. When a text view is focused the keyboard is shown.
Removes the focus from the current view. Removing the focus from a text view will hide the keyboard.
Sends the view to the back.
SetAlphaAnimated (DurationMSAsInt, AlphaAsFloat)
Animates the view's alpha level. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Alpha - The new alpha level (0 - transparent, 1 - fully opaque).
Animates the view's background color. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. BackgroundColor - The new background color. Note that Labels do not support this type of animation.
Animates the view's layout. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Set to 0 to change the layout immediately. DampingRatio - If smaller than 1 then a spring effect will be applied to the animation. The minimum value should be 0.1. Set to 1 for no spring effect. Left, Top, Width and Height - The new layout.
Adds a parallax effect to the view. The view will slightly move when the device is tilted. Vertical - Vertical offset. Can be a positive or negative value. Horizontal - Horizontal offset. Can be a positive or negative value.
Adds a shadow to to the view. The border corners radius should be set to 0 when adding shadows. Colors - The shadow color. OffsetX, OffsetY - The horizontal and vertical offsets. Opacity - Sets the shadow opacity: 0 - transparent, 1 - opaque. StaticRect - (optimization parameter) Set this parameter to True if the view's size is constant.
Resizes the view to make it fit its content.
Gets or sets the step value. Default value is 1.
Gets or sets the Tag object. This is a placeholder for any object you like to tie to this object.
Gets or sets the view's tint color. Some views use this color to change their appearance.
Gets or sets the view's top position.
Gets or sets whether the user can interact with this view. True by default.
Calculates the keyboard top point relative to the current view.
Gets or sets the view's background color.
Gets or sets whether the view is enabled.
Gets or sets the view's height.
Initialize (EventNameAsString)
Initializes the view.
IsFocusedAsBoolean [read only]
Returns true if the view is focused.
Tests whether this object was initialized.
Gets or sets the view's left position.
ParentAsView [read only]
Returns the views parent. The returned view can be uninitialized (if there is no parent).
Removes the view from its parent (same as B4A View.RemoveView method).
Tries to set the focus on the current view. Returns True if the focus was set. Most views are not focusable. When a text view is focused the keyboard is shown.
Removes the focus from the current view. Removing the focus from a text view will hide the keyboard.
Sends the view to the back.
SetAlphaAnimated (DurationMSAsInt, AlphaAsFloat)
Animates the view's alpha level. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Alpha - The new alpha level (0 - transparent, 1 - fully opaque).
Animates the view's background color. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. BackgroundColor - The new background color. Note that Labels do not support this type of animation.
Animates the view's layout. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Set to 0 to change the layout immediately. DampingRatio - If smaller than 1 then a spring effect will be applied to the animation. The minimum value should be 0.1. Set to 1 for no spring effect. Left, Top, Width and Height - The new layout.
Adds a parallax effect to the view. The view will slightly move when the device is tilted. Vertical - Vertical offset. Can be a positive or negative value. Horizontal - Horizontal offset. Can be a positive or negative value.
Adds a shadow to to the view. The border corners radius should be set to 0 when adding shadows. Colors - The shadow color. OffsetX, OffsetY - The horizontal and vertical offsets. Opacity - Sets the shadow opacity: 0 - transparent, 1 - opaque. StaticRect - (optimization parameter) Set this parameter to True if the view's size is constant.
SetValueAnimated (ValueAsBoolean)
Changes the current state. Animates the transition.
Resizes the view to make it fit its content.
Gets or sets the Tag object. This is a placeholder for any object you like to tie to this object.
Gets or sets the view's tint color. Some views use this color to change their appearance.
Gets or sets the view's top position.
Gets or sets whether the user can interact with this view. True by default.
A root controller that contains other pages and allows the user to select the current page by clicking on the tab bar. Set this controller by assigning it to App.KeyController.
A single line text field. The keyboard appears automatically when a text field is focused. You need to call TextField.ResignFocus to hide the keyboard.
TextChanged (OldText As String, NewText As String) EnterPressed BeginEdit EndEdit Click LongClick
Calculates the keyboard top point relative to the current view.
Gets or sets the view's background color.
Gets or sets whether the field is enabled.
Gets or sets the text font.
Gets or sets the view's height.
Gets or sets the hint that appears when no text is set.
Initialize (EventNameAsString)
IsFocusedAsBoolean [read only]
Returns true if the view is focused.
Tests whether this object was initialized.
Gets or sets the keyboard appearance (one of the APPEARANCE constants).
Gets or sets the keyboard type (one of the TYPE constants).
Gets or sets the view's left position.
ParentAsView [read only]
Returns the views parent. The returned view can be uninitialized (if there is no parent).
Set to true to change the text field to password mode.
Removes the view from its parent (same as B4A View.RemoveView method).
Tries to set the focus on the current view. Returns True if the focus was set. Most views are not focusable. When a text view is focused the keyboard is shown.
Removes the focus from the current view. Removing the focus from a text view will hide the keyboard.
RETURN_DEFAULTAsInt [read only]
RETURN_DONEAsInt [read only]
RETURN_GOAsInt [read only]
RETURN_NEXTAsInt [read only]
RETURN_SEARCHAsInt [read only]
RETURN_SENDAsInt [read only]
Gets or sets the return key (one of the RETURN constants).
Selects all text.
Returns the text selection length. Use SetSelection method if you want to set the selection.
Gets or sets the selection start position.
Sends the view to the back.
SetAlphaAnimated (DurationMSAsInt, AlphaAsFloat)
Animates the view's alpha level. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Alpha - The new alpha level (0 - transparent, 1 - fully opaque).
Animates the view's background color. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. BackgroundColor - The new background color. Note that Labels do not support this type of animation.
Animates the view's layout. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Set to 0 to change the layout immediately. DampingRatio - If smaller than 1 then a spring effect will be applied to the animation. The minimum value should be 0.1. Set to 1 for no spring effect. Left, Top, Width and Height - The new layout.
Adds a parallax effect to the view. The view will slightly move when the device is tilted. Vertical - Vertical offset. Can be a positive or negative value. Horizontal - Horizontal offset. Can be a positive or negative value.
Adds a shadow to to the view. The border corners radius should be set to 0 when adding shadows. Colors - The shadow color. OffsetX, OffsetY - The horizontal and vertical offsets. Opacity - Sets the shadow opacity: 0 - transparent, 1 - opaque. StaticRect - (optimization parameter) Set this parameter to True if the view's size is constant.
Gets or sets whether the clear button is visible when the field is focused.
Resizes the view to make it fit its content.
SPELLCHECK_NOAsInt [read only]
SPELLCHECK_YESAsInt [read only]
STYLE_BEZELAsInt [read only]
STYLE_LINEAsInt [read only]
STYLE_NONEAsInt [read only]
Gets or sets the Tag object. This is a placeholder for any object you like to tie to this object.
Gets or sets the text.
Gets or sets the text alignment (one of the ALIGNMENT constants).
Gets or sets the text color.
Gets or sets the view's tint color. Some views use this color to change their appearance.
Gets or sets the view's top position.
TYPE_DECIMAL_PADAsInt [read only]
TYPE_DEFAULTAsInt [read only]
TYPE_NAME_PHONE_PADAsInt [read only]
TYPE_NUMBER_PADAsInt [read only]
TYPE_PHONE_PADAsInt [read only]
TYPE_URLAsInt [read only]
TYPE_WEB_SEARCHAsInt [read only]
Gets or sets whether the user can interact with this view. True by default.
A multiline, scrollable text field. The keyboard appears automatically when a text field is focused. You need to call TextView.ResignFocus to hide the keyboard.
TextChanged (OldText As String, NewText As String) BeginEdit EndEdit LinkClick (URL As String) Click LongClick
Calculates the keyboard top point relative to the current view.
Gets or sets the view's background color.
Gets or sets whether the field is editable.
Gets or sets the font.
Gets or sets the view's height.
Initialize (EventNameAsString)
IsFocusedAsBoolean [read only]
Returns true if the view is focused.
Tests whether this object was initialized.
Gets or sets the keyboard appearance (one of the APPEARANCE constants).
Gets or sets the keyboard type (one of the TYPE constants).
Gets or sets the view's left position.
ParentAsView [read only]
Returns the views parent. The returned view can be uninitialized (if there is no parent).
Set to true to change the text field to password mode.
Removes the view from its parent (same as B4A View.RemoveView method).
Tries to set the focus on the current view. Returns True if the focus was set. Most views are not focusable. When a text view is focused the keyboard is shown.
Removes the focus from the current view. Removing the focus from a text view will hide the keyboard.
RETURN_DEFAULTAsInt [read only]
RETURN_DONEAsInt [read only]
RETURN_GOAsInt [read only]
RETURN_NEXTAsInt [read only]
RETURN_SEARCHAsInt [read only]
RETURN_SENDAsInt [read only]
Gets or sets the return key (one of the RETURN constants).
ScrollTo (IndexAsInt)
Scrolls to the specified index.
Selects all text.
Returns the text selection length. Use SetSelection method if you want to set the selection.
Gets or sets the selection start position.
Sends the view to the back.
SetAlphaAnimated (DurationMSAsInt, AlphaAsFloat)
Animates the view's alpha level. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Alpha - The new alpha level (0 - transparent, 1 - fully opaque).
Animates the view's background color. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. BackgroundColor - The new background color. Note that Labels do not support this type of animation.
Animates the view's layout. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Set to 0 to change the layout immediately. DampingRatio - If smaller than 1 then a spring effect will be applied to the animation. The minimum value should be 0.1. Set to 1 for no spring effect. Left, Top, Width and Height - The new layout.
Adds a parallax effect to the view. The view will slightly move when the device is tilted. Vertical - Vertical offset. Can be a positive or negative value. Horizontal - Horizontal offset. Can be a positive or negative value.
Adds a shadow to to the view. The border corners radius should be set to 0 when adding shadows. Colors - The shadow color. OffsetX, OffsetY - The horizontal and vertical offsets. Opacity - Sets the shadow opacity: 0 - transparent, 1 - opaque. StaticRect - (optimization parameter) Set this parameter to True if the view's size is constant.
Resizes the view to make it fit its content.
SPELLCHECK_NOAsInt [read only]
SPELLCHECK_YESAsInt [read only]
Gets or sets the Tag object. This is a placeholder for any object you like to tie to this object.
Gets or sets the text.
Gets or sets the text alignment (one of the ALIGNMENT constants).
Gets or sets the text color.
Gets or sets the view's tint color. Some views use this color to change their appearance.
Gets or sets the view's top position.
TYPE_DECIMAL_PADAsInt [read only]
TYPE_DEFAULTAsInt [read only]
TYPE_NAME_PHONE_PADAsInt [read only]
TYPE_NUMBER_PADAsInt [read only]
TYPE_PHONE_PADAsInt [read only]
TYPE_URLAsInt [read only]
TYPE_WEB_SEARCHAsInt [read only]
Gets or sets whether the user can interact with this view. True by default.
A view with an embedded browser engine. WebView can show online Urls or local html strings. PageFinished event is raised after a page is loaded. OverrideUrl is called before a page is loaded. If you return True from this method then the Url will not be loaded.
PageFinished (Success As Boolean, Url As String) OverrideUrl (Url As String) As Boolean Click LongClick
Calculates the keyboard top point relative to the current view.
Returns true if the WebView can navigate to the previous page.
Returns true if the WebView can navigate forward.
Gets or sets the view's background color.
Navigates to the previous page.
Navigates to the next page in the stack of pages.
Gets or sets the view's height.
Initialize (EventNameAsString)
Initializes the WebView.
IsFocusedAsBoolean [read only]
Returns true if the view is focused.
Tests whether this object was initialized.
Gets or sets the view's left position.
LoadHtml (HtmlAsString)
Loads the given html code. The path is relative to the assets folder.
LoadUrl (UrlAsString)
Loads a url. Note that you cannot use this method to load files from the Assets folder. Example: WebView1.LoadUrl("")
ParentAsView [read only]
Returns the views parent. The returned view can be uninitialized (if there is no parent).
Releases internal resources. You should call this method before removing WebView from its parent.
Removes the view from its parent (same as B4A View.RemoveView method).
Tries to set the focus on the current view. Returns True if the focus was set. Most views are not focusable. When a text view is focused the keyboard is shown.
Removes the focus from the current view. Removing the focus from a text view will hide the keyboard.
If True then the webpage is scaled to fit and zooming is enabled. Default value is false.
Sends the view to the back.
SetAlphaAnimated (DurationMSAsInt, AlphaAsFloat)
Animates the view's alpha level. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Alpha - The new alpha level (0 - transparent, 1 - fully opaque).
Animates the view's background color. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. BackgroundColor - The new background color. Note that Labels do not support this type of animation.
Animates the view's layout. DurationMS - Animation duration measured in milliseconds. Set to 0 to change the layout immediately. DampingRatio - If smaller than 1 then a spring effect will be applied to the animation. The minimum value should be 0.1. Set to 1 for no spring effect. Left, Top, Width and Height - The new layout.
Adds a parallax effect to the view. The view will slightly move when the device is tilted. Vertical - Vertical offset. Can be a positive or negative value. Horizontal - Horizontal offset. Can be a positive or negative value.
Adds a shadow to to the view. The border corners radius should be set to 0 when adding shadows. Colors - The shadow color. OffsetX, OffsetY - The horizontal and vertical offsets. Opacity - Sets the shadow opacity: 0 - transparent, 1 - opaque. StaticRect - (optimization parameter) Set this parameter to True if the view's size is constant.
Resizes the view to make it fit its content.
Gets or sets the Tag object. This is a placeholder for any object you like to tie to this object.
Gets or sets the view's tint color. Some views use this color to change their appearance.
Gets or sets the view's top position.
Gets or sets whether the user can interact with this view. True by default.