Asynchronously draws a path. Returns a DrawTask that should be added to the list of drawing tasks. Note that you shouldn't modify the path while it is being drawn. You can use BCPath.Clone to create a copy.
Extracts the pixels from the SourceBitmap and copies them. Note that the source bitmap is first resized, if needed, to match the BitmapCreator dimensions.
Draws an arc and returns the created brush. X / Y - Center position. Radius - Arc radius. Color - Drawing color. Filled - Whether to fill the arc or not. StrokeWidth - Stroke width (for non-full shapes). StartingAngle - Measured in degrees, starting from hour 3. SweepAngle - Measured in degrees. Positive is clockwise.
Draws the image stored in the Source BitmapCreator to this BitmapCreator. Source - Source BitmapCreator SrcRect - Defines the region in the Source BC that will be copied. TargetX / TargetY - Top left point in the destination BC. SkipBlending - Whether non-opaque pixels in the source bitmap should blend with the background.
Asynchronously draws all the draw tasks. Note that no other drawings should be made until the BitmapReady event is raised. The 'bmp' parameter will not be initialized in B4J. Target must be a class instance. Example: bc1.DrawBitmapCreatorsAsync(Me, "BC", Tasks)
WaitForBC_BitmapReady (bmpAsB4XBitmap)
Draws a scaled and / or rotated BitmapCreator. Task.TargetX / TargetY define the target center. This is different than the behavior in other methods. Task.SkipBlending = True will treat all pixels with alpha > 0 as solid colors and other pixels as transparent.
Draws a BCPath. Don't confuse with B4XPath or Path. Non-full paths: Connection segments are drawn between each two lines. You can disable it by setting BCPath.DrawConnectionSegments to False. This will make the drawing twice as fast (in most cases it will be fast enough anyway).
Fills the rectangle with a gradient. Skips blending. GradColors - An array of two or more colors that define the gradient. Rect - The region that will be filled. Orientation - One of the following: TL_BR, TOP_BOTTOM, TR_BL, LEFT_RIGHT, RIGHT_LEFT, BL_TR, BOTTOM_TOP, BR_TL and RECTANGLE.
Similar to B4XView.SetBitmap. The difference is in B4A where the Gravity is set to FILL instead of CENTER. This is useful when you want to use a scaled down bitmap. In most cases you should use this method instead of B4XView.SetBitmap.